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NWN modules by Baldecaran [Prophet, Cave of Songs, Honor Among Thieves]

FiastraFiastra Member Posts: 33
edited December 2018 in NWN:EE Modules
In my honest opinion they're part of a long campaign to be played with the same character. Proper order is:

1)Cave of Songs (Short but very nice prologue):

Let's play:

2)Honor Among Thieves (City adventure for thieves, great replayability):

Let's play:

3)Prophet (Very linear but epic story, similar to Planescape: Torment):

Let's play:

How to install:

Reviews by Berliad:

The Prophet Series - spoiler discussion thread - Bioware Archive (defunct):


  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Thank you for this useful linklist! I had completely forgotten about the spoiler discussion at BSN; so glad it got saved!

    As for this series, I want to advertise it to more players, but I am at a loss for words by which to describe it which wouldn't give away the experience. This is one of those stories which really should be experienced completely blind. Even just mentioning the overarching theme would give something of the reveals away. But seriously, if you have an interest in exploring philosophy through Fantasy, if you enjoy Moorcock or Gaiman, this is the game for you. Much more of a spiritual (!) successor to Planescape Torment than Numenera will ever be.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    everytime i hear about prophet it's how it's story is just as good as planescape torment.. i'll get around to it eventually i still need to play the adem miller stuff and Tales of Arterra first.
  • The Prophet is absolutely worth the playthrough though an update to the current version of CEP would make it so much more accessible. As it is I have to play it on a dedicated install of 1.69 to work at all.

    Probably the best series on NWN and that's a tall order considering swordflight is out.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    After some careful sleuthing, I found an interview with Baldecaran on the old NWN Podcast. It should be worth listening to, especially since the author originally mentions being inspired to write the Prophet as a proper Baldur's Gate III (it all makes sense now when you look at the themes of destiny vs. choice!).*/
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited February 2020
    now i;m not sure if this is me or the last patch broke some modules. but prophet seems to be bugged atm. after you talk with the mayor your henchmen is supposed to walk towards the inn and your supposed to fallow him.

    this never happens he just stand there.

    this and my issues with tales of arterra i mentioned in another thread makes me think the latest patch may have messed with the scripts.

    edit: well atlest with prophet it turns out it was something in my override folder that messed with the scripts. after deleting everything except my ui mod and mod to make the font bigger it seemed to have been fixed.

    not sure if this fixed the tales of arterra issue.
    Post edited by megamike15 on
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    so i just finished up the first 2 modules in prophet. so far i am enjoying it and the fact it's linear does not bother me as it makes the story more focused.

    and with out spoiling anything the planescape torment comparison is sound.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    looks like i had to drop prophet during chapter 3. i ran into a very common script bug that was broken even when using scripts from the module page
    you get a dream that reveals the vigil knows who you are. and your supposed to wake up in a grave. but that never happens and your stuck in the dreamworld. you can teleport to the grave site but that seen is completely bugged as isandra does not show up and is stuck where you rested.

    i think i'm just gonna hold off playing fan modules until the ee is patched. this is the 2nd time i had a script break on me.
  • According to the comments on nwnvault, a solution was found:
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    According to the comments on nwnvault, a solution was found:

    i tried that but i was not working. i did finish the module anyways just with out a henchmen.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Just use the original game, its far more stable than the ee and you can replicate any of th ees functions using mods. :) I played through the trilogy fine last month on diamond
  • rashkaerashkae Member Posts: 179
    I previously played through Prophet on EE twice, with no issues whatsoever. I was unable to reproduce this glitch with the the latest patch. Whatever was going on here, I don't think its an EE compatibility issue. With the new fixes to pathfinding and performance, I think EE would be an exceptionally good choice for Prophet.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    rashkae wrote: »
    I previously played through Prophet on EE twice, with no issues whatsoever. I was unable to reproduce this glitch with the the latest patch. Whatever was going on here, I don't think its an EE compatibility issue. With the new fixes to pathfinding and performance, I think EE would be an exceptionally good choice for Prophet.

    well the issue i was haveing was after the December patch. and some modules have been busted due to whatever beam dog did with that patch. i have not test prophet again with the newest patch.
    Isewein wrote: »
    Just use the original game, its far more stable than the ee and you can replicate any of th ees functions using mods. :) I played through the trilogy fine last month on diamond

    i would but i have so many issues with diamond on my laptop. cutscenes don't play right and i get transparent ui elements. the ee actually runs for me compared to the original.
  • rashkaerashkae Member Posts: 179
    edited April 2020
    I have to apologize, I was mistaken. I was able to reproduce the error with the henchperson 1/4 of the way through Chapter 3. I had to leave them behind to continue without them. (Note: you would be continuing without them in any case, but it's a great pity for the scene to be missing.) I'll try to have a peek, but this module is *very* complex, and probably beyond my ability to identify what is going wrong.


    This part seems much less complicated than I assume. All the commands in the cutscene appear to work perfectly, right up to this one:


    It made no sense to me that something to basic would be completely non-working, but I think that particular waypoint is in an invalid location, and that's why the command now fails.

    If I try to jump to it with the dm client, I do not go into the grave where the Waypoint is located, but end up beside it. Can you try with the dm client in Diamond Edition? It's in an area called "The Lands of the Dead - A Prophet's Grave"

    It will take me some time to test my theory, but if I'm right, I'm really not sure how this could be fixed... It's not a matter of scripting, but of the custom tileset that includes the grave hole.

    Edit 2: A mistaken assumption on my part.. this is not any kind of custom tileset, but "Grave 2" terrain from the default Castle Exterior, Rural tileset. If my first assumption about the cause of the JumptoObject failing is correct, it should be possible to create a simple module that will reproduce.

    Edit 3: I have confirmed that the placement of the waypoint inside of the grave hole is the reason the transition stalls.
    Post edited by rashkae on
  • rashkaerashkae Member Posts: 179
    Edit 4: I have created a hotfix for this Module by simply removing the grave hole, (and raising the Z-axis of the waypoint to the terrain.) This kind of spoils the visual effect, but the cutscene plays out as expected. A complete playthrough test will have to wait a bit. Again, I don't really have a way to post this to the Vault where it might do some good... *shrugs*
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    edited November 2020
    Huh, I just noticed these comments. You can export the hotfix as an .erf using the toolset and upload it to the Vault just fine - I'm sure a lot of players would be delighted.

    I'm curious though why this bug seems to only occur on EE - if the issue is the tileset, shouldn't it be a problem in Diamond as well?

    So glad to read others were as enthralled by the Prophet series as I have been, by the way - I keep thinking back to it, and I wish there were more discussions of it online to satisfy that itch without going all in for a replay. I can't help but regret how few players will ever experience it, compared to the cult classic status it would surely have attained were it a commercial release.
  • rashkaerashkae Member Posts: 179
    This bug was not present in earlier versions of EE, but was introduced with recent patches. I'm only speculating here, but I think it's either related to the walkmesh fixes made to tilesets, or a fix to "JumpToObject" fucnction to prevent teleporting characters into solid objects. Either way, the mod relied on teleporting the PC literally fix feet under, and thats snot working anymore.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    Heard of some of these, never tried em. Are these gonna get updated to remove the bugs, or should I just download Diamond edition if I want to try them?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    alot of the time if a module is having issues in the ee it tends to be about area transitions. something in the patches broke them.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    megamike15 wrote: »
    alot of the time if a module is having issues in the ee it tends to be about area transitions. something in the patches broke them.

    That's something anyone can fix if they really wanted to, area transitions are some of the easiest things to do in the toolset. Simply a matter of remembering two names and being able to draw a vague square shape.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    edited November 2020
    @WarChiefZeke I'd definitely recommend downloading Diamond to check them out. Played back to back, the whole campaign easily takes about 50h, so it's basically its own game in scope as well as in quality. Well worth the effort. With Zwerkules' facelift, Diamond looks great anyway.

    It may be possible to make it work on EE, but for a story-driven module such as the Prophet, I would say it's not worth the risk of being exposed to spoilers in the process.

    PS: Just in case anyone is still worried about the graphics, here are some screens to show how pretty The Prophet can look in Diamond.

    Post edited by Isewein on
  • rashkaerashkae Member Posts: 179
    I thought I had already replied this thread, but seem to have lost it. I sent WarChief a fixed .mod file for Prophet Chapter 3 and Arterra: The Awakening Part 2 (available to anyone for the asking.) I think the improvements to EE have come a long way and is a much better experience overall now, (The new lighting, control over PvP in single player not tied to difficulty, and the very noticeable performance improvements on areas that stress the engine, not to mention easier, work out of the box experience on modern systems.)
  • NeurodamantovaNeurodamantova Member Posts: 2
    Geez this series looks amazing! Can't wait to play :)
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2020
    the very noticeable performance improvements on areas that stress the engine

    I must say I have had the exact opposite experience. My laptop runs NWN Diamond without any issues, even in graphically intensive areas and with an override / patch haks stuffed to the brim. I recently downloaded the EE, however, to give the new Ultima IV remake a try, and for some reason the game makes it run extremely hot, with the fan noise almost drowning out the sound effects.

    To return to topic, I have uploaded a small collection of Honour Among Thieves dialogue fixes to its vault page, while @Shadooow has released an excellent fix for the Rocky Mountain Tileset used extensively in Prophet I. These should both be useful irrespective of whether the series is played on Diamond or EE.

    EDIT: Preferences aside, you really should run this module series, or Part III at the very least, in NWN Diamond. There is one gamebreaking bug introduced by EE that ruins one of the best narrative moments in the series, and whatever improvements EE brings, it's just not worth it to even just be spoiled about it while trying to apply a fix. It kind of breaks my heart that half the comments on the module's page on the Vault are complaints about its bugginess when that is in no way the module author's fault, rather than discussions of its brilliant story.
    Post edited by Isewein on
  • SorenSoren Member, Developer Posts: 48
    Could someone confirm whether the reported issue with moving to the grave is still present in the latest dev patch? And if so, perhaps provide a repro savegame?

  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    rashkae wrote: »
    I thought I had already replied this thread, but seem to have lost it. I sent WarChief a fixed .mod file for Prophet Chapter 3 and Arterra: The Awakening Part 2 (available to anyone for the asking.) I think the improvements to EE have come a long way and is a much better experience overall now, (The new lighting, control over PvP in single player not tied to difficulty, and the very noticeable performance improvements on areas that stress the engine, not to mention easier, work out of the box experience on modern systems.)
    rashkae wrote: »
    I thought I had already replied this thread, but seem to have lost it. I sent WarChief a fixed .mod file for Prophet Chapter 3 and Arterra: The Awakening Part 2 (available to anyone for the asking.) I think the improvements to EE have come a long way and is a much better experience overall now, (The new lighting, control over PvP in single player not tied to difficulty, and the very noticeable performance improvements on areas that stress the engine, not to mention easier, work out of the box experience on modern systems.)

    Would appreciate if anyone can share the fixed mod file for the two modules mentioned here. Plan to play these modules this year.

  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    I tried replaying prophet not long ago. My enjoyment did not live up to the nostalgia. It's fine, but a lot more combat heavy than I remembered. I might try again soon, see if I can push through it with a more melee oriented person or sneak past all the fighting as a rogue.
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