How can I check if a mod in my list has an update available? If my list building lasts some days, some mods will probably be updated in the meanwhile.
You click directly on the mod name on the mod list. If there's an update, the Mod Info Textbox will display changes since the previous version. Ofc it only works for sites with API like GitHub.
Before you say "I want to check ALL mods for updates", such improvements are planned.
Another suggestion: tooltips for the arrows on the left. One could move a category at the beginning or bottom of the list without knowing, and then not remember what was the "default" category order. Also a button to restore defaults would be nice.
Ah, a tooltip for what apparently is a refresh button near the extracted mods address bar would be useful too. I suppose it's for re-scanning folders.
If I import a weidu.log or create a sorting order file including mods with "#" in their name (e.g. "A7#ImprovedShamanicDance") the mod does is not included in the installation order. Is this a local bug / error on my side or can't the program handle the "#"-string?
If I import a weidu.log or create a sorting order file including mods with "#" in their name (e.g. "A7#ImprovedShamanicDance") the mod does is not included in the installation order. Is this a local bug / error on my side or can't the program handle the "#"-string?
Thanks, Mods with "#" work now
I now noticed some other mods (e.g. D0Questpack) which are still not selected when importing a Weidu-File. (Although when I select them manually I can sort them via an installation-order .csv).
Thanks, Mods with "#" work now
I now noticed some other mods (e.g. D0Questpack) which are still not selected when importing a Weidu-File. (Although when I select them manually I can sort them via an installation-order .csv).
Latest version is of no use for me. I need to have different mod versions in my mods folder in order to update them. But PI does not allow me to do anything since it has detected duplicated tp2 files.
@Gwendolyne I agree that this can be annoying but it prevents false bug reports when someone has two or more mod versions. PI is able to install only the first mod which finds inside the mod folder. This limitation is not something that can go away easily because it's connection with all other features.
Are you used PI in order to install non-duplicated mods, and duplicated mods are installed manually? If I will know more about the use-case, we can work together in order to solve this.
@Gwendolyne That's because PI prevents installation at all if the 'Extracted mods' folder contains duplicated mods as there no way for the player to select which 'copy'/'from which folder' the mod should be copied and installed.
The solution for this is to move duplicated mod folders (or tp2's) outside of the 'Extracted mods' folder as the warring message tells you and even list the duplicated tp2 with paths.
Why not? I like the idea of the new pop up window which recalls all duplicated tp2. If you can enable an option (even hidden so usual users won't check it) to switch between new and old PI behavior, that would be fine for me.
Thanks, Mods with "#" work now
I now noticed some other mods (e.g. D0Questpack) which are still not selected when importing a Weidu-File. (Although when I select them manually I can sort them via an installation-order .csv).
Aaaaannnddd regression fixed in 0.7.18
That was quick! I now noticed that arestoration and eeuitweaks are not selected when importing them from my weidu.log.
@ArjukKagrim The 'arestoration' case is the weidu bug, it will work when the new weidu version will be released. As for 'eeuitweaks' I can't reproduce, it works fine for me.
Hi @ALIEN, is there a way to insert a pause into an install order? For cases where it is necessary to do something outside of the order/WeiDU? Are there any other commands we can insert into the order?
Also, I'm experiencing extremely slow install of SCS. SCS has been going for about 11 hours. It always takes a while, but this is a record.
Possible use cases include wanting to pause to check that the game works after installing certain components, or that the component functions as expected, or to check whether a component has installed or skipped silently.
Other features I'd like would be a way to change the selected game via install order, mine currently looks like this:
# Install on BGEE+SoD
DlcMerger:1:"Siege of Dragonspear" DLC
bg1npcmusic:0:Install All Audio
bg1ub:0:Ice Island Level Two Restoration
bg1ub:11:Scar and the Sashenstar's Daughter
bg1ub:12:Quoningar, the Cleric
bg1ub:13:Shilo Chen and the Ogre-Magi
bg1ub:14:Edie, the Merchant League Applicant
bg1ub:16:Creature Corrections
bg1ub:17:Creature Restorations
bg1ub:18:Creature Name Restorations
bg1ub:19:Minor Dialogue Restorations
bg1ub:21:Store, Tavern and Inn Fixes and Restorations
bg1ub:22:Item Corrections and Restorations
bg1ub:29:Duke Eltan in the Harbor Master's Building
bg1ub:33:Mal-Kalen, the Ulcaster Ghost
bg1ub:34:Chapter 6 Dialogue Restorations
coranbgfriend:0:Coran's Extended BG Friendship Talks
neera:0:Neera Expansion
neera:6:Make Neera romanceable by women?
neera:7:Make Rasaad romanceable by men?
k9SharteelNPC:0:Install Shar-Teel NPC Mod
# Install on BG2EE
sod2bg2_iu:0:SoD to BG2:EE Item upgrade by Daeros_Trollkiller
sod2bg2_iu:1:All importable items with Voidsword +3
sod2bg2_iu:3:****Optional**** Change Cromwell's equipment to be more in-line with his forging skills
# Install on EET
EET:0:EET core (resource importation)
# (Rest of Mods on EET)
EET_end:0:Standard installation
# (SCS + aTweaks + klatu)
Then continues with other mods on EET.
Being able to replace the comments on what game to use with a command to switch between BGEE, BG2EE and EET would remove a need for manual intervention.
I should have asked an actual question about SCS, sorry!
Should I expect SCS to take much longer to install via PI than it would manually with WeiDU?
Possible use cases include wanting to pause to check that the game works after installing certain components, or that the component functions as expected, or to check whether a component has installed or skipped silently.
I second that. It's the second time I checked my 6-7 hours long installation only to notice some unexpected bugs/issues. With this feature I could actually check mod after mod how the game looks like and it could be beneficil to also pinpoint potential compatibility issue between mods.
Other feature request: not sure if this can be done, but I didn't notice this option. Is it possible to uninstall only the last installed component? If not, it would be very handy. This would be helpful if the first feature would be implemented. For example I install each mod and then check if everything looks ok. Now, after installing one of mods I noticed that UI is screwed. I want to uninstall only this mod, without unistalling all (this would be especially painful if the mod that screwed things up was very late on the install order).
EDIT: It would be even better if you could uninstall mods one by one starting from the last installed. In case you want to go back to the state of let's say four mods before.
@Atherakhia You can achieve this workflow in two steps:
1. Install sod2bg2_iu, S9SoundsetsVol2 in BG2EE, save such a modified game as a backup.
2. install BG1EE-part and BG2EE-part in one go, games will be switched on EET mod.
As for running other commands form install sequence data, I don't think that I want to open this can of worms, sorry.
in ProjectInfinity.ini, PI won't pause installation when warning occurs.
As for "uninstall mods one by one starting from the last installed" I will try to implement this.
@ALIEN thanks a bunch for the new release! Definitely will use new version during my next test installation. Will let you know if everything works smoothly.
One question, though. If I use the function to Disable Force Pausing On Warning, I'll still can get an info about warnings during installation from logs, right?
Ah, OK, does PI detect what to install on BGEE vs BG2EE(EET) somehow? I've been manually changing the game before setting of each section of my sequence.
I understand not wanting to open PI up to too much coding, expecially as it only really makes a difference to users likely to frequently reinstall.
Ah, OK, does PI detect what to install on BGEE vs BG2EE(EET) somehow? I've been manually changing the game before setting of each section of my sequence.
I understand not wanting to open PI up to too much coding, expecially as it only really makes a difference to users likely to frequently reinstall.
Basically everything that is put before EET Core on the sorting order list is installed on BGEE. Everything starting down from EET Core is installed on BG2EE. You don't need to switch between games, you only need to select EET and run the whole list. PI is able to detect what to install on BGEE and what on BG2EE.
The only difference are mods that need to be installed on clean BG2EE first, like SoD to BG2EE Item upgrade. Those should be installed first and you need to switch to BG2EE to do it. After that you switch to EET and install everything from the sorting list in one go. PI will install everything as described above.
One question, though. If I use the function to Disable Force Pausing On Warning, I'll still can get an info about warnings during installation from logs, right?
Those should be installed first and you need to switch to BG2EE to do it. After that you switch to EET and install everything from the sorting list in one go. PI will install everything as described above.
Not quite correct, but I blame confusing 'EET' entry at the game list. See below.
@Atherakhia As per FAQ, everything before EET is installed into SoD, everything else on BG2EE, no matter which game entry ('BG2EE' or 'EET') you will choose.
You're welcome
You click directly on the mod name on the mod list. If there's an update, the Mod Info Textbox will display changes since the previous version. Ofc it only works for sites with API like GitHub.
Before you say "I want to check ALL mods for updates", such improvements are planned.
Another suggestion: tooltips for the arrows on the left. One could move a category at the beginning or bottom of the list without knowing, and then not remember what was the "default" category order. Also a button to restore defaults would be nice.
Ah, a tooltip for what apparently is a refresh button near the extracted mods address bar would be useful too. I suppose it's for re-scanning folders.
## 0.7.17
## 0.7.16
## 0.7.15
Fixed in 0.7.17
I now noticed some other mods (e.g. D0Questpack) which are still not selected when importing a Weidu-File. (Although when I select them manually I can sort them via an installation-order .csv).
Aaaaannnddd regression fixed in 0.7.18
Are you used PI in order to install non-duplicated mods, and duplicated mods are installed manually? If I will know more about the use-case, we can work together in order to solve this.
The solution for this is to move duplicated mod folders (or tp2's) outside of the 'Extracted mods' folder as the warring message tells you and even list the duplicated tp2 with paths.
So I will revert back to my homemade batch installation process.
That was quick!
Also, I'm experiencing extremely slow install of SCS. SCS has been going for about 11 hours. It always takes a while, but this is a record.
Regarding SCS, there is nothing I can do about it. (You didn't install SCS into the game where it's already installed, did you?)
Other features I'd like would be a way to change the selected game via install order, mine currently looks like this:
DlcMerger:1:"Siege of Dragonspear" DLC
bg1npcmusic:0:Install All Audio
bg1ub:0:Ice Island Level Two Restoration
bg1ub:11:Scar and the Sashenstar's Daughter
bg1ub:12:Quoningar, the Cleric
bg1ub:13:Shilo Chen and the Ogre-Magi
bg1ub:14:Edie, the Merchant League Applicant
bg1ub:16:Creature Corrections
bg1ub:17:Creature Restorations
bg1ub:18:Creature Name Restorations
bg1ub:19:Minor Dialogue Restorations
bg1ub:21:Store, Tavern and Inn Fixes and Restorations
bg1ub:22:Item Corrections and Restorations
bg1ub:29:Duke Eltan in the Harbor Master's Building
bg1ub:33:Mal-Kalen, the Ulcaster Ghost
bg1ub:34:Chapter 6 Dialogue Restorations
coranbgfriend:0:Coran's Extended BG Friendship Talks
neera:0:Neera Expansion
neera:6:Make Neera romanceable by women?
neera:7:Make Rasaad romanceable by men?
k9SharteelNPC:0:Install Shar-Teel NPC Mod
# Install on BG2EE
sod2bg2_iu:0:SoD to BG2:EE Item upgrade by Daeros_Trollkiller
sod2bg2_iu:1:All importable items with Voidsword +3
sod2bg2_iu:3:****Optional**** Change Cromwell's equipment to be more in-line with his forging skills
# Install on EET
EET:0:EET core (resource importation)
# (Rest of Mods on EET)
EET_end:0:Standard installation
# (SCS + aTweaks + klatu)
Then continues with other mods on EET.
Being able to replace the comments on what game to use with a command to switch between BGEE, BG2EE and EET would remove a need for manual intervention.
I should have asked an actual question about SCS, sorry!
Should I expect SCS to take much longer to install via PI than it would manually with WeiDU?
I second that. It's the second time I checked my 6-7 hours long installation only to notice some unexpected bugs/issues. With this feature I could actually check mod after mod how the game looks like and it could be beneficil to also pinpoint potential compatibility issue between mods.
Other feature request: not sure if this can be done, but I didn't notice this option. Is it possible to uninstall only the last installed component? If not, it would be very handy. This would be helpful if the first feature would be implemented. For example I install each mod and then check if everything looks ok. Now, after installing one of mods I noticed that UI is screwed. I want to uninstall only this mod, without unistalling all (this would be especially painful if the mod that screwed things up was very late on the install order).
EDIT: It would be even better if you could uninstall mods one by one starting from the last installed. In case you want to go back to the state of let's say four mods before.
@Gwendolyne You can now set in ProjectInfinity.ini, PI will still complain but it allows normal workflow. Just don't install any of the duplicated mods via PI.
@Cahir You can now set in ProjectInfinity.ini, PI won't pause installation when warning occurs.
As for "uninstall mods one by one starting from the last installed" I will try to implement this.
1. Install sod2bg2_iu, S9SoundsetsVol2 in BG2EE, save such a modified game as a backup.
2. install BG1EE-part and BG2EE-part in one go, games will be switched on EET mod.
As for running other commands form install sequence data, I don't think that I want to open this can of worms, sorry.
@ALIEN thanks a bunch for the new release! Definitely will use new version during my next test installation. Will let you know if everything works smoothly.
One question, though. If I use the function to Disable Force Pausing On Warning, I'll still can get an info about warnings during installation from logs, right?
I understand not wanting to open PI up to too much coding, expecially as it only really makes a difference to users likely to frequently reinstall.
Basically everything that is put before EET Core on the sorting order list is installed on BGEE. Everything starting down from EET Core is installed on BG2EE. You don't need to switch between games, you only need to select EET and run the whole list. PI is able to detect what to install on BGEE and what on BG2EE.
The only difference are mods that need to be installed on clean BG2EE first, like SoD to BG2EE Item upgrade. Those should be installed first and you need to switch to BG2EE to do it. After that you switch to EET and install everything from the sorting list in one go. PI will install everything as described above.
Not quite correct, but I blame confusing 'EET' entry at the game list. See below.
@Atherakhia As per FAQ, everything before EET is installed into SoD, everything else on BG2EE, no matter which game entry ('BG2EE' or 'EET') you will choose.