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Fighter build suggestions....?

I was wondering if anyone had suggestions as to a character build for a single class fighter...? What builds have you played in the past that were successful and fun to play?


  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    One of the best feats to have as a fighter is Knockdown and Improved Knockdown. It will be useful against a wide variety of enemies but especially for keeping casters occupied. I would recommend putting points into Tumble. It will prevent the odd attack of opportunity and give you an AC bump. Keep a blunt weapon and a bladed one with you, it will make life easier.

    If have DEX and INT at 13, you can transfer into the Weapon Master class, greatly increasing your damage output.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    ah fighter builds, built many, destroyed the game many times, i have 2 favs, both work wonders, and both will destroy baddies especially when it comes to the HotU expansion

    first one:

    monk 1 ( or 2 for the lulz )
    fighter 4+
    weapon master 7

    i like starting off with monk for several reasons:
    - the saves are amazing especially if you choose luck of heros
    - you get cleave for free regardless of STR, absolutely wicked
    - i believe you also get evasion at level 1, also awesome as hell
    - you can wear monk items with no need for use magic device skill ( and some of them are pretty good )

    now sometimes i add a second level to the monk class because it gives a +1 to all saves, +1 to hit, and deflect missiles ( which really doesn't matter, but hey, you never know )

    so first things first, you need to be a human with scores around:

    STR 14+
    DEX 13+
    CON 12+
    INT 13+
    WIS who cares
    CHA who cares

    the DEX and INT are mandatory to be at least 13 because you need them for feats

    one thing i will do though, is try and make that STR as high as possible, 1. for carrying loot, and 2. fighters need STR clear and simple

    so with that, we start off as a monk, the feats i choose at level 1:
    luck of heros
    strong soul ( the one that gives + 1 to will/fortitude saves and death magic or something like that )

    skill choices, realistically there are 2 skills that you MUST have, and then others are optional first 2 being:

    spell craft

    for intimidate you only ever need 4 ranks in the skill, this is just strictly so you can multiclass into a weapon master

    for every 5 ranks in tumble you get +1 stackable AC bonus the blocks against anything, this is absolutely solid

    for every 5 ranks in spell craft you get a +1 to saving throws against spells and magical effects, this is just a no brainer why this is needed

    and then some other skills that can be very usefull


    discipline almost being mandatory as well, this is the skill you are going to use to resist against knock downs and trips and all that jazz, especially at lower levels this is a must

    lore is just convenient but not 100 % necessary, this will just make it so you won't be spending 1000s and 1000s of gold trying to identify ALL those items you are going to find

    diplomacy is good because you can ask for more gold for quests, ask for more items, and pursuade npcs to give you more anything in general, pretty solid skill to have

    and if you have space some other skills that can be helpful but not needed


    having skill in heal can be good because it stacks with those healing kits, so when it comes time to remove poisons/diseases you can do it much easier, plus it will give you a better chance of healing more HP when using said kit, although personally i never put points into this skill

    appraise can be handy to make things at stores cheaper and you get a better price for selling items, not in reality you will get TONNES of gold ( seriously, there is no way 100 or thousands of gold doesnt weigh that much ) but especially in HoTU when it comes to upgrading your weapons to max, and buying the "original names" or whatever of everyone, that gets very costly, so its up to you what you want to do

    *Also note:
    you do not need to spend every skill point on level ups/being first level, so for example if some classes require 2 skill points to make something go up by 1, but another one of your classes would only require the one point to make it go up by one, then wait for that class before you start putting points into that skill so then you don't waste skill points

    so with that being said, here we are as monk at level 1 with no doubt garbage AC but AMAZING saves ( this is just useful for the game period helping you get a boost against your enemies, dont want to be level 20 and only have a will save of +10 or something weak like that )

    luckily even with this garbage you will be able to make it to the end where the game mandatorily will put you to level 3

    with those next 2 levels, you are going to dump them into fighter, at level 2 you are going to choose exotic weapon proficiency and level 3 you are going to choose weapon focus scythe and one of the feats down below

    as you can see, sythe is the name of the game, being the most damaging weapon in the game, you are going to see critical hits well over 100 damage just in the OC, nevermind HotU

    so with that being said, start fitting up your fighter will full plate and keep boosting that STR at all level ups
    and when it comes time for feats you need to start grabbing:

    spring attack
    combat expertise

    and then as soon as you pick up whirlwind you can start taking weapon master levels ( so for example lets say you are level 9 when you pick up whirlwind, for level 10 you can choose weapon master now ) and once you hit weapon master, keep cranking those levels until you hit level 7 ( there is never any reason to go pass level 7 in weapon master ) once you hit level 7 in weapon master you can go back to your fighter levels and keep progressing in that taking feats such as

    weapon specialization
    improved critical scythe ( which DOES stack with the ki critical, wowzers )
    power attack

    now, with this being said, in theory if you dont take luck of heros and strong soul, and just start building up your weapon master feats you can hit weapon master around level 5 or so, if you want to get that out of the way

    in my opinion, i still like taking those saving throw feats at level 1 because they are just so handy, although sometimes at level 3 i will take power attack with my weapon focus scythe ( especially if im going solo, because a power attacking scythe will break open any locked chest on a critical )

    just one thing to remember, the end goal is to get those 7 levels of weapon master, and i dont know how well you know NWN but i can hit around level 17 almost 18 in the OC, but the first time i beat the game i only hit level 15, so there is also that to consider as well

    and as i said before, if you want you can grab a second level of monk ( perhaps at level 20 ) just for a little saving throw boost before you hit epic levels where your class no longer determines your saves or attack rolls

    *Do note, that you will have to maintain a lawful alignment through out your adventure because of your monk class, its not to hard and you dont really miss out on anything it you wanted to be "chaotic" for example, plus i think you have to be lawful to be a weapon master but im not 100 % sure, so just make sure to stay lawful my friend

    now, with this all being said, here is option 2, especially good if you want to go the more weapon and board style, preferably the warhammer ( which trust me, is the weapon to choose )

    so stat wise:
    STR 18+
    DEX 12
    CON 12
    INT anything goes
    WIS 12 ( for a nice little save bonus )
    CHA anything goes

    so this one is for pure power, if you want you can put some extra points into CON for extra HP, but its really up to you, 12 DEX is pretty solid because you will be wearing full plate mail, and the feats that require more DEX, meh, you will be picking better

    also skill wise, since you will have a plethora of skills, you will want to choose: tumble, spell craft, lore, diplomacy, appraise, ( maybe heal if you want) and save 4 skill points for discipline when you grab a warrior level

    and if you want ( especially if you are going solo you can even put some skills into find traps and pick locks ) but do remember that eventually your critical hits will eventually be able to break through any chest or door, so there is that to look forward to ( or if you are going to choose tomi as your henchmen then you dont need to worry about those skills at all )

    also, you are going to have to be chaotic for this run ( being chaotic is very easy to do, especially in SoU )

    now depending on what race you choose ( i personally choose half-orc for this one ) is what is going to determine what you future levels ups are going to look like,

    half-orc for example

    rogue 3
    fighter 4
    barbarian: the rest

    but if you are human:

    rogue 2
    barbarian 1
    fighter: the rest
    ( or if you want you can even do the half-orc level up way, doesnt really matter )

    now as you can see, the half-orc level up system looks a little goofy with that rogue 3, and thats because to avoid an XP penalty you will have to keep your fighter and rogue levels close so you can hit fighter level 4 and get weapon specialization

    so when growing up levels its going to looks like this for the half-orc:

    1: rouge 1
    2: rouge 1, fighter 1
    3: rouge 1, fighter 1, barbarian 1
    4: rouge 2, fighter 1, barbarian 1
    5: rouge 2, fighter 2, barbarian 1
    6: rogue 3, fighter 2, barbarian 1
    7: rogue 3, fighter 3, barbarian 1
    8: rogue 3, fighter 4, barbarian 1
    9+: the rest can go into barbarian

    now the whole point of this build is basically for 2 things:
    evasion ( from the rogue class which comes at level 2 )
    barbaric rage ( which gives a nifty +4 STR/CON bonus and will bonus for an amount of rounds equal to your new CON modifier +3 rounds, its actually a pretty solid ability )

    now extra icing on the cake is you will also get sneak attack as well ( HAW! ) especially if you go the half-orc route you will deal an extra 2d6 damage with your warhammer, absolutely solid

    when it comes to feat selection, i still like taking luck of heros and strong soul ( if you are human ) just because at lower levels ( and even mid levels ) some spells will just break you

    after that, when you gain feats, try and not waste fighter feats on the general feat levels ups ( aka growing up to level 3,6,9,12 ect ) instead try and get weapon focus warhammer, power attack ( or cleave/ great cleave) and then weapon specialization with your fighter bonus feats instead

    and then for other feats you will want to pick up the "cleave" family

    power attack
    great cleave

    and then when the time comes you will pick up improved critical warhammer once your BAB hits +8

    and then after all that i will take the iron will and great reflexes feat, just to help give those no doubt weaker saves a bit of a boost

    and then yeah, luck out and get the hammer of thunderbolts ( i was super lucky and got one of those hammers in the OC and another one in SoU, too bad i didn't make a dual weapon build...... )

    but in all seriousness, the hammer of thunderbolts is the main goal here ( unfortunately its is a random weapon so you can't just got to location X and pick it up ) i found mine right after the battle with magrim? whatever the discount jon irenicus guy's name is, i found the hammer in that room after i battled that guy

    ( the second one i found was in the manticore lair in SoU, but i was also a super high level when i was there, around level 19 or so )

    so in conclusion if you want to build the ultimate 2 hander warrior, go with build 1
    if you want to build a weapon and board sort of dude go with build 2

    i've done both, and rocked the game solo on the highest difficulty with these builds :)
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