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List of BGEE reviews — Averaged rating [79%] — Update [21]



  • kangaxxkangaxx Member Posts: 681
    edited December 2012
    Update [12]

    [G2] Erstaunlich wenig gealterter Klassiker — on (11/21/2012)
  • kangaxxkangaxx Member Posts: 681
    Update [13] to [20] added.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited December 2012
    Gamespot review 6.0/10

    I think most of his complaints are fair, but some things like stability or performance issues he makes into a big deal. I know some people here have had problems but many more (including myself) have not had any problems that he mentioned.

    Keep in mind that this reviewer has gone under a lot of heat in the past for his poor and overly aggressive reviews. Metacritic and the Gamespot fan review scores kinda show this.
    Post edited by bigdogchris on
  • smitelfsmitelf Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2012
    So far I concur with the Gamespot review. The new cinematics are insulting, I doubt I would bother installing the new content if it were a freely available mod, and it's buggier than GOG + mods. If I had to recommend either modded GOG or BG:EE to a newcomer, I would recommend GOG unless the person had no patience or computer skills.

    But I'm glad the EE exists because it has reinvigorated the BG community. And I've bought Baldur's Gate enough times that shelling out once more doesn't bother me, despite the questionable dollar value. And I am hopeful that it will improve with age like the original did.
  • ZanianZanian Member Posts: 332
    A sort of review by the popular machinima on YouTube. No rating, but positive ^^
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    It bothers me that the metacritic rating of BGEE is actually the same as BG:DA on gamecube... lol. Getting way too caught up on reviews for this game for some reason. As much as I agree that alot of people would prefer original BG with mods over BGEE at this moment, some reviewers seem to be missing the point of BGEE. I really, really dont want this game to fail.
  • LMTR14LMTR14 Member Posts: 172
    German: (82/100) - 3.25 (with 1 being the best)

    summary: 2 out of 3 German gaming magazines bash BGEE, mainly for the bugs, lack of additional content and outdated graphics while GameStar (who already loved the game back in the day) give it a very impressive 82/100 and are also the only of the 3 magazines mentioning that the game will be further improved with patches and dlc.
  • Karnage316Karnage316 Member Posts: 2 (77/100)

    Saw this in my magazine a few days ago but now it's up on their website. This is PC Gamer UK's review, mentions that it's still the same great game but the reviewer seems conflicted on recommending this over the modded original games. Worth a read though.
  • WendschlagWendschlag Member Posts: 33
    PC gamer is ran by kids, and their editors are poor writers, so its no loss. No doubt that it shows in their magazine, because they are so loyal to developers that only care about consoles, and that magazine panders to that nonsense. They spam you with subscription mails asking for you to renew after you just did. They are desperate, and their posts are vile with trolls, and spammers.
  • Karnage316Karnage316 Member Posts: 2

    PC gamer is ran by kids, and their editors are poor writers, so its no loss. No doubt that it shows in their magazine, because they are so loyal to developers that only care about consoles, and that magazine panders to that nonsense. They spam you with subscription mails asking for you to renew after you just did. They are desperate, and their posts are vile with trolls, and spammers.

    Maybe the US one, but I can't say I've ever had that problem with the UK edition. Different editing staff completely.

  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @Wendschlag: Same here as @Karnage316. I got the Dutch version. It was always a good read. I have no idea where your accusations are coming from. As for the mails, just categorize them as spam so that they won't bother you anymore.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @Wendschlag: Same here as @Karnage316. I got the Dutch version. It was always a good read. I have no idea where your accusations are coming from. As for the mails, just categorize them as spam so they won't bother you anymore.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @Wendschlag: Same here as @Karnage316. I got the Dutch version. It was always a good read. I have no idea where your accusations are coming from. As for the mails, just categorize them as spam so they won't bother you anymore.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    Double post because of my retarded phone. Sorry folks, can't edit it right now. :/
  • AntonAnton Member, Moderator, Mobile Tester Posts: 513
    @kangaxx update needed ;)
  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    edited January 2013
    Edit: Deleted. Wrong thread.
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