He Heeee. I actually imported my old character from the original BG1 and, to my amazement, so far it works just fine with only a few irrelevant hiccups. The only issues I found so far are that the biography is somewhat messed up (I don't really care about that) and, more importantly, if I start the game with him the wrong way he still has proficiency points in "large sword". I can see where that may be problematic considering that in EE "large sword" has been broken up into BG2 style categories. I found out though that this issue can be averted quite simply by selecting the "create new character" option when starting up a new game and then selecting the "import" option rather than selecting your character directly. This will allow you to re-allocate all the "skills" so that the character should be compatible. The character file that I imported this way was freshly rolled however so I'm not sure what would happen if items or levels were involved. Still I think it's awesome that this can be done.