This is depressing, I have been sat here for 18 hours, I'm tired and this is the last thing I needed. They must be able to anticipate this kind of thing.
Take it easy people its normal that it takes 5-15 mins before all is sorted and it all works perfectly.. nothing odd about it! just chill and go make a scotch then relex and then in 5 mins open again
Make a Scotch? Any Scotch I am willing to drink needs to be matured for at least 12 years. Are you trying to tell me something?
Well I guess we agree at something then ^^
I am currently enjoying a Lagavulin double matured as we speak (you should most likely know it)
From Trent on Twitter: The update is uploading. We had to patch close to 100 mb to fix a few bugs so it will take a bit of time. Please be patient. Please?
Trent Oster @TrentOster The update is uploading. We had to patch close to 100 mb to fix a few bugs so it will take a bit of time. Please be patient. Please?
Trent Oster @TrentOster We are having a hard time pushing the data to the servers. The demand is making them respond a little slow ;-)
Trent Oster on twitter: "The update is uploading. We had to patch close to 100 mb to fix a few bugs so it will take a bit of time. Please be patient. Please?"
From Trent on Twitter: The update is uploading. We had to patch close to 100 mb to fix a few bugs so it will take a bit of time. Please be patient. Please?
For those worried that the forum slowdown could affect the game servers: it's *extremely* unlikely that the forum subdomain is hosted on the same servers as the game CDN. Forum 503 errors or slow response doesn't mean that the game servers are broken.
But, I suspect that the cause is still the same: we're all hitting the forums and the game servers, and they're both badly in need of an application of Oil of Speed.
Beamdog, allow me to recommend an Amazon EC2 autoscaling cluster...
So on the one hand, I understand that it must be very difficult for the staff right now, trying to wrangle the servers under control and get the game released.
On the other... *cue high pitched whining and flailing* I wanna plaaaaaaay!
you guys can not be serious, why on earth would I need to download 500 mb right now!? couldn't you have timed that a bit better, I had to leave the game loader on for a whole night to get it down due to crappy dl speed before.... unacceptable.
Les anglais se plaignent du jeu qui ne fonctionne pas. Le serveur du jeu plante sans cesse ... que ça soit le forum, ou les messages d'erreurs sur BGEE.exe manifestement, Atari n'avait pas prévu que des gens se connecteraient le jour J.
I am currently enjoying a Lagavulin double matured as we speak (you should most likely know it)
Trent Oster @TrentOster
The update is uploading. We had to patch close to 100 mb to fix a few bugs so it will take a bit of time. Please be patient. Please?
Trent Oster @TrentOster
We are having a hard time pushing the data to the servers. The demand is making them respond a little slow ;-)
"The update is uploading. We had to patch close to 100 mb to fix a few bugs so it will take a bit of time. Please be patient. Please?"
That means more waiting...
But, I suspect that the cause is still the same: we're all hitting the forums and the game servers, and they're both badly in need of an application of Oil of Speed.
Beamdog, allow me to recommend an Amazon EC2 autoscaling cluster...
On the other...
*cue high pitched whining and flailing*
I wanna plaaaaaaay!
Could anybody confirm which year it is?
Le serveur du jeu plante sans cesse ... que ça soit le forum, ou les messages d'erreurs sur BGEE.exe manifestement, Atari n'avait pas prévu que des gens se connecteraient le jour J.
Un Français triste !