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I don't know if this was changed in EE, but I remember that in vanilla characters would often be fatigued. Now it almost never happens. They all have good constitution, but travelling for days/weeks without sleep seems wrong.

Is there a mod that fixes this?


  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    The enhanced edition didn't change anything there.

    If you have any companions with 7-14 constitution they'll only be able to go for about 16 hours before they're fatigued, but everybody else can go longer. I guess the rationality is that these are exceptional adventurers with beyond normal physical prowess, but it does get weird when you get a bunch of guys with 15+ constitution working together.
  • thiefthief Member Posts: 45
    I don't recall any mod correcting this. If you don't use Haste, you'll be hard pressed to get tired with 16+ CON.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    And Yet Kagain's voice acting has him constantly yawning, acting tired, despite a charisma score that could have him working for weeks on end without feeling it.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486

    And Yet Kagain's voice acting has him constantly yawning, acting tired, despite a charisma score that could have him working for weeks on end without feeling it.

    *constitution (but yes, I agree this is a bit of paradox)
  • PingwinPingwin Member Posts: 262
    He's not tired, he's bored.
  • EarlOfBakedgoatEarlOfBakedgoat Member Posts: 7
    I travelled for 10 days and no fatigue...seems that some patch broke how fatigue working.
    MacOsx v
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    I travelled for 10 days and no fatigue...seems that some patch broke how fatigue working.
    MacOsx v

    If you travelled the whole ten days at once, it'll take a couple minutes for it to kick in, but I couldn't tell you what bugs do or do not exist on mac.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    i've also noticed that high constitution characters don't seem to get fatigued for travelling or staying awake for long periods of time

    i tried doing some digging and i couldn't really find out how fatigue works, although in the .2da files, apparently starting at CON of 16 you start getting a "fatigue bonus" whatever that means ( i want to assume its a bonus from the "luck stat" that you lose once your characters start getting tired )

    perhaps the EEs accidentally made it so this bonus actually makes it so you can go that extra amount of days before getting tired? hard to say
  • EarlOfBakedgoatEarlOfBakedgoat Member Posts: 7
    Chronicler wrote: »
    I travelled for 10 days and no fatigue...seems that some patch broke how fatigue working.
    MacOsx v

    If you travelled the whole ten days at once, it'll take a couple minutes for it to kick in, but I couldn't tell you what bugs do or do not exist on mac.

    I know. Waited but nothing happens.
    Only Kivan (that has constitution < 16) seems getting tired.
    I suspect that con > 16 is bugged related to fatigue.

  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    i've also noticed that high constitution characters don't seem to get fatigued for travelling or staying awake for long periods of time

    i tried doing some digging and i couldn't really find out how fatigue works, although in the .2da files, apparently starting at CON of 16 you start getting a "fatigue bonus" whatever that means ( i want to assume its a bonus from the "luck stat" that you lose once your characters start getting tired )

    perhaps the EEs accidentally made it so this bonus actually makes it so you can go that extra amount of days before getting tired? hard to say's_Gate:_Races_and_Stats#Constitution

    Play It Hardcore says a +1 bonus should translate into 4 more hours before you get fatigued, if I'm reading it right. They're usually pretty reliable.

    @EarlOfBakedgoat is theorizing that 16 is the mark where it no longer works, and that seems to be the point where you start getting bonuses, so perhaps the value of the bonus has been skewed to something far greater than intended.
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    It would appear that characters with a constitution score of 16 have mastered the art of sleepwalking.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    kjeron wrote: »
    The timer is reset when you load, so as long as you save and reload before becoming fatigued, you will never become fatigued (barring haste and restoration). It's not sleepwalking, it's save-scumming.

    That seems like a massive oversight. Was it present in the original games?
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited March 2019
    It was. You could use that to abuse the game if you were inclined, e.g. by eliminating the timer delay between casting spells.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    hmm, even without save scumming my chum and chumettes don't seem to get fatigued with CON scores of 16 or higher
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited March 2019
    The game saves every time you do a party transition - though I think it's the reloading, not the saving which resets things. My characters do get fatigued, but it takes a while. However, I do find the difference between constitution levels very noticeable even with high constitution scores. For instance I have one party with 5 characters with 19 constitution and one with 18 - the one with 18 gets fatigued much quicker than the others.
  • EarlOfBakedgoatEarlOfBakedgoat Member Posts: 7
    I traveled and explored for days without reloading and nothing.
    I'm on MacOS I should try on Windows
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