Zombie Survival / Permadeath Servers still around?

When NWN:EE first came out I was playing on an amazing zombie survival server called Undead Awakening but the server was shut down after it started being DDoSed and flooded with trolls. There was another decent one that started up after but it seemed really mismanaged, and I think there was also a cyberpunk one. Does anyone have access to any of those modules (or ancient ones) that would be willing to share them with me? I'm not looking to put a server up or take credit for anyone's work, but I'd really love to play around with it solo and see how they worked.
Also, are there are good permadeath servers up right now? I absolutely love permadeath as a mechanic when it comes to Role Play. It really helps me get into the head space of my character and I think it's very true to D&D, but it seems really rare to find.
Also, are there are good permadeath servers up right now? I absolutely love permadeath as a mechanic when it comes to Role Play. It really helps me get into the head space of my character and I think it's very true to D&D, but it seems really rare to find.
I also prefer permadeath and survival mechanics as they're part of D&D and it's not very good roleplay to have infinite resources and lives, it leads to a lot of spoof behavior. Unfortunately most people prefer a more action style of play and many refuse to play on a server with permadeath.
There is the Haze project which posted a thread recently and is under development seeking help to build it and World of Isandore which seems to have started recently.
I ran the Cyberpunk one for over a year. I've since shut it down but you can find the module and all source code here: https://github.com/zunath/CyberpunkZombieSurvival_JVM
It makes heavy use of NWNX and the Java plugin, so fair warning that nothing will work without those. I wrote a few guides on how to set up a server. You can find them under the wiki section on GitHub.
If you'd like to pick it back up please let me know. Would be happy to hand the Discord over to you.
@GM_ODA Looks cool, I might check it out! Looks like there is a lot to read!
@zunath Thanks for the link! I wasn't planning on hosting a server, just playing around in it for my own amusement, but this seems like a good opportunity to learn. I always favored the fantasy versions myself, but it looks like HellboP liked it!
@HellboP Staff make or break a server for me. The DMs don't even have to be active, just good people. We as players should be able to make our own fun most of the time. The thing that's really been hurting me lately is all of the drama. I know it's always been there, but now that our player pool is so much smaller it makes things a lot more difficult. It's doubly so when so much of the pettiness seems to radiate from the people in charge.
Also agree about modules being more accessible (like this post asking for them haha) but I totally understand their decision not to. It could actually be harmful to the community in the end if every jerk who disagrees with a DM puts their own version up.
Impiltur: The Forgotten Kingdom is more straightforward, though chronically unpopulated for the last few years.
Both of these have NPC and PC clerical resurrection, body system, etc, but are low level/low magic. Oddly both Impiltur setting, too.
The regular amount of zombies, though
I am the proprietor of Undead Awakening and recognize you from the server. I'm really happy to hear you had so much fun. I've sent you a private message regarding the module.
@Sweetness I was really sad when the server went down, but I understand real life comes first. I appreciate the message. Can't wait to see what you do next.
Also bumping because I still miss ZS. Also interested in looking at legacy servers if anyone has a module they're willing to share with me in PM.
It's complex, give it a read here, on the launch page under Lore and Rules. It should have all the information a new player needs. https://www.nwneastingreach.com
The only thing it doesn't mention is E8, or Epic 8, which basically means past level 8 you don't gain levels, HP, less vertical growth, and more horizontal, with unique class abilities, tools and skills. You still remain relatively squishy, but you have options!
They will be fairly interesting choices: rogues have some feats that give their henchmen a form of sneak attack, or lose their own sneak attack for piercing damage where they would have gotten one off, things like the feint skill (cool down bluff roll to make an attack without the creatures dex bonus) now letting you ignore shields, etc.
Plenty of things like these and this is just for rogue.
The Knights of Noromath is online 24/7! You can always find us here: https://nwn.beamdog.net/
This is the current address:
Permadeath, or rather "true permadeath", if you will, is when everyone is bound by the same rule and the player has no say about it. What people don't understand is that at least for me, and I bet for others, permadeath is a gameworld philosophy not a personal choice.
Haze, as posted above, is true permadeath.
Also wanted to say I appreciate all of the other suggestions for permadeath servers. Even though I'm looking more specifically for zombie-esc ones, I checked most of them out and thought they were really well done!
It's levels 1-10 and so far has had a lot of work put into it, but bugs are still being rolled out.
If anyone is interested, I'd greatly appreciate if you take the time to check it out and want to help.
I just necrod this post from 3 years ago, because I just recently was able to pull together all the required haks, tlk and module for Modern Zombie Survival 3. If anybody has a serious interest running this module, I have it and (mostly) everything needed to run it. I was able to get the mod stable and running - and I noticed immediately a few things, so there is things about the mod that need rebuilt, but with a stable running module that job is made 10,000x easier.
This mod has changed hands in major collaborations at least a dozen times, I noticed the zombies aren't spawning correctly. (Minor fix, the spawner is just spawning animals, probably some slight differences in the files). I also noticed the mod also isn't firing off some of the core things I built, such as the badge token system, rest menu, infection (token) and some of the CNR tokens aren't working.
I didn't get a good look into the scripting yet.... But it's awfully exciting to see a mod that I originally built the FIRST area on 15 years ago, (Docks - Merchant District) was the very first MZS2 area . And to see how the mod has changed over the years as it's changed hands is amazing.
Again, with a little TLC this mod can be rebuilt; and to be honest
with a little minor tweaking it would make a great DND campaign for groups that wanna play it.