Modmerge not working? (Arcane Archer mod)

Greetings, I have installed long ago both "Modmerge" and the Arcane Archer mod. Initially it worked just fine, but then something weird happened with the game files and the class' name was messed up. Currently, everytime I uninstall and then install the Arcane Archer mod, the class displays itself as "placeholder, story ring". I tried running the modmerge file again, and it says that the archive is already working.
Can anybody help me, please? I have BGEE, SOD and SOA/TOB from Steam, and I understood the modmerge would solve the SoD modding issue. Thanks in advance.
Can anybody help me, please? I have BGEE, SOD and SOA/TOB from Steam, and I understood the modmerge would solve the SoD modding issue. Thanks in advance.