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What does Cure Disease do exactly?

I know in the vanilla version of BG1 there were some issues with Cure Disease - specifically, that it did not remove the THAC0 and Saving Throw penalties caused by Ghasts' special attacks.

Original post here:
Nah, STATE_DISEASED is a separate issue. Somewhere along the way S_D was repurposed by the original devs and actually tracks whether a creature is activated or not. There are still other ways to determine if a creature is diseased (i.e. the third party Detectable Spells) so it's not really a problem; the lack of it working affects nothing in BG/BG2/BGEE.

The problem here is that curing disease, at the moment, only removes the disease opcode (i.e. damage only), a few other common disease effects (blindness, feeblemind, deafness), and their associated portrait icons. Since THAC0 changes (good and bad) are caused by a slew of spells/items/abilities you can't 'cure' the THAC0 penalty without potentially affecting a lot of stuff it shouldn't.

The good news here is that we've introduced a new opcode in the local beta builds that lets us selectively nuke effects based upon their source, an incredibly useful ability that was in IWD. This could potentially let us address this, as well as other minor bugs such as Remove Fear not removing the little spinny animations from Horror. It could also allow us to have much more sensible spell stacking--e.g. right now if you cast Armor of Faith when it's already active you just waste the spell and it expires when the original spell would expire. With the new opcode, you could re-cast it and essentially reset the duration without wasting the spell or illegally stacking them.

The Adventurer's Guide and the Fandom Baldur's Gate Wiki both list the same spell description, indicating that Cure Disease will remove Blindness, Deafness, Feeblemind and some magical diseases:
"By laying hands upon a sickly person, the caster can cure almost any disease with this spell. The cure is permanent, but does not grant the recipient of the spell immunity from further afflictions. Blindness, deafness, and feeblemind are also cured with this spell. Some magically created diseases may not be curable by this spell."

So does anyone know 1) Is the description in the Adventurer's Guide correct? and 2) Does Remove Curse now remove the THAC0 and Saving Throw penalties from a Ghast's special attack? Because of either or both answers are yes, then Cure Disease could have some decent value as an alternative to casting Dispel Magic on a party member during combat.


  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    That thread is from 2013, so I'd imagine it's just some bug that has long since been fixed, and the spell matches its in game description now.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    well the thing is to, when a ghast hits you, you never got diseased, you got "nauseated" instead, although i dont know if they changed anything in the EEs
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure nausea is separate from diesease.
  • Drago_DarkstormDrago_Darkstorm Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2018
    I may have to do some testing to see if the Nauseated effect does the same thing (-1 to THAC0 and Saving Throws) and see if Cure Disease removes Nauseated. Thanks for the replies.
    *EDIT - I've since discovered that apparently Neutralize Poison does the same as Cure Disease and also removes Poison and other status effects. That pretty much resolves the question of Cure Disease's usefulness.
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