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BGEE on Android crashes when I open map

MyNinjaPenguinMyNinjaPenguin Member Posts: 2
edited December 2018 in Troubleshooting
Hi there, I recently got a new tablet partly in order to play Beamdog's games on (I own all Beamdog games on Android, so definitely a paying customer). I had played Baldur's Gate a bit on my older, much worse tablet about a year ago and was loving it. However, after that tablet broke and before I got my new one, several patches hit the Infinity Engine games. To my dismay, when I loaded BGEE up on my tablet I discovered that thanks to changes in the way the area map works, it not only takes forever to pull up the map even in a small area, but when I attempt to do so in a decently large area, the game simply crashes back to my home screen.

I assume the other Infinity Engine games will do the same thing. It makes me very sad that on a system that would run the old versions just fine, I can't play them properly because of features that should have been optional. If this can't be fixed, is it at all possible to go back to an older version of the games? It would be worth it to have a working map.

Game Version:

Device Model: Lenovo Moto Tab (TB-X704A)
Operating System: Android 7.1.1
CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon 625
GPU: Qualcomm Adreno 506
System RAM: 2GB
Post edited by MyNinjaPenguin on


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Hello! This is a known issue and will be fixed in the future patch. Right now, try going to Options and disabling the Map highlighting there.
  • MyNinjaPenguinMyNinjaPenguin Member Posts: 2
    I hate to be "that guy", but... it's been nine months. I'm feeling pretty abandoned here. Is there a patch that somehow just isn't showing up on the store for me?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    We haven't released a patch yet (neither for PC nor for mobile), sorry. It's still in the works and getting closer.
  • Cynic314Cynic314 Member Posts: 3
    Ok, I'll be "that guy" also. Surely you must have a timetable for when you plan to release the patch, right? Telling people that you are "working on it" for months isn't very reassuring, and doesn't make people want to purchase any more of your games. I've enjoyed BGEE, but as of right now, it's just consuming storage space on my tablet.

    Also, I'm not seeing the workaround option to disable the map highlighting. Perhaps I'm missing it?
  • ArrenfeyArrenfey Member Posts: 1
    The initial question about the issue was asked in December 2018 and I'm encountering it right now in November 2019. There is no patch coming. Used to be able to use the map just fine before I had to buy the game again(not sure why I had to buy it again when I still have the same android account).
  • Candy_clown2Candy_clown2 Member Posts: 10
    It looks to me that the game crashes while opening the map at the point where memory/system/android? can't keep up. Most of the time it crashes right before completely being zoomed out. So I try to be smart and pause the game before opening the map.., but that seems to crash the game too. I"m not too worried about the map not working properly, because I like to be lost and having to search the area. But I agree it's worth fixing, because the map is something that could be used a lot by other players.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    The map zoom animation is EXTREMELY hard on mobile GPUs. That, alone, could be crashing you. I'm still amazed that "feature" shipped.
  • VexxVexx Member Posts: 1
    We are coming up on the two year mark this is no longer a bug but an unwanted feature.. please make this more of a priority as it's a real shame to have to play without a map..
  • cloudsatcloudsat Member Posts: 27
    I used to have this issue. After getting a faster phone with more RAM, the game does not crash any more but still has slow animation. I guess it is just demanding on resource.
    One temporary solution is to start a new game, when you are indoor, open the map and change the settings then. Because the indoor map is small, it won't crash the game. After you turn off animation, you are good to go. Hopefully this still works.
  • MakikailivesMakikailives Member Posts: 1
    Fixed this issue on Samsung Galaxy Tab by disabling Area Map Background n Gameplay menu and enabling Area Map Zoom Transition in Graphics menu. The transition is a bit choppy, but forcing the game to play the animation slows the switch between gameplay and map screen to the speed of available system resources and prevents the crash
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