Too much divine power?

Hello I'm thinking about a new run. Kinda different this time. A want to go more dual class characters. But I have 3 divine casters in my planning, is it too much?
Pc, beserker dualled to druid or ranger/cleric
Try Tyris Flare mod
Nalia replace with imoen
6th spot free... Not yet decided who to place here.
What do you think?
Pc, beserker dualled to druid or ranger/cleric
Try Tyris Flare mod
Nalia replace with imoen
6th spot free... Not yet decided who to place here.
What do you think?
Post edited by DeeKayNL on
I would think that the R/C is a little more potent than the Berserker>Druid, especially if you don't mind reactivating the engine oversight that lets R/C have both druid and Cleric spells from 1 to 7, rather than 1 to 3, allowing the R/C to get ALL the Divine spells. That could mean getting Ironskins and insect plagues while getting all the fun Cleric buffage.
The Berserker will hit a little harder and be a little tougher when you use the Rage special ability, and can get higher than specialized with melee weapons.
The R/C as I said, gets stealth and possibly ALL the Divine spells. Also fighter HLA the Berserker dual won't. But won't be as quite effective at dealing melee damage without going all Cleric buffage. But will be superior when going all out Cleric pwnage.
Edit-I meant to say I favor multis of ranger/thief, not duals.
And if you dual at level 9, the druid xp curve means you have almost no down time at all.
Im leaning towards a Ranger/Cleric. My reasons are the option for Full Plate Mail and a little bit more weapon options. As I want Jaheira to Dual wield scimitars in the end. That leaves only clubs and staves.
My only fear is that a Ranger/Cleric multi wont level up fast enough. Faster than Jaheira but that means I have 2 multi's in my party. Isnt that too much?
I'd advice to think a little bit about party roles. Jaheira, Anomen and CHARNAME will all have very similar roles. Is it too much with three divine casters? Well no, there's seldom such a thing as "too much" when it comes to BG. There is, however, strength in diversity. So thinking on item overlapping etc and since you state that you want to make Jah dual-weild (though that takes a looong time IMHO), perhaps you could consider making your charname a paladin? You would still be divine, but with emphasis on more battle and a little less magic (well, more than just a little less, but anyways). You would be eligible for some great paladin specific gear as well.
In the end though, party composition doesn't matter that much (unless you have punishing mods installed) as long as you use all your chosen party members strengths and try to mitigate their weaknesses. So ultimately, choose the character you want to play!
Just as an FYI, there's some really good non-metal armors, ie dragon armors etc. Their AC will be a bit behind fullplate, but not that much.
How does this sound?
Pc ranger/cleric Warhammer and maces
Jaheira first club and shield building or staves?? towards dual scimitar in tob.
Anomen flails
Tyris longswords
Nalia/Imoen bow/crossbow
6th place still open. Maybe a pure mage?
I run the most basic scs settings. Only smarter IA and call for help. Thinking about enabling smarter mage and smarter clerics.
My pc would focus on offensive buffing, jaheira anti mage and summons and anomen defensive and antimage and undead.
I can't see myself ever playing a single classed protagonist anymore. So, I wouldn't sweat the slower progression.
My current party has Jaheira, Anomen, and Aerie, and none seem redundant.
For Jaheira I like to purchase the staffmace +2 at the get-go and pair her up with the belt of STR19, the tower shield or reflection shield until she has the pips where I want them. Then when I get Belm she get that if noone else need it more and keep a sling of choice on switch. Same for Anomen, sling as optional but to be frank, having 4 melee fighters is too much for me so he often end up slinging more than meleeing. I prefer 2, maybe 3, melee-ers (hmm.. that's not a word, right?) but no more. It get's crowded in the front otherwise, but YMMW.
Both Nalia and Imoen are SC mages, so I would perhaps rather go with something else, maybe a ranged expert like Mazzy or perhaps Valy as a joker doing little of both (BS, melee, ranged). Haer'dalis could be a good option as well just for fun and because there isn't too much item overlap either (kundane, elven chainmail etc). Or you just switch in NPCs for personal quests, the EE ones (except Dorn if not evil). Keldorn is always cool but require some item investment to become really good (STR belt, DEX gloves). Jan Jensen is my personal favorite and I can't remember a BG2 run where I haven't used him. He's just the ultimate NPC in BG2. Having a backup Arcane caster is good and also if you have two thieves, one can focus on Detect Illusion and use that to break down illusion spells on mages. Also traps, two thieves enables one to focus more on trap setting while the other takes locks and disarm traps.
A lot of rambling 'advice' there, hehe.. maybe you get something out of it.
Regarding the npc's, keldorn will be taking too much aids and I always let him leave my party for his family. The dexterity gloves will go to Anomen. Strength is needed on Jaheira and maybe on my pc because rolling stats on my pc will be diffult I think. Needing high wis, dex and con. Jan is a nice npc but I took him on multiple playthroughs already.
I like the thief option but got no options left. Maybe make Valygar a thief of sorts??
Edit:On second thought Valygar seems kin of dull. Character wise. Jan would be the 3rd multiclass in my party. Difficult. I want a fun npc with some banter and possibly a nice side quest.
EE npcs don't do it for me. I just don't like them as the old ones.
As for second thief, I feel you when it comes to using Jan, if you used him several times already it can be cool to try something new. Yoshi is a great thief. His starting points is a bit oddly scattered, but his traps are great and thieves level pretty quickly early on. He can use a bow from a far to keep him out of harms way. But between the two, Mazzy is superior IMHO. At least because I am quite lazy and prefer to have only 1 or 2 characters that need some micro, the rest just autoattack and sling some spells every now and then.
Have fun!
Just remember to save enough for when you hit Underdark, there's a lot to steal there hehe.
Trying to find the item lists of this two situations but I can't find it online.
I just made a new game, got a 92 on my stats! I already did the slaverquests. Both.
Did some quests in the graveyard. Went to the potion sales guy for some master thievery potions. On my way I got Ted owned by a rashaka?. Never had any trouble. Now I got owned. Probably the smart mage scs setting. Gonna try again later. Went on a stealing spree and pickpocketed for the ring of regeneration. I stole mostly scrolls and potions. Only gear I got was the blade of roses and mauler.
But I think I need to do Darnise keep because Nalia already gave me a reminder.
BTW my current party
Pc ranger/cleric
Nalia can definitely handle your party's thieving needs provided you have enough potions. On the other hand, it's useful toward the end of the game to have an actual thief because their super-strong trap HLAs turn even the toughest battles into auto-wins. Jan would probably make the most sense given the party composition you've laid out, unless you find his personality grating (which some do).