Fun party for fight/thief main?

Just what the title says, finally going to go all the way through the BG series with a fighter/thief. I'm playing Chaotic Nuetral, so I'm thinking aside from interpersonal conflicts, I don't care about NPC alignments. I guess it might be nice if I can find a place for BG2 characters to stick around, but it's not vital. Imoen, for example, seems redundant since I'm going to be handling traps and locks (maybe keep her around for pickpocketing and dualing into mage?)
So far, I'm thinking Dorn, Neera, maybe Kiven (though his time crunch thing seems pretty limiting), Viconia...I don't know though.
Thoughts? Should I keep a thief around for the traps and locks and focus myself on stealth for backstab? Is backstabbing even fun? Or is it more tedious with all the micro-management?
So far, I'm thinking Dorn, Neera, maybe Kiven (though his time crunch thing seems pretty limiting), Viconia...I don't know though.
Thoughts? Should I keep a thief around for the traps and locks and focus myself on stealth for backstab? Is backstabbing even fun? Or is it more tedious with all the micro-management?
As for who to take with you if you want to keep some of the same people in the party all the way through then I would definitely choose Jaheira because she becomes incredibly useful for taking down mages in SoA. Personally I would also go for Imoen and Edwin. Neera strikes me as too much of a liability - I couldn't enjoy playing with a companion who has the capability of accidentally destroying all your gold or killing the whole party.
So now I'm thinking I should have just made Imoen my main thief and I should specialize in backstab until I get to higher levels. Hmmmm
Most of the bad Surge Effects can be mitigated: stash your loot and sell only when you need to buy something. Don't cast near innocents and preferable keep Neera in a distance from (most) of your party during fights. On the plus side, she has a gem bag (you can steal or just let her join for a moment).
In SoA the bad surges won't be disastrous and she is simply a specialist witout prohibited schools. She can't rival Edwin, but Conjurer class is OP and his amulet is broken, period. You can try to use Nahal to cast Wish/Limited Wish before you reach the level of these spells, but it will take a couple of tries.
In ToB she's a huge powerhorse because you actually can use NRD with a good chance of success. So that 7 lvl1 spells become something like 4 level 9 spells in practice, *which* you don't have to memorize. Wild Mage gets most of Sorcerers flexibility with basically no disadvantages. Only Edwin from all mages - including PC - will be a more powerful caster, and it's close.
The reason most people take Neera however (or use a mod to remove her
But all in all, you will not need a lot of support and the game will be quite easy even with a single mage and another fighter (multi or not).
If jaheria can be the cleric role, then I’m fine with taking her and Khalid.
When attempting to hide be sure to make use of shadows. I don't know exactly how the mechanism works but it definitely seems to make a difference if you are standing in the shadow of a tree or rock when you attempt to hide. It also seems easier to hide at night. My F/T skulks around most maps in darkness, sneaking up on people and whacking them over the head with a quarterstaff (which is a great backstabbing weapon).
I'm still trying to piece together my team though. I have an 18 charisma, I really can't resolve disputes between companions?
What's your race, stats, profs and so on?
And I was going dual-wielding longswords (and eventually scimitars and shortswords).
If you intend to go through the entire saga though, I'd personally re-roll as a halfling to get that +16 CON shorty bonus to all saving throws. Granted, you sacrifice +1 thac0 with swords and bows for a meager +1 with slings (which you probably won't use) - but when your fighter levels start kicking in, 1 thac0 in either direction is going to be insignificant anyway. Magic is 'the new archery' in BG2, so saves vs. spell, death, etc. go a long way.
That being said, your elven F/T could probably solo the saga on insane difficulty in terms of powergaming potential.
edit: Well, maybe not ToB.
That said, fighter/thief is still plenty strong.
It's got loads of useful tweaks and cheats. Personally I use the cheat that allows you to achieve grand mastery when muti-classing because I can't see why dual-classers should be able to get five pips in a weapon but multi-classers can only get two.
Alright so I'm thinking:
Me F/T Multi
Imoen F/M Dual (at 5 I guess?)
[Reserve Slot] - For people I want to bring in to finish their personal quests or just for temporary flavor or something.
Feels weird playing a mostly evil party for my official run-through, but the good characters kind of suck
And okay, sounds good, Imoen at 7. I'm going to pump my sneaking until then I guess.