I guess we should be used to companies not being able to keep time sensitive promises in these modern times lol. There's always something last minute needing fixed. Well, better to wait a lil longer and have a properly working product, I suppose . . .
Oh non il va falloir attendre demain, quel plaie ! Alors que j'avais réservé ma soirée, je ne comprend pas quel est l'intérêt de créer un pré téléchargement, si c'est pour attendre devant un portail. Cela signifie que si un jour le portail du jeu ferme nous ne pourrons plus y jouer ?
Et pourquoi parler en Français alors que je suis sur un forum Anglais ? Encore un autre mystère.
Guys, don't blame the Bioware staff for this. I'm just as annoyed and impatient as you are, but they really are doing the best they can. Computers are cruel and tricksy beasts.
Guys, don't blame the Bioware staff for this. I'm just as annoyed and impatient as you are, but they really are doing the best they can. Computers are cruel and tricksy beasts.
This is not a technical problem. This is a project management problem. They knew this would happen and could have planned the transition to run smoothly.
I don't normally go around making user names for message boards just to leave one snarky comment and you people seem fairly nice and I've got some nice character portraits from this message board...but for christsakes...snail mail me the game on 3 black cd's.
Let's hope that servers won't melt down
Alors que j'avais réservé ma soirée, je ne comprend pas quel est l'intérêt de créer un pré téléchargement, si c'est pour attendre devant un portail. Cela signifie que si un jour le portail du jeu ferme nous ne pourrons plus y jouer ?
Et pourquoi parler en Français alors que je suis sur un forum Anglais ? Encore un autre mystère.
(Sorry, I couldn't resist)
Greetings from Germany