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Please share your favorite Player-Character builds (compiling them)

LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
In an epic bardic quest, I wish to catalog some really outstanding PC builds for BG1(EE). I'm looking for the cream-of-the-crop Player-Character builds you have enjoyed over the years. (Note: If kits are new for you in BG1 (i.e., you haven't played Tutu or BGT) you'll be finding a lot of fun new options for your PC with BG:EE.)

Remember, we're talking level 1 characters. If the character is intended for the entire saga, and you can certainly elaborate on that.

If it's not too much trouble, please post the character's
  • name
  • class
  • alignment
  • ability scores
  • starting (level 1) profs/skills
  • custom portrait* (or note a preferred stock portrait)
  • suggested soundset
  • and share what made the character so satisfying

Mind you, these do not have to be uber characters, although I expect that the majority of them will be. Both because it's fun, and because of who CHARNAME is.

But the character builds can also be noteworthy because they were somewhat creative or offbeat, or offered a lot of RP value, etc.

Some of the choicest material you post here will also be featured at BG: the Wide. Thanks!

* To post a picture: host it at a site like Flickr, Photobucket, etc., then paste the link into this code: < img src="full link to your image" > (without the spaces)
Post edited by Lemernis on


  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    edited November 2012
    One of my epic characters was :

    ENTORIS, Human, True Neutral, TOTEMIC DRUID.

    Str 13
    Dex 17
    Con 15
    Int 13
    Wis 18
    Cha 15

    (on top of which, he read all BG1's tomes...)

    * staff, * slings

    Led a party of 4 [Entoris, Faldorn, Safana & Xan] that succeeded in a No-Relad run of BG1+TotSC (tutu).

    Ended up petrified by a Beholder in BG2; party then was [Entoris, Cernd, Yoshimo & Aerie].

    Apart from amazing stats and an exciting party build-up concept (2D, 1T, 1M), what really made him epic were his druidic summons / and it made things even better with Faldorn/Cernd around. I really thought at some point I had created an invincible demi-god... and all it took was a sneaky petrification that caught me completely off-guard in the Unseeing Eye quest tunnels.

    Post edited by Ignatius on
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    -Name; Shaalk
    -Class; Thief
    -Alignment; Chaotic Neutral
    -Ability scores; 18str/19dex/17con/16int/14wis/18cha
    -Starting (level 1) profs/skills; shortsword+buckler
    -Custom portrait* (or note a preferred stock portrait); the Kivan's portrait
    -Suggested soundset; I can't remember, something 'young and serious'
    -And share what made the character so satisfying;

    A lot of epics backstabs, a lot of fireballs flying over his shoulder while scouting, a solo slaughter of hundreds of kobolts in firewine ruins, a sirens exterminator on the sword coast and more that 90% of the party kill in each playground of baldur's gate1.

    I was nice but think that I will try something else this time for my first adventure.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    Karmane :)
    Human - First portrait

    Best ability roll I ever got, despite the poor str mod. No-reload run, dualed at 13 to druid and died shortly thereafter. Such wasted potential.
  • DarsidianDarsidian Member Posts: 10
    Anyone care to post a build for a Cavalier with like 88-90 points to spend?
  • BadmassBadmass Member Posts: 36
    Name: Badmass
    Class: Berserker (level 5) dual classed to Thief
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Ability Scores:
    Level one skills: **** Longsword

    He was a lot of fun due to being able to go toe to toe with damn near anything and being able to run around and backstab with all the extra fighter thac0. That and being able to wear Drizzt's mithril chain and still being able to hide in shadows was nice :)
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    Another epic character, enters:

    OBLITH, Half-Elf, Neutral Good, CLERIC.

    Str 15
    Dex 18
    Con 16
    Int 12
    Wis 18
    Cha 11

    * blunt weapons, * missile weapons

    A lonesome character who went through the whole of BG1 (vanilla) entirely solo. He reached the final battle without any single re-load. It then took me 3 attempts to finally prevail in the fight vs Sarevok and win the game. He would typically use armor/shield/helmet/mace/sling.

    Still solo, I fell early on in BG2 insta-killed by that nasty trap in the slavers' compound, and did not pursue any further.

    Oblith was a survivor. His best friends were Sanctuary, the Green Stone Amulet and the Necklace of Missiles. He managed to escape countless desperate situations. I remember he managed splendidly the Iron Throne top floor battle, dwarfing the opposition on his own without taking a hit - and also, the coronation battle which is always a tough one.

  • crawlkillcrawlkill Member Posts: 71
    Once we get a Shadowkeeper-style utility that works with the EE, I'll pry do a dual-classed kensai/rogue half-elf exploiting Use Any Item at high levels to void the silly silly kensai kit penalty. Tempted to do the high-level kensai/dual to rogue thing, but that only really works in BG2 playing solo so your Bhaalspawn sucks down all the XP rewards, which is neither fun to play nor, y'know, available to us at the moment.
  • DeadstarDeadstar Member Posts: 20

    Best ability roll I ever got, despite the poor str mod. No-reload run, dualed at 13 to druid and died shortly thereafter. Such wasted potential.

    How did you dual at 13? Thief is the highest class level possible capping out at 10.

  • KortokKortok Member Posts: 165
    Lawful Good


    Flails ** (thanks to the new flail +2 otherwise would have gone hammers)
    Two Weapon Fighting ***
  • phoenixclphoenixcl Member Posts: 31
    This is my first dedicated run

    Curtana (points to those who know the name)- Lawful Neutral Human Female Priestess of Helm, fair skin, blonde hair, green eyes, originally used the blonde female's portrait, then downloaded the blonde paladin from Neverwinter Nights as a portrait

    Strength- 18
    Dexterity- 10
    Constitution- 18
    Intelligence- 8
    Wisdom- 18
    Charisma- 14

    Current party
    Ajantis- her comrade in arms and fellow in Helm
    Kivan- token badass champion for good
    Rassad- another defender of the weak
    Coran- damage dealer/primary thief
    Imoen- secondary thief/mage/annoyance

  • phoenixclphoenixcl Member Posts: 31
    Also, uses warhammer/flail and medium shield, sword and shield style, often uses spiritual hammer and other summoned bound weapons
  • Jared4242Jared4242 Member Posts: 130
    Sigil Craulnober
    Chaotic Good

    Str: 18/75
    Dex: 19
    Con: 17
    Wis: 14
    Int: 14
    Cha: 18

    Scimitars: **
    Longbows: **
    Dual Wielding: **
    (The fellow in bronze armor from EE portraits)
    Soundset 5 for male (The English one :P)

    I almost never roll for "uber stats" but on my first roll I got this epic roll. Going to have a fun time playing him in a No-reloads game ^.^
  • alannahsmithalannahsmith Member Posts: 143
    Neutral Good

    Priest of Lathander

    Str: 19
    Dex: 18
    Con: 19
    Wis: 18
    Int: 1
    Cha: 6


    Dumb as soup, but went toe to toe with Baeloth until Ghlouralk flesh to stoned him :(
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    edited December 2012
    Southpaw, Lawful Evil Human Monk

    Str 18
    Dex 18
    Con 17
    Int 10
    Wis 12
    Cha 15

    Scimitar*, Single weapon style*, (followed with Dart* and Dagger* later, got all the BG1 stats books)
    Eldoth's portrait.

    A quite free-minded fella, who led his ragtag group of misfits thru Sword Coast. Where his feet took him, no beast was left alive, no rock unturned, no chest closed and no talking chicken eaten by wolves. Landfolk used to say he could stun you with his good looks. Or his fists. Some of his best known exploits were drowning the Candlekeep mines, sticking Kyle's dagger into Kyle's ass and pinching Drizzt's precious scimitar. (Even though some say that it was his sister.) After being framed for killing high-standing members of the society, he went underground and managed to defeat his half-brother.
    As hard, as it was to survive the first levels...err...years of life as a monk, harder times seemed to be waiting for him. Tales about him started spinning again in Amnish city Athkathla.
    It is said that he became so powerful, that he killed the mighty shadow dragon with one punch and with his beloved drow (whom he rescued two times) and couple of other friends, Southpaw managed to send the rampaging mage Jon Irenicus fleeing. A divine disaster destroyed the whole universe in a tragic Hard Disk Drive failure, thus abruptly stopping his story and we may never know what could have happened.
  • SeveronSeveron Member Posts: 214
    Strength: 18/75
    Dexterity: 19
    Constitution: 17
    Intelligence: 18
    Wisdom: 12
    Charisma: 12

    Long Sword: +
    Long Bow: ++
    Single Weapon Style: +

    Black Clothing
    Gray Hair
    Pale Gray Skin

    Male 4 Voice set
    Use a custom portrait, not sure where it came from.


    I like to pick up every possible character, keep them around for a time, complete their personal quest and involve them in the end of the chapter event.

    Chapter 1 part 1: Severon, Imoen, Xzar, Montaron, Khalid, Jaheira
    Chapter 1 part 2: Severon, Imoen, Xzar, Montaron, Kagain, Garrick
    Chapter 2 part 1: Severon, Imoen, Branwen, Minsc, Edwin, Dynaheir
    Chapter 2 part 2: Severon, Imoen, Khalid, Jaheria, Branwen, Xan
    Chapter 3 part 1: Severon, Imoen, Kivan, Ajantis, Xan, Safana
    Chapter 3 part 2: Severon, Imoen, Kivan, Ajantis, Viconia, Shar Teel
    Chapter 4 part 1: Severon, Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Eldoth, Coran
    Chapter 4 part 2: Severon, Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Faldorn, Yeslick
    Chapter 5 part 1: Severon, Imoen, Quyale, Tiax, Eldoth, Skie
    Chapter 5 part 2: Severon, Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Minsc Dynaheir
    Chapter 6 and 7: Severon, Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Minsc Dynaheir

    I haven't worked out where and when to have the new characters.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited December 2012
    FYI, from among the builds you contribute to this thread, those that stand out as particularly inspired, creative, fun, etc., will be posted here. It helps if you make a fairly detailed entry, i.e., including a portrait at least.

    Here is one of my all-time favorites character builds:

    Eldarian Jhezair

    Race: Half-Orc
    Class: Cleric-Thief
    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Str 19
    Dex 16
    Con 14
    Int 10
    Wis 16
    Cha 9

    Worships: Chauntea

    Thief Proficiencies:
    Pick Pockets 15
    Open Locks 18
    Find Traps 19
    Hide in Shadows 19
    Move Silently 19
    Detect Illusion 0

    Weapons Proficiencies:
    Quarterstaff +
    Two-Handed Weapon Style +

    Bio: Growing up in Candlekeep Eldarian has eagerly listened to visitors' tales of the city of Purskul, with it's large population of civilized half-orcs to the south in Amn, the majority of whom are farm laborers and worship Chauntea. Being himself a kind and warm hearted person, and also the object of racial scorn by many a Candlekeep visitor, Eldarian has formed an identification with his brethren to the south who live prosocially within a highly civilzed nation. This is something that Gorion has readily encouraged. Eldarian has therefore been trained to administer Chauntea's divine magic by a visiting Chauntean priest friend of Gorion's. Eldarian wears the garb of the Chauntean clergy, i.e., clothing primary color is rose red, and the secondary color is gold. (Chauntea's symbol of a rose blooming amid a field of golden grain.)

    As Eldarian's interest in Purskul and Chauntea steadily grew, he also became engrossed with tales of the ruins of magnificent lost civilizations rumored to be buried both within the Cloud Peaks and Amn's Small Teeth Mountains. In an interesting twist, Eldarian therefore has also acquired thieving skills with the goal to one day adventure and explore of subterranean ruins. He is not a thief in the traditional sense. That is, Eldarian has learned those skills in order to discover and explore lost civilizations buried within the earth. Eldarian would never think to use his skills criminally.

    Comments: This is one of the funnest classes I've ever played. At first I wasn't quite sure how Cleric and Thief skills could mesh together coherently from the "roleplaying" vantage. But I think the above backstory for him accomplishes that fairly well.

    With this character you've got the half-orc's massive Strength to begin with... then cast Cleric buffs... and finally backstab with Aul's Staff (+3) or the Staff of Striking... and all this results in some hefty damage. Also it's just great fun to use both Cleric and Thief skills within the same character. You've got two sets of the party's class needs covered with this combo, allowing for plenty of variety in the party's five other slots.

    (Note: this character is in development as a NPC mod.)

    Post edited by Lemernis on
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    Lisbeth (neutral evil female elf fighter/mage, currently dual-wielding Varscona (+2/+1) and the Harrower (+1/+3 vs. undead), but also sometimes just uses Varscona and a +1 shield. Currently has 2 pips in long swords, 3 pips in dual wield, none in bows, but with the elf +1 THAC0 bow (and sword...) bonus and a decent long bow she still seems to hit okay ranged. Last proficiency pip will go into scimitars (maybe Katanas), probably, to prepare for BG2EE. Currently wearing the elven chain (I CLUA-ed it in after the encounter where it's meant to drop), though swaps to plate in-between encounters when the spells run out, and gauntlets of weapon expertise (so those 2 swords hit well!).

    Her familiar is the Dust Mephit, which can cast Glitterdust once a day, and has Glass Dust as an innate ability that can be used twice a day, though I didn't use my familiar until mage level 3, to try to avoid early level cheese.

    She's had the Con tome applied (Dorn got the Cha one - I may Shadowkeeper +1 Cha for him into BG2EE), but is otherwise as rolled (got this on my third roll of the 10 rolls I allowed myself).

    18/49 Strength is good enough, will increase to 19 with the tome eventually, and in the meantime the level 2 Strength spell can raise it to 18/99. Wisdom sucks, but I needed a dump stat somewhere, so will need potions for the Wish spell in BG2, though will probably use a tome or two to raise it to 7 or 8 to reduce the lore penalty from -20 to -10. I'm also going to give her the Dex and Int tomes.

    I picked the new posh British voiceset for her (female 4), which suits, I think.

    I intend to romance Dorn, if possible.

    I CLUA-ed in the elven chain, as have done the encounter where it's meant to drop, and you can't get the evil-aligned robes of archimagi until very late. I desperately need to find a Blur scroll, though, but it's going to be ages before I get to Sorcerous Sundries in BG :-(

    Also posted this elsewhere, with more information about my whole party setup:
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited December 2012
    @Oxford_Guy Hmm, kinda min-maxed there stat-wise for Lisbeth... ;) If you were going to use stats for your elven Fighter-Mage that you feel would be ideal for a NPC, let's say, what would they be?
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Lemernis said:

    @Oxford_Guy Hmm, kinda min-maxed there stat-wise for Lisbeth... ;)

    Yeah, she is a bit min-maxed, though at least I didn't spend hours rolling, I got the stats on the third roll (out of 10).
    Lemernis said:

    If you were going to use stats for your elven Fighter-Mage that you feel would be ideal for a NPC, let's say, what would they be?

    NPCs tend to have lower stats overall for a start
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited December 2012

    NPCs tend to have lower stats overall for a start

    True! I guess for the examples I feature elsewhere I just want to set a "good example" for new players with respect to the notion of creating a suitably powerful character, on the one hand, and demonstrating that it isn't necessary to use overpowered ones, on the other. Finding the balance there, as it were. That said, there is a variety of playstyles and tastes. So there's fundamentally no right or wrong to such a preference.

    No biggie. It looks like a cool character! I was just curious as to what stats you think you might use for that character in order to set a good game-balance tone for newbies.

  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Lemernis said:

    NPCs tend to have lower stats overall for a start

    True! I guess for the examples I feature elsewhere I just want to set a "good example" for new players with respect to the notion of creating a suitably powerful character, on the one hand, and demonstrating that it isn't necessary to use overpowered ones, on the other. Finding the balance there, as it were. That said, there is a variety of playstyles and tastes. So there's fundamentally no right or wrong to such a preference.

    No biggie. It looks like a cool character! I was just curious as to what stats you think you might use for that character in order to set a good game-balance tone for newbies.

    For a fighter/mage? Something like:

    Str 12 (can boost with spells)
    Dex 16
    Con 16
    Int 17
    Wis 8
    Cha 10

  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    @Oxford_Guy Thanks! I respect your opinion because you clearly know this class inside and out.

    Forget what I said about "balance" because I'm beginning to wonder if the variations in stats (from uber to gimped) are even relevant to overall gameplay balance. They probably aren't. Not in any truly significant way, anyway.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    Aleric Brightmane
    LG Fallen Paladin
    ** Large Sword, ** Bows

    Killed a guard, fell, read some books, killed a brother, cut a bloody swath across Amn, atoned and got an Holy Sword....beat up a creep elf, turned evil and fell again, more fratricide, punched out a Demon prince and wanna-be Goddess. Became a God of Evil.
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    I've just made a Paladin Cavalier named Stannis Baratheon (hes more Lawful Neutral but whatever),

    Starting Stats are:

    Str 18/65
    Dex 18
    Con 16
    Int 10
    Wis 13
    CHA 18


    2 Bastard Sword (for Purifier in BG2)
    2 Axe (For Throwing Axes in the few times I need to avoid melee like vs Hold on hit monsters).

    Will be using shields, the extra AC helps in BG1 and in BG 2 I can use the Shield of Harmony for its many immunities.

    I'm the party tank in BG1 and by TOB I'll be an unstoppable god of war.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    edited January 2013
    Most of the time I do kensais that I dual into a mages or thieves in BG2, or sorcerers. This time I tried something different, and here's the result:


    Name: Curst
    Race: Half-Orc
    Class: Fighter/Thief (Assassin, by Shadowkeeper, but this is kind of cheating and probably doesn't count)
    Alignment: Neutral Evil

    Starting Stats:
    Str 19
    Dex 18
    Con 19
    Int 7
    Wis 9
    Cha 12

    Short sword ++
    Long bow ++

    Thieving skills:
    Everything to move silently and hide in shadows, ignore the rest

    Vengeful, treacherous, utterly sociopathic brute that will use people to her advantage, then cast them away. Not very smart, but incredibly strong even from childhood, and more than willing to use it all: once broke Imoen's wrist because she stole a cookie from her. Gorion always looked after her very carefully, but now that he's dead, she's free to run around the world and have fun. She'll show that Sarevok how a real Bhaalspawn is supposed to act.

    Believe it or not, her being named after a town set on the Outlands, at the edge of Carceri, populated entirely by vengeful, treacherous sociopaths, was a complete coincidence. I only found out about it later. But it's a pretty cool coincidence, I think.

    Game plan:
    Hide in shadows, backstab, flee, hide again, repeat. Put points in single weapon style to make critical hits better. Poison weapon against tougher foes. Sometimes shoot things. Use other people as distractions if she can't get away from the enemy to hide again.

    Currently in Baldur's Gate 2. Got incredibly disheartened when one of the mods I had installed made Firkraag basically impossible to beat, which in turn got me to think about all the Ascension stuff I had also installed and how little chance I would ever have against them, so the game is sort of in a hiatus right now.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2013
    I am running something very similar right now, and loving it.

    Chaotic Good
    Female 2 voice set

    Starting Stats:
    Str 19
    Dex 18
    Con 19
    Int 10
    Wis 10
    Cha 18

    Stealth all points


    I went with throwing daggers instead because you still get two apr, but you get to add the phenomenal STR bonus. Poisoned throwing daggers can take down entire groups. Just ridiculous.

    I've had so much fun with this char that I am seriously contemplating writing a small NPC mod for her, albeit a significantly nerfed chaotic neutral version of herself. I've already done the preliminary work and written a joining and leaving conversation, as well as making a cre. The NPC has been knocked down to 9 con and 17 DEX, but kept the ridiculous str score, as well as tweaking the brain values a bit for flavor.
  • wildwild Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2013
    Name Chris

    Class Wild mage

    pic Edwin/Xzar/general mage
    stats typically
    str 10
    dex 10
    con 16
    int 18
    wis 18
    char 18

    Alignment must be chaotic neutral

    Due to int and wis knows all the options and the best one but still does whatever he wants anyway no matter the result.
    King of randomness and powerword reload but fun to act on impulse all the time.

    Edit: alcohol= terrible spelling
  • SBRAAASBRAAA Member Posts: 29
    Human Barbarian C/N


    Str: 17
    Dex: 16
    Con: 18
    Int: 13
    Wis: 9
    Car: 16

    Long Sword **
    Two-Weapon Style **
    Sound set : male sixth

    It's not the optimized character, but in a roleplay way he's fast, strong, resilient and very charming in it's rudeness.
    If there's gold somewhere, you can find him selling his sword to the best bidder. Kinda Conan, but less strong ehehehe.

  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    edited February 2013
    Human Barbarian(duh) Chaotic Neutral


    Bastard Sword:**
    Long Sword:**
    Two Handend Sword:**
    Sound set:male 6.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    There is one character I somewhat enjoyed messing around with...

    I made him to try around how playing with one character works.

    Dwarf Fighter/Thief

    Str: 18/98
    Dex: 17
    Con: 19
    Int: 11
    Wis: 10
    Cha: 11

    True Neutral

    Soundset Male4

    Since backstabbing actually plays a part in it I had to put thief skills to hide in shadows and move silently

    Weapon profs were Long Sword and One Weapon Style.

    Portrait is the hooded dwarf looking guy from the Manley portrait pack (in the store image the middle of the bottom row).
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