Stupid question: isn't it possible to automatically 'pad' to, say, constant 200 rows/kits by dummy, hidden copies, regardless of modded game? Isn't vanilla BGG kitlist a prefix of SoD and athat a prefix of SoA? In that case appending non-PC kits from NPC mods, followed by padding, and installing kit mods with thus aligned kit lists, should have the same effect without any manual verification and processing all games beforehand, should it not?
I made your mod slightly more user friendly for my purpose. Now it offers an interactive option and a default one, which uses your ini file. I changed it however to specify the target number of kits as discussed here.
In the interactive option it prints the number of kits currently installed and instructs the user to enter the highest number between the games.
Your num_kits.ini now should contain OUTER_SET kit_reserve = 75
In the interactive option it prints the number of kits currently installed and instructs the user to enter the highest number between the games.
Your num_kits.ini now should contain OUTER_SET kit_reserve = 75
(naturally, if you choose to use this patch)