
Where is that utility nowadays?
Not sure it would be helpful without setting the game in windowed mode which I can't seem to achieve, but just wondering whether that tool still exist.
Not sure it would be helpful without setting the game in windowed mode which I can't seem to achieve, but just wondering whether that tool still exist.
// after this command is executed!
// In order to compile the script for debugging go to Tools->Options->Script Editor
// and check the box labeled "Generate Debug Information When Compiling Scripts"
// After you have checked the above box, recompile the script that you want to debug.
// If the script file isn't compiled for debugging, this command will do nothing.
// Remove any SpawnScriptDebugger() calls once you have finished
// debugging the script.
void SpawnScriptDebugger()
But all of this requires the DebugServer exe to run in the background, exe which was released into the Utils folder of the installation at least up to 1.69
Now gone AWOL
Edit: already searched to find a download to no avail.
Okay, should be the file to be found
I launch the DebugServer, listen on port 5121, start a windows NWN server on port 5121, toggle the debug options in the script editor, recompile the scripts, connect to the server in windowed mode and nothing happens besides some noticeable lag when the script stumbles across SpawnScriptDebugger()
There must be valid reasons why they removed this utility, so I'll keep debugging the old way with traces.
Was worth a shot though.
I made sure the debugger was listening on port 5122 and my NWNplayer.ini shows I launched the DebugServer manually (nothing will happen if you don't) and suddenly it worked.
Good you had me back hammering at it, nifty tool which should be standard (and documented !).
Shame I haven't spotted this earlier, but great that you got it working!
Anyone was able to setup this correctly?