G3: The Beaurin Legacy v2 Now Available
in BGII:EE Mods
The Beaurin Legacy by @jmaeq introduces an elven Enchanter/Thief and a hidden NPC to BGII:SoA and BGII:EE. Minyae Beaurin can be found outside of the Crooked Crane in the City Gates. The mod includes custom portraits, a friendship track, numerous banters and interjections, encounters and quest(s), voicing for both NPCs (However, Minyae is fully voiced), a romance with a Bioware NPC, player-initiated dialogues, and a custom friendship track theme. Version 2 features the first release of its Throne of Bhaal content, an alternative class (Enchanter) for Minyae, a romance conflict with Laufey's Edwin Romance Mod, an additional portrait, a new soundtrack, and various bug fixes.
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Project Page
I admittedly never heard of this mod, let alone tried it (yet), but I'm giving you a "like" just because she has one damn good-looking portrait!
I installed the new update, but unfortunately I'm encountering a bug that occurs right after,
In fairness, I should acknowledge that,
1. I DON'T have the most recent version of BG2:EE installed (I'm using version 1.3).
2. I installed the mod in the midst of a playthrough (though before I had ever visited the City Gates).
3. I have a bunch of other mods installed (though Minyae is the "topmost" mod).
Thanks for any help in advance.