Where to sell wands?
There's a whole load of shops that you used to be able to sell all sorts of items to, that you now can't sell those items.
In particular, I noticed it's almost impossible to sell a Wand of any kind anywhere - except to Sorcerous Sundries and High Hedge. So many shops used to buy them, and now don't.
I'll admit this is annoying because now I can't find anywhere to sell a wand, that I could later *steal* it back from. Why was this changed? I always used to sell them to Maltz's shop just south of the Elfsong tavern, or to the Nashkel Inn, and there were a couple of other useful ones...
In particular, I noticed it's almost impossible to sell a Wand of any kind anywhere - except to Sorcerous Sundries and High Hedge. So many shops used to buy them, and now don't.
I'll admit this is annoying because now I can't find anywhere to sell a wand, that I could later *steal* it back from. Why was this changed? I always used to sell them to Maltz's shop just south of the Elfsong tavern, or to the Nashkel Inn, and there were a couple of other useful ones...
(I'm entirely okay with not being able to steal from a fence, but I don't have a problem with being able to sell things to a general store and then steal them back before selling them to a fence - or indeed, using them.)
From chapter 5 I'm pretty sure you can sell wands to some of the storekeeps in Gate besides Sorcerous Sundries, just can't remember who. I'd check lucky aello and silence first but it might have just been one of the general storekeeps for some reason. I haven't ever sold her anything as far as I remember but Black Lily in thieves guild too maybe?
If you're just looking to sell and not necessarily recharge then high hedge and sorcerous sundries work for that. The game gives you so much money from selling magical stuff you don't need that looking to get extra profits from steal-reselling is rather pointless besides maybe trying to get Taerom's stuff super early.
buddy outside of durlag's tower
holmes at high hedge
bently at the friendly arm inn ( perhaps this is what you meant by nashkiel inn )
shop keep at ulgoth's beard
so lots of easy access before chapter 5 to sell your wands to
when i hit chapter 5 the ONLY shop i ever use is the sorcerus sundries because i like keeping all of my items in one shop if i can, just in case i sold something by accident and need to buy it back
This is what I was gambling around for when I said Carnival. I was sure there was someone around and just couldn't pinpoint who the heck it was.