Baldur's Gate Loot Reference Guide
As we attempt to get the next issue of Wild Surge issue completed, we would like to share with you a little sneak peek at the next issue's theme.
Attached here and linked is a Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Loot Reference Guide. Unlike newer games, Baldur's Gate does not list the value of the random treasure that one can loot from their fallen enemies or poorly locked chests. Hoarders may have a hard time determining which potion they should leave behind as the their pack is stuffed with other necessities like wands, magical weapons and chickens.
Early in the game, when a player is attempting to save up for the Robes of Archmagi or the Shadow Armour, every little bit helps.
Obviously not all items are listed in the game, that list would be too long. We attempted to focus on items found more than once in the game, had a lower value than other nonmagical items or items that were part of generic drops . Thank you to @Rik_Kirtaniya for compiling all the items and giving us a quick blurb about it.
Our next issue on the theme of Loot will be out soon with interviews from Beamdog regarding the new DLC for the infinity engine games, economics in NWN persistent worlds, a review of Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2 and more.
Thanks again for being an awesome community.