
Not really a complaint thread, but I love that in pretty much every D&D game, these things are the purest embodiment of RNG.
If you walk up to a beholder in NWN, and you don't kill in the fist round, then the fun begins. This thing will slap you with 3-5 ray attacks, which are random. Two of them are insta-death (Death Ray and Petrification Ray). It's entirely possible to bring a Beholder down to 2 HP in a single turn, only to get slapped with 5 Save or Dies. Even if you can only fail on a 1, that's still 5 5% chances to get instantly gibbed. While you can ward away insta-death, there's absolutely nothing to be done about Petrification, meaning that even the highest level character is at risk of getting turned to stone by the lowest level beholder. It's great fun.
If you walk up to a beholder in NWN, and you don't kill in the fist round, then the fun begins. This thing will slap you with 3-5 ray attacks, which are random. Two of them are insta-death (Death Ray and Petrification Ray). It's entirely possible to bring a Beholder down to 2 HP in a single turn, only to get slapped with 5 Save or Dies. Even if you can only fail on a 1, that's still 5 5% chances to get instantly gibbed. While you can ward away insta-death, there's absolutely nothing to be done about Petrification, meaning that even the highest level character is at risk of getting turned to stone by the lowest level beholder. It's great fun.
Insta death is not a problem if you have party members who can rez you. But a lot of the problems come from the fact that your character just cannot die or ita game over
So if every player will save scum every time he fails the roll to avoid death
That's a good trick if you can pull it off! Hint, you can only save while your PC is alive... Anyway complaining when somebody doesn't play a single player game in the same manner as you do is an exercise in futility. Instead of complaining rejoice that you have the skill to make your PC survive where others lose the battle. Otherwise you run the risk of beginning to sound somewhat like the late Kenny Everett's comedy character "Angry of Mayfair"