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[v3.6] Epic Thieving: More Benefits from High Thieving Skills



  • DrAzTiKDrAzTiK Member Posts: 72
    congratulation for this mod, I fing the concept very interesting.

    If you allow me, what do you think about an "epic hide in shadow" component , currently this ability is completely useless ( shoud be set at 100% at level 1 by default) . We could imagine something like :smile:

    - 0 to 100 point = 0 to 100% chance to hide in shadow during night or dungeons
    - 100 to 200 point = 0 to 100 chance to hide in shadow during day
    - 200 to 300 point = 0 to 100 chance to hide in shadow even in there is enemies around (night and day)
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