How to fix the ranger stronghold quest? Ogron attack bugged.

Delon never showed up, and I lost the stronghold. Im trying to fix it via modifying the global far I have managed to set RANGERPROTECTOR to 2, increase the OGRONASSAULT timer and change OGRONATTACK to 1. This starts the quest, but Madulf is not in the cave so i cant rescue him.
What global variable do I need to modify to get Madul to appear?
What global variable do I need to modify to get Madul to appear?
Load a previous save and delete the one(s) where you lost the stronghold. Do you first quest then talk to the mayor to collect. After that, DO NOT leave Humar Hills.
It takes about four days for Delon to show up. Just rest, or do whatever. Delon will eventually show up with the right quest.
If you leave for another area, Delon will either not find you or find you but give you the wrong quest (i.e. the one he initially gave you in the Government District), both cases resulting in the loss of the stronghold.
RR -
Kid never showed up, and my saves don't go back that far. Any other suggestions?
First, Mairyn's dialogue at the end of the previous segment of the stronghold quest sets the "OgronAssault" timer. Four days.
When the OgronAssault timer is up (and you're in an outdoor area), the global script BALDUR.BCS spawns Delon slightly outside visual range and sets the OgronAttack variable to 1. The block that spawns him has a small wait in the middle of it, which means it's prone to getting interrupted at this point and breaking like a lot of messenger spawns. If it happens, the variable gets set but Delon doesn't appear at all, and there are no further chances to spawn him.
If Delon does spawn successfully, he immediately heads over to talk to player 1. At this point, his dialogue sets the "OgronAssault" timer to three days, now serving as the time limit on completing the quest.
Delon's script also despawns him if you've talked to him in the Government District and neither "OgronAttack" nor "UmarPlot" is 1.
In the Umar Hills, the area script handles the actual attack. If "OgronAttack" is 1 and the "OgronAssault" timer is running, spawn in the ogrons.
It also handles the "took too long" failure condition. If "OgronAttack" is 1, the "OgronAssault" timer is expired, and the ogrons haven't all been killed, set "OgronAttack" to 5 and remove Ranger-Protector status.
And now I see where the worst bugs come in. If you trigger Delon's spawn in the Umar Hills, the "OgronAssault" timer is currently expired. "OgronAttack" gets set to 1, the area script sees these, and it interprets the result as "time ran out, quest failed" even though the ogrons haven't even spawned in yet. That sets "OgronAttack" to 5, despawning Delon before he even gets the chance to come over and talk to you.
Let me repeat that. If you are in the Umar Hills when you run out the timer to start the ogron event in the ranger stronghold, you will immediately fail the stronghold. No appearance by Delon, no ogrons, no three-day waiting period, just an immediate eviction.