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NWNEE will not play movies from module

DwayneDwayne Member Posts: 103
I originally posted this in the nwn module section but decided it may be better to post it here. I would like an answer from Beamdog why their enhanced edition will not play the original format for movies. I decided to play the Shadowlords and Dreamcatcher series and I was greeted with the error message that nwn could not play the movie because it "must be in webm format and have the suffix ".wbm" " I assume the same will happen to every movie in the series. They worked fine in nwn 1.69 but not in nwnee. So much for compatibility. What is the point of buying ee if it keeps having all of these problems? I had to abandon the Aielund series due to all the crashes.


  • DwayneDwayne Member Posts: 103
    I have been trying many modules with movies and nwnee will NOT play any of them. I get the same error message. This is just ridiculous.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    The same will happen with any movie that was saved in the old format. NwN EE needs movies to be in the open source (aka free to use) webm format. This change occurred roughly about a year ago. The main reason for the change being that a relatively small company like BD cannot afford to pay the licence fee demanded by the owners of the previous format. To compare the 2 formats download the optional movies from this module of mine and use the vlc media player to view them both.

  • DwayneDwayne Member Posts: 103
    Thanks for letting me know.
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    I made a batch converter for the movies, if you want to convert the movies it pretty easy.
  • DwayneDwayne Member Posts: 103
    Thanks. I will give it a try.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Yes, that's unfortunately a thing. We don't have a licence for bink, so we had to convert to webm (a open format). This is especially relevant as you consider mobiles.
  • DwayneDwayne Member Posts: 103
    The converter worked great. I will have to convert all of my movies.
  • DwayneDwayne Member Posts: 103
    I have noticed something strange about my original movies in the movie folder. They are all gone! I still get the error message so I know they are being accessed somewhere. Did nwn ee move them somewhere? A search for their name on my computer did not turn them up. I do have back-ups for things like this so I can use them to convert and replace.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    @Dwayne you are looking in your user/your name/documents folder for the movies aren't you?

  • DwayneDwayne Member Posts: 103
    Yes. The only movies left there are bik movies of the nwn campaigns and premium modules. I do have complete backups of nwn so it is not a problem. I would need to replace them anyway but it is weird they are missing yet nwn ee does still try to play them and has access to them. My converted movies are still there also.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    Given that you have backups of the movies in the old format, if you have converted them all it will be safe to delete them as they are no longer needed. That should get rid of the problem. I don't know why you are getting that though.

  • DwayneDwayne Member Posts: 103
    I can't figure out how that is happening. I have checked for hidden folders, searched for movie names, looked for Bioware folders, and even checked the movie folder size. Nothing. With the new converted movies everything is working fine. Not a problem but just strange.
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