The Outer Worlds

in Off-Topic
Tim Cain and Co. are back guys!
Though it's a pity you're going to play only as a puny human.
@BelleSorciere @Vallmyr @typo_tilly
Tim Cain and Co. are back guys!
Though it's a pity you're going to play only as a puny human.
@BelleSorciere @Vallmyr @typo_tilly
I don't think MS will have had much influence on this game. If it's coming out next year, that means it's been in the pipe for awhile. Mass Effect 2 and 3 were great (except the ending of course), and I think that's because they were already in the works before Bioware got bought, so I don't think MS will have really had any impact on this game. I'm also excited because a space cowboy game was exactly what I wanted Obsidian to make if they can't do another Fallout.
But this "it's all about how you make choices and decisions" is really starting to sound like a marketing slogan, fake and artificial as it is.
Except Borderlands 2 was a hundred times better made, more stylish, and funnier.
So yeah this practically seems like it's going to be Borderlands with more RPG genrea.
My only hope is that they aren't using the Unity engine. Not being able to run at a stable 60 fps in a isometric RPG isn't a big deal. If a game like this doesn't and suffers technical issues, it's going to really hamper this game's success.
A side-note about the trailer: it occurs to me that Iggy Pop has probably made more money off his songs being licensed in the last ten years for various purposes than he ever could have possibly made in record sales for most of his career.
But will it use a class-less system like Fallout?
And also because an elitist atmosphere creates an elitist virtue signalling competition where people keep pushing each other to new heights of elitism by attempting to prove themselves elitistier-than-thou to their peers. Meaning less and less games will be "passable" as the spiral goes on, while the few that still is are likely put on pedestals and worshipped.
Also Age of Decadence owns.
Also AoD is overrated imo.
i'm just shocked they even have a jrpg sub forum they seem to me the type of epople that would ban you for even saying they are rpgs.
Yaaaay~ . . . . *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*
That's already two strikes below the belt for me. One more and I don't know what I am going to do to Epic. But I bet it won't be pretty.
Looks like a lot of people feel about Epic the same way I feel about Steam. I refuse to support any developer that releases exclusively to Steam.