Rulesets and Rebalancing. Inviability of Spellcasting in Epic Levels
Please don't direct me to Trello as I can barely figure out how to navigate it. I couldn't find anything related to this.
I want to get an idea of when it will be possible to use 3.5 and 5th edition rule sets for NWN EE.
In my youth, I played countless hours on NWN. So much so, It taught me how to type quickly with reasonable accuracy. But there was a very major, glaring flaw. Spell casters become increasingly crippled past level 20. So much so that combat centric classes tend to dominate especially if tis a server which restricts the only arcane spells which allow wizards to stand a chance, Time Stop and maximized Isaacs Greater Missile Storm. This is one of the very few ways a wizard can survive a 1v1 pvp engagement. There are a few highly bizarre builds people have made, which only become viable when fully leveled or close to fully leveled, which mix arcane spell casting with combat. That being said, it's even worse for druids and clerics. players and npcs scale upward with better saving throws, and more health, but magic does not scale past level 20 in any meaningful way. In addition to the lack of scaling for non epic spells, only the defensive epic spells are substantially useful. Both epic and non-epic summoning spells are virtually useless. They spawn comparatively weak allies. And as stated before, they don't scale enough to be very useful, and they don't scale at all past level 20. Necromancer type characters are very weak in part because of this.
I want to get an idea of when it will be possible to use 3.5 and 5th edition rule sets for NWN EE.
In my youth, I played countless hours on NWN. So much so, It taught me how to type quickly with reasonable accuracy. But there was a very major, glaring flaw. Spell casters become increasingly crippled past level 20. So much so that combat centric classes tend to dominate especially if tis a server which restricts the only arcane spells which allow wizards to stand a chance, Time Stop and maximized Isaacs Greater Missile Storm. This is one of the very few ways a wizard can survive a 1v1 pvp engagement. There are a few highly bizarre builds people have made, which only become viable when fully leveled or close to fully leveled, which mix arcane spell casting with combat. That being said, it's even worse for druids and clerics. players and npcs scale upward with better saving throws, and more health, but magic does not scale past level 20 in any meaningful way. In addition to the lack of scaling for non epic spells, only the defensive epic spells are substantially useful. Both epic and non-epic summoning spells are virtually useless. They spawn comparatively weak allies. And as stated before, they don't scale enough to be very useful, and they don't scale at all past level 20. Necromancer type characters are very weak in part because of this.
Say you want to edit fireball to keep increasing in level until level 20, then you open "nw_s0_fireball" in the script editor and on lines 55, 56, 57, 58, and 59 you see the following.
//Limit Caster level for the purposes of damage if (nCasterLvl > 10) { nCasterLvl = 10; }
Now to increase it to level 20 you do the following.
//Limit Caster level for the purposes of damage if (nCasterLvl > 20) { nCasterLvl = 20; }
Lets say you want to increase the dice size of the damage to a d12, then on like 78 you make the following change.
nDamage = d6(nCasterLvl);
nDamage = d12(nCasterLvl);
Lets say you want to now change it now to go up only every 2 levels, then you can make the following change.
nDamage = d12(nCasterLvl / 2);
If you want to change one of the official modules you can find them under your install directory (/data/nwm/) then copy the module to your documents folder, in the directory (/neverwinter nights/modules/) and rename the extension of the file from .nwm to .mod, now you can open and edit it in the toolset. To replace the old module file copy the new one back and rename it back to .nwm but make sure to save a backup of the original.
Alternatively I think you can put updated spellscripts in the override folder if you don't plan to ever play multiplayer. You can export the scripts in an erf from the toolset and then use a program to extract them from the erf.
If you run into problems then you can ask in the scripting, toolset, and custom content sub-forums.
What we have done in the alangara pw is to make ALL damage and healingspells scale to level 40 besiddes improving them per level often Also. This is all tied into an include system that let us use crits on spells and damage modifier for classes. Also monster have there spelldamage reducer while Some powerfull monster again bonussen. Summons are heavely upgrades etc etc. Point is that beamdog dont need to do this it han be done Even by a garage scripter as myself with a little help and Some effort ?
/tarashon of Alangara.