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[Tool] DConverter: An easy-to-use tool for learning about D files

OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,080
If you want to make new dialog with WeiDU, you need to know how to use D files. And the best way to learn about D files is to turn existing dialog files you're familiar with into D files and read them. But there's no simple, easy way to do this. It's possible to do this by creating a WeiDU program just to turn a specific dialog file into a D file, but that's awkward, especially since the D file goes away when you uninstall. It's also possible to do this with the Windows Command Prompt, but only if you know how to use it.

My DConverter tool lets you turn a dialog file into a D file simply by entering the filename of the dialog you want to convert. It puts the D file in the override folder, where you can read it with NearInfinity.

DConverter also lets you turn a D file into a dialog file. Unlike most WeiDU programs, DConverter can be used repeatedly without having to uninstall it.

You can download it below:
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