@Gusinda Hola Gus. En la tablet aparece el texto de la descripción de los kit pero en inglés (seleccionando el idioma español). Luego provaré un poco el juego a ver si ya no aparece texto invalid. Gracias.
Hi @Seda, yes, unfortunately there are a number of mods within the modfile that doesn't have the Spahish translation. This means you will get a mix of English and Spanish.
@Seda, here is the updated version of the Modfile in Spanish/English. I tried to run it on mu device but got lost in the language. I managed to create a bard and speak with Imoen to see text though.
Hola @ Gusinda. Aún no he podido ver en profundidad el mod, debido a mucho trabajo... sin embargo, he detectado que los NPC se pueden cambiar a un kit de ladrón impresionante, el artífice. Es genial.
Si los textos siguen inválidos, te pido un mod solo de Kit, que no añada texto de para la historia adicional del juego, si es posible, en este caso los Bardos son mi preferencia, pero cualquir Kit nuevo será bienvenido (ninja, artifice, martir, explorador de la naturaleza o cualquier otro).
Como modificación adicional, solo sería imprescindible ampliar municiones y restricciones de raza para las clases. También me interesaría poder elegir clase y armas para los NPC, o al menos que empiecen en nivel 0 con elección de armas y de caracteristica.
Muchas gracias por todo GUS, me ha encantado poder probar los nuevos kit y ver algún NPC nuevo.
HI @Seda, unfortunately adding kits to the game will always add text as it describes what the kit would be able to do. If we can sort out the invalid text problem then you would be able to use any of the mods. Have a look at the modfile and let me know if there are any probs, if so, I will do some further investigation.
Hi @Seda, I think I found your problem with the 'invalid' text. Would you be able to give this a go? It replaces the current lang-es_ES_SCS.zip used in the modfile above. Hopefully this will work well...
@ GUSINDA Gracias Gus!!! Lo probaré. Hoy leyendo en foros vi algo sobre codificación UTF-8 en europa para los textos, no se si eso también puede influir.
@Seda, excellent. I am refining the method so it wont be as big next time or contain any duplicate files but it is good to know that I am on the right track.
@ GUSINDA Hola Gus. Ahora va perfecto en tablet y en móvil. Aparece la descripción de los kit y los diálogos de historia en español. Por fin podré ampliar la historia con el mod NPC.
Por cierto, no se cambiar el nombre a el archivo UI sin extensión .txt, para activar consola, podrías añadir archivo UI renombrado?
Y el kit martyr después de descansar usa todos sus detectar el mal hasta agotarlos.
Hola @Seda, adding the XPLEVEL to your game is likely to remove the XP Cap and make it so that you couldn't reach level 50 for any of the classes. I don't have access to my gaming PC at the moment and wont do so until mid next week, but I could rebuild the mod with the modified leveling file as part of the base next time...
Here is the UI.MENU wrapped in a .zip file so all you would need do is unpack it and place it in the override folder. Hopefully it works for you.
Thanks for the challenge of getting this right in a different language. Apart from learning a little (very little) Spanish, I had some assumptions that were proven incorrect and needed to be changed to fix the invalid statements. Need to do some more testing in english to make sure the new assumptions move closer to becoming a fact but it will help create a new work around...
@Seda, see what I can do. Some of the mods (like NPC project and some of the individual NPCs) are BG1 only but I will put in what I can. BG2EE does have some problems modding (Android) in its current version but will never know until I give it a go.
Hi @Seda, have put together a number of mods. So far they include all the friendship mods, BG1 NPCs into BG2, NPCs that were in the BG1 modfile and some new ones, as well as the Bardic Wonders pack and SCS.
The problem here is that all of them are English only (or language other than Spanish). Would this be a problem? They would still be installed into the ES version but I am guessing that they will only display text in English.
Also, is there any specific mod you want included?
Hola Gus. Para jugar al BG 2 pido: 1.Tener mod NPC BG2 en español (si se pudiera), porque amplía los diálogos y mejora la experiencia de juego. 2. Nuevos Kit, aunque estén en inglés. 3. Bardic wonders y /o cualquier otro mod que amplie objetos. 4. SCS.
Confío además en tu buen criterio. Aunque me llama mucho la atención el mod Shadow Magic que podría sustituir a Bardic Wonders (que creo que en bg2 tiene tienda para bardos) o tener ambos si es posible.
No tengo prisa, ya que estoy disfrutando de Baldurs Gate 1.
También tengo el Icewindale, si crees que es mejor dejar BG2 como está (tiene más diálogo) y mejorar Icewindale sería otra opción.
Hazlo si puedes y sin prisas. Con el mod que me preparaste de bg1 tengo para muchísimo tiempo.
Hi Gus - I have spent the last two months very happily enjoying BG1 with the mods you set up for me. Thank you again! Would you be willing to set some up for me for Siege of Dragonspear? I only want a bag of holding and the experience cap removed. I certainly understand if you do not want to deal with it. Either way, thanks again.
Hi @Pholisma, this is no problems. I have added the XP Cap removal but I don't think Tweaks Anthology adds a BoH into SOD. Reading, it seems to only add one to BG1EE... What I have done there is to add one into the chest where you get your orders in the first area.
If there is a problem (as I haven't tested it on my device), let me know.
Any mods of new portraits in android BGEE ? I'm getting bored of these portrait, I would appreciate a druid fighter or holy warrior cleric kinda portraits if possible?
Hi @Zackel, other than the DLC, I am not aware of any mods (WeiDU type) as such but it is very easy to add your own portraits. If you find the image that you want to use, you can crop it to the right dimensions and file type than just add it to your portraits folder:
If the portraits folder isn't there, just create it.
Have a look here for the dimensions and naming convention to be used. It is for IWDEE but it is the same for BG series as well. The thing I do differently is to name the files with all lowercase except the L/M at the end. I found that some would be picked up by the game with the capital at the front. I also have different dimensions:
M = 210x330
L = 420x660
or you could use L as 210x330 as well. The game scales the images so you wont have any problems using either. I always have both L & M even if it is a copy of the same image.
If you don't have a PC for cropping, there are many Android based editors that can be used. If all else fails, you can post the link in this discussion of the image you would like cropped and I can do it for you. I had a quick look for a starter, but I wasn't sure what race/gender you were chasing.
Also, there are a couple of discussions in this forum that are dedicated to uploading images (a lot are prepped already to place into your portraits folder. Here are a couple to keep your restartis going:
There are many custom portraits available on the web as well that can be searched and downloaded with no modding requried for your portraits folder. BTW, you can place them into your override folder, but I like to keep mine separate so they don't get lost.
Hi guys. I need your help. I want to install just two mods for my BGEE on my tablet, but I completely don't know haw to do that. I hope you can help me and set up for me BG1 NPC Project (v24.3) almost all component except:
- romances for female characters
- Kivan's "Kivan and Deheriana Companions" Portrait
and all components of BG1 Unfinished Business (v16.2). That's all.
If it's possible please two versions:
- Polish language (included in both mods)
- English
Hi @BeF1990, I should be able to do what you need here. It may take until the weekend but should be no problems. Wont be able to test the Polish language properly so you will need to give some feedback if there are any problems. Guessing this will be for the version of the game.
@BeF1990, got to it a bit sooner than expected. Attached are the modfiles that you wanted. Due to it being a simple modfile, all you need to do is to copy the modfile into you game folder:
Don't unpack the files at all (like a lot of the other modfiles)... The entire file has been treated to allow the game to read it properly.
Also, don't place both the modfiles into the the game folder together as it might be likely that the dialog.tlk or override folder would get confused. Not sure because they are two different languages but better being safe than have any probs.
Give them a whirl and let me know if you have any problems.
These are for BG1EE and assumes that you have no other mods installed. If you do, you would need to remove them.
I also inserted a GUI button to give access to the console. Short press to activate and long press to close.
Happy Gaming
Edit: Found a problem so will have to reupload. OK, give these a go.
Thank you SO much for doing this. The good news - the game runs, and a couple of the mods (higher stacks of ammo, whatever mod allows me to pick weapons proficiency whether skills) work just fine. The bad news - the dialogue additions from the NPC project just are listed as "invalid" followed by a number. I will test a little bit more to see if anything else is not working at the moment. No idea what to make if this, but thank you again for trying!
@Pholisma, give this one a go. It is using a work around for similar problems with BG2EE but I have never had to do it with BG1EE before. It contains a copy of the dialog.tlk as dialogf.tlk. I will put both the SCS and NoSCS versions here. Remove the lang.zip from the Files folder and place the appropriate version in it's place. There should be no need to rename them but if it still fails (on a new game), then try renaming them to just lang.zip. Have tested both with current names.
Now everything works fine.
I tried to add one more component from The Tweaks Anthology (v9):
- BG NPCs go to inns
but unfortunately I can't change your .zip file and when I add my .zip the game doesn't work.
I don't want to bother you every time when I need to add some mods, so maybe you can give me the link with instructions how to add mods to the BGEE Mobile? It would be great.
Hi @dipsetdipsetdipset, as requested here, this modfile is for BG1EE and contains the mods in this thread as well as Shadow Magic. All the mods have been updated to current versions (which can be seen in the WeiDU.log attached).
I haven't had time to test properly, so I suppose you would be the 'beta' tester. I had no porblems with creation of a Shadow Adept mage with text showing as it should and selection of the Shadow Magic mage spells worked (well initial level 1 anyway).
Hi @Gusinda I am running into problems with this modfile. I am getting invalid messages in character creation for any of the added kits. I looked around in the modfile and as compared to the modfile for BG2EE, there is no "lang-en_US.zip" file.
Hu @dipsetdipsetdipset, sorry I didn't include installation instructions... not sure why.
This particular modfile is one that doesn't unpack on the device; just place it in the root of the files folder (where you would put the lang.zip). Make sure you clean out any remnants of the modfile that has already been installed, in particular the lang folder.
The other thing is that this is not in english but polish, I misnamed the modfile. This would be another problem if you are actually running the game in english. If you are, let me know and I will fix that!
I must have been in a hurry when this was done...
Hi @Gusinda No worries about the install instructions. I first tried it that way and it did not work, although that may be because I am indeed playing in English.
Aún no he podido ver en profundidad el mod, debido a mucho trabajo... sin embargo, he detectado que los NPC se pueden cambiar a un kit de ladrón impresionante, el artífice. Es genial.
Si los textos siguen inválidos, te pido un mod solo de Kit, que no añada texto de para la historia adicional del juego, si es posible, en este caso los Bardos son mi preferencia, pero cualquir Kit nuevo será bienvenido (ninja, artifice, martir, explorador de la naturaleza o cualquier otro).
Como modificación adicional, solo sería imprescindible ampliar municiones y restricciones de raza para las clases.
También me interesaría poder elegir clase y armas para los NPC, o al menos que empiecen en nivel 0 con elección de armas y de caracteristica.
Muchas gracias por todo GUS, me ha encantado poder probar los nuevos kit y ver algún NPC nuevo.
Luego te digo que tal va el archivo.
Muchas gracias Gus!!!
Seguiré probando.
Gracias Gus!
Por cierto, no se cambiar el nombre a el archivo UI sin extensión .txt, para activar consola, podrías añadir archivo UI renombrado?
Y el kit martyr después de descansar usa todos sus detectar el mal hasta agotarlos.
Me has alegrado la semana!!!
Muchas gracias por tu esfuerzo Gus.
Hola Gus.
El archivo adjunto es para rebalancear la xp a monjes, magos y pícaros.
Afecta negativamente al mod que me has fabricado?
Here is the UI.MENU wrapped in a .zip file so all you would need do is unpack it and place it in the override folder. Hopefully it works for you.
Thanks for the challenge of getting this right in a different language. Apart from learning a little (very little) Spanish, I had some assumptions that were proven incorrect and needed to be changed to fix the invalid statements. Need to do some more testing in english to make sure the new assumptions move closer to becoming a fact but it will help create a new work around...
Disfruta tu juego
Si no fuera por ti no hubiera podido jugar NPC con romances y ver nuevos kit.
Muchísimas gracias!!!
Hola Gus el juego va genial.
Para el futuro y sin prisas te pediría el mismo archivo adaptado a BG 2, si es podisble.
Eternamente agradecido.
Hola Gus.
Para jugar al BG 2 pido:
1.Tener mod NPC BG2 en español (si se pudiera), porque amplía los diálogos y mejora la experiencia de juego.
2. Nuevos Kit, aunque estén en inglés.
3. Bardic wonders y /o cualquier otro mod que amplie objetos.
4. SCS.
Confío además en tu buen criterio. Aunque me llama mucho la atención el mod Shadow Magic que podría sustituir a Bardic Wonders (que creo que en bg2 tiene tienda para bardos) o tener ambos si es posible.
No tengo prisa, ya que estoy disfrutando de Baldurs Gate 1.
También tengo el Icewindale, si crees que es mejor dejar BG2 como está (tiene más diálogo) y mejorar Icewindale sería otra opción.
Hazlo si puedes y sin prisas. Con el mod que me preparaste de bg1 tengo para muchísimo tiempo.
Muchas gracias por todo, de nuevo.
If there is a problem (as I haven't tested it on my device), let me know.
If the portraits folder isn't there, just create it.
Have a look here for the dimensions and naming convention to be used. It is for IWDEE but it is the same for BG series as well. The thing I do differently is to name the files with all lowercase except the L/M at the end. I found that some would be picked up by the game with the capital at the front. I also have different dimensions:
M = 210x330
L = 420x660
or you could use L as 210x330 as well. The game scales the images so you wont have any problems using either. I always have both L & M even if it is a copy of the same image.
If you don't have a PC for cropping, there are many Android based editors that can be used. If all else fails, you can post the link in this discussion of the image you would like cropped and I can do it for you. I had a quick look for a starter, but I wasn't sure what race/gender you were chasing.
Also, there are a couple of discussions in this forum that are dedicated to uploading images (a lot are prepped already to place into your portraits folder. Here are a couple to keep your restartis going:
LadyRhain's Too Many Pictures 2
LadyRhain's Too Many Pictures 1
Custom PC & NPC Portraits
There are many custom portraits available on the web as well that can be searched and downloaded with no modding requried for your portraits folder. BTW, you can place them into your override folder, but I like to keep mine separate so they don't get lost.
If you have any problems, just let me know.
- romances for female characters
- Kivan's "Kivan and Deheriana Companions" Portrait
and all components of BG1 Unfinished Business (v16.2). That's all.
If it's possible please two versions:
- Polish language (included in both mods)
- English
Thank you in advance.
Don't unpack the files at all (like a lot of the other modfiles)... The entire file has been treated to allow the game to read it properly.
Also, don't place both the modfiles into the the game folder together as it might be likely that the dialog.tlk or override folder would get confused. Not sure because they are two different languages but better being safe than have any probs.
Give them a whirl and let me know if you have any problems.
These are for BG1EE and assumes that you have no other mods installed. If you do, you would need to remove them.
I also inserted a GUI button to give access to the console. Short press to activate and long press to close.
Happy Gaming
Edit: Found a problem so will have to reupload. OK, give these a go.
Once again thx very much.
So I had similar problem like here: but I solved it as you said here: Now everything works fine.
I tried to add one more component from The Tweaks Anthology (v9):
- BG NPCs go to inns
but unfortunately I can't change your .zip file and when I add my .zip the game doesn't work.
I don't want to bother you every time when I need to add some mods, so maybe you can give me the link with instructions how to add mods to the BGEE Mobile? It would be great.
I haven't had time to test properly, so I suppose you would be the 'beta' tester. I had no porblems with creation of a Shadow Adept mage with text showing as it should and selection of the Shadow Magic mage spells worked (well initial level 1 anyway).
Download: BG1EE.
Let me know how you go and if any problems show, I will see whether it can be fixed.
Happy Gaming
This particular modfile is one that doesn't unpack on the device; just place it in the root of the files folder (where you would put the lang.zip). Make sure you clean out any remnants of the modfile that has already been installed, in particular the lang folder.
The other thing is that this is not in english but polish, I misnamed the modfile. This would be another problem if you are actually running the game in english. If you are, let me know and I will fix that!
I must have been in a hurry when this was done...