DoD Soundtrack query

I was doing a little research when I stumbled across what is apparently an oversight on the BD store page here. So I clicked on the expand button for the digital deluxe bundle. Doing so I saw that the DoD soundtrack is included. This was surprising to me for two reasons. One I thought that the DD was deprecated. Two I upgraded to the DD a while ago and yet according to the BD client I am supposed to pay for that soundtrack. While I did upgrade to the DD after I bought DoD surely that shouldn't make a difference. Also if this is a different digital deluxe then giving it the same name as the previous DD is something less than helpful. So what is going on here?
So you bought DoD before the DD included it. This is what can explain this situation.
I wonder why DoD has to be the exception? Or is it the new rule? Any new DLC that one buys, that content is not allowed as a builder resource, unless you also purchase it as a builder resource. I believe in paying people for their work, I just don't think it's fair to have the that price twice.
Have fun