What type of character "based" RPGs do you prefer?
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Between control only one character or control an party and between being able to create your own character or have an fix character
- What type of character "based" RPGs do you prefer?27 votes
- Single character - NO character creation(eg : Witcher/Vampyr)  0.00%
- Single character - Character creation(eg : NWN1, VtMB)14.81%
- Single character - Character creation + can recruit and command companions(eg M&B)  3.70%
- Party based - MAIN character creation + fix companions(eg DA:O, Arcanum)33.33%
- Party based - Full party creation(eg M&M VI/VII)  0.00%
- Party based - companions with story + be able to create your own(eg P:K)33.33%
- Party based - NO character creation(eg : FF VII)  3.70%
- Other(please explain on a reply)11.11%
I guess my least favourite is option to create everyone in the party by myself. These aren't characters, really. They are things with statistics.
Again, there is exactly one difference between both choices you've highlighted: whenever you can create custom NPC's for your party or not. Just that.
Think of NwN2 SoZ if you will. You can create a full custom party in that add-on. Or you can use the voiced companions with a fixed personality the game provides you with. Or a mix of both. That's all there is.
Though I like the option of creating mercenaries myself, I never use them so ultimately if I vote for what I tend to gravitate towards; it's the DA:O option. I prefer fewer, but more fleshed out characters, than many thin ones. I do very little 'headcanon', if any, so I prefer to be spoon-fed well-written characters that help me create the ultimate adventure. The older I get, the more I start to use the standard/default levelups even! I used to prefer having ultimate control of their feats, skills, etc but nowadays I prefer to play them as actual characters and not interfere so much with their class development. Dunno why this has changed, but I've started to like playing characters that are just that - a character, and interact with NPCs as if I only play one person, "myself". I find DA:O and games like ME to be the ultimate NPC games nowadays, though I still like the option to have more than just a henchman or a small party.
Wasteland 2 and NWN2: Storm of Zehyr kind of did a hybrid, where you create the core party, but can still recruit some other NPCs. Storm of Zehyr was pretty meh, for me, but I really dug WL2. Scotchmo will forever have a place in my heart.