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Help! Ipad (only) version - saved game editor help

I have no idea how I lost my Shadow Thieves Cellar Key to continue Ch3 on my iPad. I have successfully transferred my .bg2save game to my Mac (or PC) but I believe EEKeeper requires the game to be installed on my computer to edit the saved game. Any ideas on how I can add that darn key to my inventory in my .bg2save game file without needing to buy the Mac/PC/Steam version? Happy to send it along if anyone is willing/able to add and send back. Thanks.


  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    HI @emilhizer, and welcome to the forum. First up, I don't know anything about how the game works on the iDevices or how to transfer files to and from. Here is a discussion on the procedure and putting mods on etc...

    From there you might be able to get EEKeeper working by using the modding area.

    If that doesn't work, then you should be able to use the console on your device to add the key. This thread provides the UI.MENU to do that. The only thing is that I am unsure how to get the file into your override folder. Any tips @Luke93 (thanks)?

    Haven't tried the code but this should be the console command for the key:


    Good luck
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,537
    Gusinda said:

    The only thing is that I am unsure how to get the file into your override folder. Any tips @Luke93 (thanks)?

    1. Zip (no compression) the override folder.
    2. Rename it to override.bg2data.
    3. E-mail it to yourself. Alternatively, move the file to a Cloud Storage Platform you have access to on iOS (such as Box or Dropbox).
    4. Take your iOS device, navigate to the file (whether on Cloud Storage or E-mail) and open the file through the application's "Interact with other Applications" Menu (generally the Square with Up Arrow button on an iOS Device). Look for either "export" or "open in another application". In the list of applications, BG2:EE should show up. Tap on it.
    5. The app will launch. This operation may take some time depending on the size of your /override folder.
    6. Restart the app for changes to take effect.
  • emilhizeremilhizer Member Posts: 2
    Thanks. Here's how you do it. One must follow very carefully, but it works. Also, I did need to install BG2 on my PC (Mac > Parallels Windows 10 actually accepted my circa 1990s CDs if you know what those things are, I can't believe I found them).

    Kudos to this post - lightly edited by me to be Mac/Parallels friendly, too.

    You will need:
    - Installed PC (or Mac > Steam) copy of game
    - EEKeeper
    - Email, iCloud, Drobox or Mac > Airdrop
    - Knowledge of how to (un) zip / compress

    - You can 'export' your save file by holding down the 'quicksave' button in-game. An iOS menu should pop up asking you what you want to do with the file.
    - Among the options are Email, iCloud, Dropbox (if app installed) or Airdrop (if you're sending to Mac). You can attach the save file to an email and send it, or save it to your iCloud. Do whatever gets your .bg1save or .bg2save onto your PC or Mac.
    - The .bg2save file is actually disguised .zip files. So rename the file extension and unzip it. Inside you'll find the BALDUR.GAM and BALDUR.SAV files, just like the PC version's save files.
    - Copy these files to your PC game's save location, usually something like "\Admin\Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition\save".
    - The save is now ready to be modified with EEKeeper. Go nuts.
    - Once EEkeeper is done, it'll generate files under "000000008-Quick-Save (Edited 0001)" or something.
    - Go into the folder, select everything and zip it up!
    **** Don't right click the folder and zip, or you'll get a folder within a folder and your iOS game won't recognize it -- this only took me two days to figure out -- go into the folder, select all the files and zip / compress them
    - Rename the .zip file's extension back to .bg2save -- on Mac you may need to right-click > Get Info, uncheck "Hide extension" - using Get Info to rename file on Mac is the best way I've to ensure your editing the actual extension
    - Email, iCloud, Dropbox or Airdrop the save file back to iOS device
    - When you download/open the save file on your iOS device, one of the options on the pop-up menu should be "Copy to Baldur's Gate (II)" -- if using Airdrop it will automatically launch BG2
    **** Make sure the game is completely closed on your iOS device (not just hidden in background)
    - Your modified save should appear in the load menu in-game. Load it, you're done!

    This knowledge should also help you import saves to and fro between iOS and PC/Mac (Steam)
  • nforesternforester Member Posts: 5
    emilhizer wrote: »
    - Go into the folder, select everything and zip it up!
    **** Don't right click the folder and zip, or you'll get a folder within a folder and your iOS game won't recognize it -- this only took me two days to figure out -- go into the folder, select all the files and zip / compress

    Thank you very much!
    I've spent 15 hours solving problem with folder inside zip...
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