EEKeeper crashes when loading a save

I'm trying to edit my half-elf cleric/ranger to a cleric/stalker and decided to give EEKeeper a shot. I set the directories for the game and everything and it shows my save, but when I try to load it, it immediately crashes. Any idea what could cause this? Thanks.
It sees the save file, but when I try to open it, it goes straight to crash
C:\Games\Baldurs Gate - Enhanced Edition\
just to make sure it doesn't have the 'in your installed game (ie: C:\Games\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\).
Other possibilities:
What Operating System are you running? If Windows 10, the where abouts is EEKeeper installed (for you original). Try copying the EEKeeper folder to C:\Games\EEKeeper. It could be a restriction within the OS. Also another you could try is to run in compatibility mode for Windows 8.1 or Windows 7. It shouldn't need it though.
Good Luck
I don't know if it matters, but I have it in the same folder as BGEE (like you're supposed to w/ Shadowkeeper).
I have windows 8. I tried running in Win7 compatibility as well. No luck.
Any other ideas?
For other ideas, are you running any mods? If so (just for a test mind you), rename override folder to override.old and try to start EEKeeper. If it crashes, then it could be one of the mods that is the problem. Don't forget to rename the override folder back again.
Are you running SoD?
Before I continue, though, is it even possible to EEKeep a cleric/wild mage multi? That's what I'm trying to do with SK in my GoG Classic installation, but I'm finding that it's not doing the variable caster level thing. I'm not sure what else it's implementing, but I remember trying something similar years ago, but I couldn't pull it off due to how wild mages are coded in the system
If that doesn't work, then it has nothing to do with BGEE. Perhaps EEKeeper is being prevented to run by Windows 8. Try turning off your anti virus engine for a test. Do you get an error at all? If so, what does it read?
I don't get a specific error, just a pop up saying that the program has stopped working and then it forces me to close.
Maybe I should just stick with Tutu. Just glad I could tinker with a friend's game before dropping the $60 myself.