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NWN:EE on Google Play feedback thread

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
Now when the game is not in the beta, the beta category is archived.

Please share all the feedback to NWN:EE on Google Play, highs and lows, problems, questions, etc in this thread.


  • TorrenterraTorrenterra Member Posts: 1
    The app doesn't launch on my xperia z tablet. :/
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @Torrenterra Hello! That's sad to hear. Please file this as a bug (with all the info about your device) via our Service Desk -
  • gwulfgwulf Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2018
    hi im playing on android and im a beta tester also a big fan of nwn. I need some help with how to install modules so I can test them out I have no idea where to put the hak and mod files.I played this game on pc years ago and android is a bit different.

    Post edited by gwulf on
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    edited December 2018
    @gwulf You'll need a third party file explorer (e.g. ES File Explorer Pro) because Android doesn't have one.

    You'll also need an archive reader that can unpack 7z, zip and rar (e.g. RAR for Android).

    The installation path for mods is Android > com.beamdog.nwnandroid > files > user.

    In the user folder, you will need to create subfolders for modules, hak and so on (exactly the same as Windows).

    If you've forgotten how to install modules, here's a guide:

    Typically, your browser will download archives to the Downloads folder. Even with ES File Explorer, moving files to a new folder is a real pain (unless your phone/tablet is rooted, which might invalidate support). What I do is make a "user" folder in Downloads, move the unzipped files to the correct subfolder there, then copy the entire "user" folder to the nwn path mentioned above, allowing overrides.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
  • gwulfgwulf Member Posts: 2
    Thanks guys it worked!! enjoying it runs great and smooth for me.
  • rkp71rkp71 Member Posts: 16
    Robe animations messed up and loading screens have lines going through them and keyboard not working properly on my lgk20plus. Why can I not use voice to type in game? Game constantly crashing on my other phone that it looks fine on, but I see other people have reported crashes on transition already.
  • ShaidenShaiden Member Posts: 181
    Hi there @rkp71

    1) We've got a bug on robes having a few issues, but if possible could you file a bug with an attached screenshot so we know specifically what's going wrong? We just want to make sure we're talking about the same bug

    2) How would you say the keyboard is not working? Is the keyboard not popping up when you tap on the text chat window? Is no input actually going into the game?

    3) I'm not sure what you mean by using voice to type in game. Do you mean a voice-to-speech feature? Or something build into the phone specifically?

    4) I see you say that there's constant crashes on another phone. What model of phone / version of Android are you running on for that device? Is the crash happening consistently in one place? Or is it happening sporadically?

    Thanks! :)
  • rkp71rkp71 Member Posts: 16

    This is a pic of the robes, and you can see chat windows funky, also the text line dies not pop up so you can't see what your typing.
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    edited December 2018
    Still needs a way to change resolution and the flag to allow us to install nwn to an sd card formatted as internal storage.
  • Jeff2242Jeff2242 Member Posts: 3
    Okay, so I installed the game on my amazon fire tablet and it looks like crap (low resolution) and plays like crap (unplayable FPS) literally runs better and looks better on my phone, what a joke.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Jeff2242 said:

    Okay, so I installed the game on my amazon fire tablet and it looks like crap (low resolution) and plays like crap (unplayable FPS) literally runs better and looks better on my phone, what a joke.

    @Jeff2242 FireOS is not explicitly supported for NWN:EE, owing to the different ways that it operates. If at all possible, could you let us know how you installed the game? Did you do it through Google Play, and installed that via an APK?
  • Jeff2242Jeff2242 Member Posts: 3
    Yeah, I did it through google play installed through APK. What is the best kind of tablet to play the game then??
  • rkp71rkp71 Member Posts: 16
    My other phone that it looks nice on but crashes is a Blu life one x2. I was playing on an online server and crashing I tried solo campaign and it crashed once and sent a report so maybe I should play more campaign.
  • tburton2727tburton2727 Member Posts: 1
    NWN EE feedback update: because it is in the beta, the game can crash sometimes when you are going into new areas. Save often. This will be fixed when the company gets the feedback, hopefully. Still enjoying playing it! Also suggest that there be a look around button instead of using the outer border as this can cause you to move unexpectedly when trying to look around. Thanks for the great job Beamdog!!
  • OrganickatOrganickat Member Posts: 5
    Even with scaling set to 27 max, on a phone the window which has different chat options, i.e 1.yes is far too small on a 6" phone for me. Either a larger gap between the options or numbered buttons at the side would be more relaxing.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    IIRC a 7" phone is the minimum recommended?
  • OrganickatOrganickat Member Posts: 5
    Proleric said:

    IIRC a 7" phone is the minimum recommended?

    Perfectly playable on a 6" phone. As mentioned above, my only complaint is the selectable text.
    I've played Icewind Dale on a smaller screen but text selection is of no consequence in that game.
  • ShaidenShaiden Member Posts: 181
    Yep, the robes issue is currently being tracked.

    The chat log we have filed as well, effectively if you're on the client, the combat-log gets "clipped" somewhere around the length of the original merged chatlog. We're tracking that one too.

    What device / android version are you currently running? I'm curious as to why you might be getting those crashes. Are you playing in Single-player, Multiplayer, Persistent world?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    The Input board now includes a category for mobile requests: NWN:EE on Mobile. There're 30 requests so far. Please vote on the features you want to see, and if you have additional suggestions, share them in this thread.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    Can we have discussion threads on those requests?

    For example, "Permanent labels on the radial menu" isn't a yes/no IMO. There is an issue, especially with items that can cast multiple spells, but I'd rather long press showed the label, short press cast the spell, to save clutter.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Proleric said:

    Can we have discussion threads on those requests?

    For example, "Permanent labels on the radial menu" isn't a yes/no IMO. There is an issue, especially with items that can cast multiple spells, but I'd rather long press showed the label, short press cast the spell, to save clutter.

    Feel free to open threads on those requests - they're not on the Roadmap, so approach them as any requests on the Input board.
  • DassemDassem Member Posts: 1

    Has anyone tried using a mouse though an OTG cable?

    If not it i'll give it a go and report back, but it should work in lieu of touch right?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772

    You might be able to make it function, but mouse and keyboard are not officially supported.

    However, there's a post on Facebook saying a player managed to use a mouse with a tablet.
  • JapualtahJapualtah Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2018
    DDS textures are not rendered.
    I had to change all my models DDS with TGA.
    I used to convert my textures from TGA to DDS using NWN crunch, I didn't try other conversion tools, it's time anyway to ditch DDS alltogether and stick with TGA.
    NWN crunch is a command line tool for texture compression, based on crunch.
    NWN crunch uses the zlib license:
    The following batch scripts are available for the most common operations. 
    All scripts will read files from the in folder and write the output to the out folder.
    Supported file formats: png, tga, bmp, jpeg, dds (standard and NWN), ktx, crn
    Converts all files to nwn dds format.
    Same as convert_nwn, but with different options better suited foor converting normal maps
    Converts all files to png format.
    Converts all files to tga format.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    DDS works fine for me.
  • JapualtahJapualtah Member Posts: 165
    What DDS ? Orginal game DDS ? If not created with which tool ?
  • TrasdTrasd Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2018
    Having a separate forum topic for NWN Android (or Mobile) would be nice!

    Now that the Android beta forum is shutdown, Android users have to either search for their subject in one big thread or hope to find it in the General NWN discussion. Using search can come up with many unrelated posts.

    Like I said, it would be nice to be able to bookmark one topic and find all Android related posts in its own discussion (like the beta forum).

    Please consider this request.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    Japualtah said:

    What DDS ? Orginal game DDS ? If not created with which tool ?

    I've always used the Bioware DDS Converter Tool. My understanding is that there is a subtle difference in the DDS format used by NWN, that's addressed by using that tool.

    I also have DDS from many different NWN custom sources, which all work.
  • JapualtahJapualtah Member Posts: 165
    Beamdog should look into this issue and fix it.
    Proleric said:

    I also have DDS from many different NWN custom sources, which all work.

    Well aside that this kink of comment doesn't help, not all original textures are fine. For example, the water texture of the original city tileset fountain is also broken, so there's definately something to look into here.

    Some DDS created 15 years ago with Bioware tools don't work anymore either, like Velmar's tower, so the problem doesn't only come from NWN crunch.

    Problem confirmed from multiple users, so it's not an android device issue but a texture format issue.
    I already changed all my custom models textures from DDS to TGA but since we are encouraged to model with the new shaders, I now have for most models an ambiant occlusion, normal and specular maps of several Mo each in TGA. And I'm being very reasonable when choosing my textures size, refraining from using 2048, often limiting myself to 512.
    People will be reluctant to download gigabytes of haks even with the acclaimed (my players love it) NWSync.

    Well, anyway, thx for providing the link to the original DDS converter, I'm going to test it right away. Just the usual sunday at work *rambles away*
This discussion has been closed.