Standard bard got weaker?

Reading the manual it seems the plain bard song is even worse then previously. If I recall correctly it had a luck bonus that gave +1 to all kinds of rolls but right now the only effects seem to be:
-Increase moral to 10
-Remove Fear
-Protection from Fear
I was hoping bards get an improvement, maybe a song that improves as they lvl up, instead it seems they are weaker then ever. :-(
-Increase moral to 10
-Remove Fear
-Protection from Fear
I was hoping bards get an improvement, maybe a song that improves as they lvl up, instead it seems they are weaker then ever. :-(
Which, of course, implies that the standard bard song DID get better. Anyone know for sure?
I was hoping for something similar but seems like thid won't be the case.
If you had to choose between a song that gave +2,+2, -2 (hit, dmg, ac) or one that gave +1,+1,-1 you would probably choose the first. That is what the skald gives. Who would take basic over that?
The standard bard song seems good when your party is falling apart and the like of Khalid and Garrick are running around screaming. Or if a mage drops fear on the party (hoping your bard saves) it is a quick tap to restore order and then back to fighting.
Logically that makes no sense.. I mean you would think these traveling musicians would have more in their repertoire than just one song.
I liked how IWD2 did it.. My bard kicked so much ass; even if he was just singing half the time
The idea is less that they have one song, and more that the pure act of singing is what grants the bonus.
There was a feat called lingering song that allowed your song's effects to continue for 2-3 rounds. You could switch back and forth between two songs.. or play a song, then cast a spell or two and not lose the effect so long as you went back to singing. It made playing a bard very entertaining
... And then there was the build where you got a Bard with full level 9 cleric spellcasting, full Bard music only a level or two behind a full Bard, the ability to throw lightning bolts every single turn for 20D6 damage, save for half, and the Base Attack Bonus only six points behind a full level 30 Fighter before buffs.
But I digress; in BG a Bard is basically a Fighter/Mage/Thief that sacrifices worthwhile thief skills, the ability to attack more than once, the ability to specialise, and the ability to get spells above level 6, ever.... In exchange for the ability to waste their turn singing rather than actually doing anything and a slightly faster level progression.
i always favored the stun that it gets at higher levels
The description now reflects what the bard song actually did.