Displaying 7 proficiency stars at character creation

Right now, we can safely set max profs to 7 (the stat wraps around if you set it to 8+). If you have a character that has 6-7 ranks in a given proficiency, it displays on the character sheet, and everywhere else. It just doesn't display at character creation (and, I think, level up). As a sample, in this screenshot, I have created a fighter with 7 ranks in bastard sword in ToB. But, as you can see, it only displays 5 pips at character creation.

How would I change this so it displays all 6 or 7 pips?

How would I change this so it displays all 6 or 7 pips?
Search UI.MENU for This is the list we will be editing.
Change the list from this:
To this:
I've attached the two variants, so you can run a Diff tool on them to see exactly what changed.
Also, to enable 7-pips on the engine-level, you need to do a special 2DA edit.
PROFSMAX.2DA: The last three columns in this file aren't documented, but they determine the max amount of pips allowed at character creation in the relevant campaign. The last column defines ToB, I haven't tested the others. You need to set this to 7. (That is, if you want that amount of pips to be available when you first create your character).
I knew about profsmax, but it's good to have that info out there
The first column is always level 1.
The second column is for levels greater than one and less than the next column.
The remaining columns are for all levels equal to the columns specified level (column header) and less than the next columns specified level, with the left-most columns having priority. The last column is for all levels equal or greater than the columns specified level.
In it's default, column 1 is for level 1, column 2 is for level 2, column 3 is for levels 3-5, column 4 is for levels 6-8, and the last column for levels 9+. In the case of extending to 7 pips, you would add two columns, one with header (12) and the other (15), to keep the current trend (the maximum increases by one every third level).
Right now, the only reason a Fighter cannot raise their proficiency to 5 at level 2 is because they don't receive any proficiency points at level 2, as "PROFSMAX.2da" would allow it if they did.
Thanks again @Bubb !