Can you backstab with Katanas, Wakazashis and Ninja-tos?

Can a thief or stalker backstab with Katanas, Wakazashis and Ninja-tos? I'm assuming they can (the Scarlet Ninja-to excepted until UAI, as only Monks can use that), as thieves can gain prioficiency in these weapons, but just wanted to confirm, as the Devs have hinted there will be some available (including magic ones) in BGEE...
So that's long swords, Bastard swords, daggers, short swords, katanas, wakazashis, ninjatos, and scimitars.
Yet you can slash a katana (so designed as when pulling the sword from the scabbard allows a cutting / killing upward stroke, thus ENDING a sword fight before its begun... Wiki it) into some ones back... Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
I feel that bad about it... I could make a feature request...
Oh in answer to the question. Yes. I am making my multi class thief use drizzt's scimitars... Duelled of course...
Axes are not usable by a vanilla thief so they can't be used to backstab.
Hang on, you can't bury a hatchet into a back... This is wrong... Have I said this? Very wrong...
the Level 1 NPCs mod even had a component to mass-modify backstab capabilities of the weapons in the same way.
I remeber in BG2 it was not possibile (I've tried to use the staff of mage with a thief/wizard and I couldn't backstab).
The same rule applies for the Scarlet Ninja-to for example, and I believe (in an incorrect adherence to the rule) Valygar's Corthola blade.
Realistically, if you can get behind somebody, you can mess their shizz up. But if we're talking about realism, there's a lot about the "hide in shadows" game mechanic that is kind of silly, and whether or not you're hidden should be irrelevant to a successful backstab. Do you have access to the person's back? Do you have a weapon? Congratulations. BACKSTAB!
As for katanas, OF COURSE you can backstab with a katana. Or have you forgotten...
If it had happened in the Infinity Engine, she would have been insta-chunked.