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NWN:EE on Google Play feedback thread



  • AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
    DonCzirr said:

    Playing SOU on Samsung Tab A with 3 GB RAM - game seems ok so far but a real game breaker is that the Pause to give orders button is not working.

    I saw another post about that above.

    Is that now on the fix list?

    edit : It seems that it allows pauses in the beginning of SOU and then not after? Some type of Multi-player vs Single player game mode?

    So far HOTU seems not have this issue - but I only put that on for a quick sanity check ....

    To Players that have SOU on both PC and Android - is the lack of Pause control for orders present in both versions or just the Android platform ?

    Never encountered any problem on PC with pausing the game to issue orders, both in SoU & HOTU
  • DonCzirrDonCzirr Member Posts: 165
    Thanks for the input Aranthys.

    @ Julius - possibly an "Android only" issue with SOU ?
  • DonCzirrDonCzirr Member Posts: 165
    Thanks Shaiden.

    I've skipped over SOU for now and see the difference in the "difficult" pause and the Pause not available conditions.

    Sometimes in HOTU, I have to button mash a little bit to get Pause to activate - but it does work when I hit it right.

    SOU was just not responding in certain areas at all. Although - as I said, it worked in the initial area where the module starts but was not working in battle (where it is really needed)
  • dunahandunahan Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2019
    @Shaiden Sorry for the late reply, but had to test it again to be sure.
    Okay for those error messages. I've started NWN:EE on Android. Clicked through the videos and clicked one button on the startscreen. Then stopped the app. Within the nwclientlog.txt I found these errors:
    [code]nwsync: Migrations currently applied: 1
    nwsync: Shard 0 available, Space Used: 24 KB
    nwsync: Shard 30 available, Space Used: 24 KB
    nwsync: Storage at /storage/9016-4EF8/Android/data/com.beamdog.nwnandroid/files/user/nwsync/, Provider=1, Compression=2
    Error: 40964
    Error: 40964
    Error: 40964[/code]
    I attached my logfile in this post.

    For my other problem, the "double-click-feature" I will link a capture-video from my phone if I find a useable app for that.

    Edit: Could not reproduce the double click prob with the capture vid... Don't know if that was solved by some update of my android system (got one these days), but I will look at this time by time. If it occurs again, I will try to get a vid of it.
    Post edited by dunahan on
  • sphinxfpvsphinxfpv Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2019
    I play on PC and Android so what I did was copy my nwsync and sqlite3 files from my pc (which had nor problem logging in ) to my Androids files and it worked like a charm.

  • peardoxpeardox Member Posts: 39
    I'm testing on a 4.7 inch Droid and I'm old

    The problems - eyesight an tactile ability

    I simply ask you to TRY to set up a new character on a base phone - it's worth trying this on something like a Moto G5 (and you want the cheapest for this to work)

    I use exactly this device for all Android work as it ticks all the marks - it's the most likely kind of device I'll ever get something installed on, the brand isn't an issue - the price is, go for old and slow

    OK - so it's established I've got a crap Droid

    Please go either beg, steal or borrow one yourself or go buy a low-end device with a small screen

    Now create a new character and DONT use a pre-made - you need to roll for yourself

    On the spending points page you'll have extreme issues assigning your points as the game has up-down clickables that it's impossible to click on accurately (this happens on several char setup pages)

    A VERY simple solution is to change the problematic pages to have a - / + at either end of the text area (I will illustrate on request)

    An even better way is to tap e.g. Strength and give you a page with large buttons to up / down the points spent where accept / cancel return you to the offending page

    My last suggestion is that you should make scaling default to the maximum (same issue as above with changing the value) and an intro screen asks you if you're happy with that res then tell you how to change your mind in the future.

    The above applies to my laptops as well, I have a 17 inch PC + 13 Inch Mac. Both are illegible as I'm 56 and my eyesight is failing (not tried the 15 inch Linux box yet)

    Simple dev assumption... Assume the user is blind and work backwards - yeah, can't do much with the blind peeps but everyone else we can help

    Actually simply asking your age on install would give you a rough idea of what the default settings should be (soz - only just thought of this) - it doesn't include peeps with in-born eye / hearing issues - they're about 0.005 but will have a buddy who can help (seriously - I've met thousands of ppl in my like but only can name one sight-impaired girl so my rough numbers are fairly accurate)

    Soz - going off topic...

    It should be fairly easy to find a friendly optician (I've got one who's a professor) - I'm sure your can find your own - your guy SHOULD be able to give you fairly accurate degradation of sight by age which then allows the Q how old are you? to meaningfully interact with the user
  • DonCzirrDonCzirr Member Posts: 165
    Excellent Shaiden - thanks for the follow up.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited June 2019
    @Shaiden Greetings, sir. I just wanted to bring to your attention a potential gameplay issue regarding the Combat UI applying unusual penalties to a character's attacks per round. To my knowledge, this bug has yet to be reported for NWN:EE on Android devices. I'd bet money it has been ported from the PC to the mobile version of the game. I have taken the liberty of transcribing all the information pertaining to this issue from Here it is.

    Bug #37442: [Windows] [Android] There should be no additional penalties applied to attacks granted by Attacks of Opportunity, Circle Kick, Cleave, Great Cleave, or Haste other than a monk's -3 iterative unarmed attack penalty and the -2 penalty from Flurry of Blows.


    1. Start a new NWN:EE game in the Wailing Death Campaign as a level 1 monk (Monks get the Cleave feat for free).
    2. Take levels in Fighter to give you quicker access to the feats you will select as your character advances.
    3. Select the Power Attack, Circle Kick, and Great Cleave feats as your character advances in level.
    4. During any fight involving multiple enemies, watch the combat log displayed in the chat window at the bottom of the screen very closely before and after you have acquired Great Cleave.

    A good place to test this would be the room with the fire beetle swarm in the Silver Sails Trading Co. Located in the Docks District of Neverwinter during Chapter 1 of the Wailing Death Campaign.

    Observed: A monk fighting unarmed will do a Cleave attack at a -5 penalty coupled with the -2 penalty from Flurry of Blows for a total attack penalty of -7. This penalty is cumulative, and it is applied to Attacks of Opportunity in addition to all the monk's extra attacks granted by Circle Kick, Cleave/Great Cleave, Flurry of Blows, and Haste. The -5 penalty to the extra attack granted by Haste seems to be applied either when Flurry of Blows is activated, or after a Cleave attack is triggered with Flurry of Blows deactivated. Attacks of Opportunity and Great Cleave attempts seem to reset the unarmed attack progression before causing a sudden, steep drop in its attack bonuses. Before the monk has reached her final attack for the round, her attack bonus is no longer a bonus because it is negative. A monk will also sometimes do a Cleave attack at a +2 bonus to the attack roll while Flurry of Blows is deactivated, though there are no circumstances that would grant this bonus.

    Expected: Per the D20 SRD, Attacks of opportunity and the extra attacks granted by Flurry of Blows and Haste should all be done at the monk's full normal attack bonus, applicable to the -2 penalty from Flurry of Blows of course. Circle Kick should grant one free unarmed attack per round to a nearby target at the same attack bonus of the attack that triggered it. Cleave/Great Cleave attacks should be done at the same attack bonus of the attack that dropped their previous target(s). The Combat UI should not apply any additional penalties or bonuses other than a monk's normal -3 iterative unarmed attack penalty and the -2 penalty from Flurry of Blows.

    Potential Fix: Revert the behavior of the Combat UI to Critical Rebuild 1.67 status. The last stable patch that had all these attack bonuses working as they should was Critical Rebuild 1.67 of Neverwinter Nights Classic. With your permission, I could upload the patch to you so you may examine its code if you don't already have it. Or if you prefer, you can download all 3 critical rebuilds to their respected game versions at, and Thank you for all you do. Keep up the good work.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2019

    Greetings, sir. My apologies for being unable to respond in a more timely manner. Yes, I can confirm this has been a long standing issue since the release of Critical Rebuild 1.68 for Neverwinter Nights Classic. It seems you have narrowed down the list of culprits to the Circle Kick and Cleave feats. However, after going over everything from the links you have provided, I am still confused concerning the behavior of Great Cleave. Here is a screenshot that I hope will clearly illustrate my concern.

    From my point of view, it shows 2 successful Great Cleave attempts made at a character's full attack bonus of +11, which is the way it is currently implemented to behave. The attack following the second Great Cleave is made at an attack bonus of... -4? The one following that is made at -9. You've explained that free attacks have the same -5 attack bonus progression as standard attacks even if you are a monk fighting unarmed. Could you please explain how there could be a -15 attack bonus progression between 2 consecutive unarmed attacks? Is it possible that this could be a part of the different addition value to the attack roll that Cleave and Circle Kick attacks seem to have? To me, it just doesn't match up with what is expected.

    With regards to "Free Attacks", I agree, a free attack is not the same as attacking again. For example, the extra attack granted by Cleave is not interpreted as you attacking again, as you are carrying the momentum of the same attack you made from the previous enemy you dropped to another enemy within range. Hence, per the D20 SRD, its application at the same attack bonus of the attack that dropped the previous enemy. The monk with the unarmed attack progression of +8/+5/+2 normally makes 3 unarmed attacks per round. With Flurry of Blows activated, the progression becomes what I believe to be +6/+6/+3/+0 as the monk now makes an additional or free attack at his full unarmed attack bonus, yet all his attacks for the round are made at a -2 penalty. When fighting 3 "Ruffians" in the Docks district, he spends both of his +6 attacks on the first one and kills him. This triggers his free Cleave attack made against the next Ruffian in range, which should also be made at a +6 attack bonus. However, because of the different addition value to the attack roll, that free attack which is already being made at a -2 penalty right off the top now has a -5 penalty coupled with it for a total of -7. Throw Circle Kick in the mix, you're looking at a -12 penalty to the attack roll. For the trifecta, Haste (again, while Flurry of Blows is activated) will add yet another -5 penalty to the attack roll for a grand total of -17. The main thing I take issue with is the fact that until Critical Rebuild 1.68 went live, these attacks and their inherent bonuses were a direct translation of the D&D 3rd Edition core rules. These added penalties did not, and should not, exist. Please, I'm begging you, restore them to Critical Rebuild 1.67 status.

    As for what I know? Well, what I know is based on being a fellow D&D 3rd Edition N.E.R.D. like yourselves from the good ol' BioWare days up to now. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2019
    @Shaiden Greetings sir,

    I just wanted to drop a line here and let you know that I had bit of a brain fart. (Pulls out a can of Glade Air Freshener and sprays) OK! I'm going to try to make this as succinct as possible to avoid any confusion on my part. After looking over the Free Attack description again, I thought about the extra attacks granted by Flurry of Blows and Haste. I also thought about where they land in the unarmed attack progression, and that's when it hit me like a Mack truck. These extra unarmed attacks are currently being treated as off-hand weapon attacks as if the monk is dual-wielding. Let's use the same monk with the +8 base attack bonus from the previous examples. We know the monk normally makes 3 unarmed attacks per round at +8/+5/+2, right? With FoB activated, the unarmed attack progression should be +6/+6/+3/+0, right? With FoB and Haste (because Haste adds another free attack at a character's full normal attack bonus), that unarmed attack progression should be sitting at +6/+6/+6/+3/+0, right? Here's where it gets dicey, no pun intended. Er, okay, maybe it was. Currently, the Combat UI has the extra attacks from FoB and Haste set to happen at the end of the unarmed attack progression when they should be at the beginning. Instead of the progression that we should see, we get a progression that looks like this +6/+3/+0/+6/+6 with FoB and Haste representing the last two +6 attacks in the progression. The problem is because they seem to land in an off-hand sequence, they are applied off-hand weapon penalties despite the fact that the monk is fighting unarmed. This would explain the additional -5 penalty applied to Haste coupled with the -2 penalty from FoB while FoB is activated, or right after a Cleave attempt has been made with FoB deactivated. I have just very recently discovered that if an Attack of Opportunity (an attack that should always be promoted to full attack bonus) lands in the same off-hand sequence, it will also suffer a -5 penalty to the attack roll in addition to the -2 penalty from FoB. Thus, begins the downward spiral of negative modifiers. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. Therefore, there should be no off-hand unarmed attack progression, resulting in off-hand attack penalties. He is not wielding two weapons when his entire body is the weapon. I hope you all @Beamdog find this information enlightening and useful.

    On a side note, I honestly didn't know what progression Free Attacks followed in NWN until you provided the links to the information from Thank you for enlightening me. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2019
    @Shaiden Greetings sir,

    I just wanted to drop a line here and upload my latest screenshot illustrating another occurrence of this issue.


    This one shows an Attack of Opportunity suffering an additional -5 penalty following a Cleave Attempt while FoB (-2 penalty for a total of -7) is activated. The next attack of the combat round, which is a normal unarmed attack, suffers a -10 penalty (-12 with FoB). The final attack of the round, granted by Haste, suffers a -15 penalty (-17 with FoB) yielding a total attack roll of -3. This is before the character has advanced in level enough for Circle Kick and Great Cleave to enter the picture. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    The game is a bit laggy on my Samsung Tab A from 2016. There's a slight delay even in the progress of the dialogue screens.
    I guess 2 GB RAM is not enough (although I didn't run any background Apps, but you know, there's always something), or maybe Android 6.0 is too old to handle it. Theoretically, it fulfills the requirements, but it doesn't seem to be quite enough.

    I'm glad I bought it when it was 50% off. If dialogues are laggy, I don't even want to think about fights. What a pity.
    That means I'll eventually think about getting the PC version.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    I have solved the problem with the lagging.
    Just in case anybody else has the same issues:
    In the video options, I turned down "texture" to the lowest setting and graphics quality to "good". Don't see a difference on a 10-inch screen, and now it's running smoothly.
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