Challenge accepted?

who's gonna wait all night for the release, I know I am! 
and then I'll be sleep deprived for the next day.
Here's a challenge for all you players, to make the Baldur's gate experience a new and exciting one.
Rule 1: You can never quick load (load) to save an npc that has died.
Rule 2: You can not bring them back either.
Rule 3: All equipment attached to them is lost... forever.
Rule 4: All gold goes to the homeless, meaning you can not use gold to buy items and only use it for inns >:3 (optional)
Rule 5: Take the stats you are given in your first role, no changing the stats (period).
Rule 6: Come on guys help me out here, i need more ideas

and then I'll be sleep deprived for the next day.
Here's a challenge for all you players, to make the Baldur's gate experience a new and exciting one.
Rule 1: You can never quick load (load) to save an npc that has died.
Rule 2: You can not bring them back either.
Rule 3: All equipment attached to them is lost... forever.
Rule 4: All gold goes to the homeless, meaning you can not use gold to buy items and only use it for inns >:3 (optional)
Rule 5: Take the stats you are given in your first role, no changing the stats (period).
Rule 6: Come on guys help me out here, i need more ideas
Post edited by flame867 on
1pm MDT release, so depending where you are at on the globe, I suggest getting some sleep first.
Only rule: No resting. Ever.
Have fun.
Personally me I'll be sleeping tonight lol. Not sure why I would stay up in my position. Maybe if you were in the Middle East it might make some sense to.
Is it hardcore If I play naked? O.o
"I put on my robe and wizard hat..."
Make your CHARNAME minimum in all areas for the given class. Have a nice time :P
Rule 5: take the character stats you get, "no" changing or altering.
play as a beastmaster, kill innocents and play as a fallen beastmaster!
keep a low rep and elliminate the flamming fist!
Play as a true non magical group: wizard slayer PC, kill evry single f****** spellcaster, no magic items, so dont pick them up
Don't loot bodies (they might have sickness on them :O ) so only pick items in chests and stuff
Dont take any loot! (good luck with that)
i dont play by those, but i might try one of them one day (the no body loots seems fun to me)
and some of those could be nice challenges.