GOG folder usage

Can the devs confirm that the folders used by EE for both official game files and user documents are identical, whether EE is purchased from GOG or direct from Beamdog?
As we know, Steam is different - just wondering whether there are any new nuances with GOG, so we give the right answers when answering player queries.
As we know, Steam is different - just wondering whether there are any new nuances with GOG, so we give the right answers when answering player queries.
Default install directories will be different based on platform - GOG will install to Program Files/GOG Galaxy/Games, while the Beamdog Client by default installs to the Beamdog Library Folder in the Users directory. Those can be changed in settings. The actual download is identical on all platforms (which is why you are now seeing a galaxy.dll even if you download from Steam).
If you’re talking about downloaded mod content, Steam does install Workshop content to a special folder, but GOG and BDC don’t have workshops per se, and instead rely on the old fashioned way of installing to the override folder.
The difference in install folders is clear.
Unless anyone knows better, I'll assume that the user content for both Beamdog and GOG versions goes in Documents/Neverwinter Nights (override is just one folder,, there are also saved games, modules etc).