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Genie lamp bug

On the first dungeon in the air elemental plane. Clicking on the circle to interact with the genie lamp resulted in the circle disappearing but the genie doesn't appear. I played this game number of time but first time in this version and this is the first time it happened.


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    edited August 2018
    Do you have a save before that happens? Please zip and attach to a new ticket at for investigation.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @AYLeung Oh man! You won the bug lottery! I've experienced this bug myself once, and seen it one other time in my years playing this game since the original came out over a decade ago. That genie DID spawn, but not in the dungeon. The one other person I've seen get this bug found him in the Underdark.

    Now this bug is kinda known, but obscenely rare. And I've seen it be able to be replicated, which is why it has persisted for so long. In my expericene, the bugs happens every time on the save file it was encountered on no matter how many times you re-load. (To my knowledge, it won't replicate if you send your save to someone else. No one really knows what causes it). You will either need to wait until you randomly stumble on the genie, who could have spawned ANYWHERE in the game. Or you can start a new game and re-do the start of the dungeon.
  • AYLeungAYLeung Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for the quick reply and explanation of the bug! I opted for restarting the game as it was fairly early in the game and the bug wasn't there on 2nd run with the character!
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