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Project Infinity - mod manager for Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, and EET



  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Durandalis If you don't send feedback, I will never know why did you give up and go for manual.
  • benibielbenibiel Member Posts: 8
    Just wanted to say thanks so much for this! I tried it out a few days ago and it went without a hitch - and was so much quicker and less tedious than doing it manually. Also, as someone practically computer-illiterate, it was a lot easier to use than I thought.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @benibiel A newcomer? Please post you weidu.log, just to make sure everything went smoothly.
  • benibielbenibiel Member Posts: 8
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @benibiel A newcomer? Please post you weidu.log, just to make sure everything went smoothly.

    I am slowly emerging from lurkerdom.

    I..actually ended up re-installing today because I was an idiot and forgot a mod so it's uh, double-checked. The "Uninstall Everything" button was great too by the way.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @benibiel I see that you setup install order b yourself, very good. That was my concerns but it is fine :smile:
    Thanks for feedback!
  • hellwalker31hellwalker31 Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2019
    cant open it, it crashes immediately on windows7 after i try to run projectinf. exe
    Post edited by hellwalker31 on
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    edited February 2019
    Youtube Tutorial video of how to work this new program would be appreciated. Some people are visual learners rather than just reading a wiki, I hope this feedback helps!
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    cant open it, it crashes immediately on windows7 after i try to run projectinf. exe

    @hellwalker31 Do you have all pre-requisites installed? For Windows 7/8.1, you need .NET Framework 4.5.2 or above and Powershell 5.1 already installed (
  • hellwalker31hellwalker31 Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2019
    have network 4.7.2 ? checkin powershell
  • ChrisMartin913ChrisMartin913 Member Posts: 1
    I am running windows 10 home version 1803. After downloading I run the .exe file, I get the 'this file could be harmful warning', I choose to run anyway. I am asked to allow this program to make changes to the registry to which I agree. At this point the .exe fails to launch and is also removed from the folder I downloaded it to, leaveing only an empty logs and empty tools folder as well as a ProjectInfinity.exe.config file and a ProjectInfinity.ini file. Seem quite a few people are having the same issue.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited March 2019
    @ChrisMartin913 You AV/Windows Defender removed the main executable, it's false-positive. You can download exe again and allow/exclude it using you AV/Windows Defender options. Those issues are pretty common for new community made applications because major AV's apps didn't saw a lot of those exe files. It will improve after some time.

    Registry addon is one-time operation, later you won't be requested to run PI with admin rights.
  • hellwalker31hellwalker31 Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2019
    yeap, after powershell it works but what about mods* should we get them from external resources or we can get them with this program. I click on download mod at top left and it directs me another windows that has 2 buttons. 1 is with gibberling and it doesnt open anything, the other button, "black wyrm", says when i click: "soon". So what now ?
    Edit: added this log file just for in case if u ask it.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited March 2019
    @hellwalker31 You log shows that PI can't check for new version. Strange, can you open from you PC? I've released 0.4.5 which hopefully fixed "Download Mods > Gibberlings3". Please re-download application and check if you can download any mods (make sure that you have Git installed
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • hellwalker31hellwalker31 Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2019
    check it pls :)6wch4wmwc1ud.jpg
    i think i installed, and it was like command console from windows or something like that.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited March 2019
    API works, now follow the rest of my post: re-download PI, try to use "Download Mods > Gibberlings3" and get back with results and logs.
  • hellwalker31hellwalker31 Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2019
    redownloaded pi 4.5, it showed the mod list from gibberling. but like ur screenshot from ur first post which explains "how to", i cant find 7c-yoshi for example or other ones.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited March 2019
    @hellwalker31 The '7c-yoshi' mod is not present at Gibberlings3 Github: so it won't be visible/available for download inside PI but you can download and extract it manually into "Extracted mods' folder.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited March 2019
    New version: 0.4.5
    • fixed Download Mods
    • improved "Selected Game"
    • faster installation (--quick-log)
    • changed how logs are stored
    • added more logs
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited March 2019
    New version: 0.4.6
    • added "About" dialog
    • new icons for toolbar buttons
    • prevent multiple click of "Install-Mods" during ongoing installation
    • output from Weidu processes are commented

    Current users should see "Update available!" near "Feedback", simply click on it, wait for title-bar change and restart application.
  • LamiarLamiar Member Posts: 136
    I'm want to try some new tool, but after first touch, my decision becomes stay away at least for a while. There is mini feedback:

    1. Do this tool will be open sourced?

    2. There is exist any reason to obfuscate assembly? (Surely it may have few valid reasons.)

    3. Please, opt-in any writing into registry, specifically .iemod file association. Asking administrative privileges for nothing doesn't look valid. Also, doesn't all peoples like when applications push their file associations.

    4. Temp file `IEMod File.dat` should be removed in all cases (regedit may fail).

    5. Temp files should has unique (at least random) names.

    6. Since requirement is .NET 4.5.2+, lines below are doesn't looks valid.

    <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" />
    <supportedRuntime version="v2.0" />
  • LamiarLamiar Member Posts: 136
    It would be nice to add game directory check (not for existence, but with simple check that this is a game directory). Just now, when specifying this kind directory (any empty should be fine) - clicking on install-mod do... do nothing and no feedback. Just nothing and application freezes. I'm hits in this, doesn't even know about what i'm think, when choose instead of game directory, it's parent. :)
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    A quick report--PI recognized Almateria's Restoration Project and its language selection, but did not list the actual components of the mod. Out of the 20-30ish mods in my mod folders, I think this was the only component issue. Otherwise, out of the box it worked on Win 10.

    My inner pedant implores me to point out that there are no such games as BG1, IWD1, BG1EE, or IWD1EE--there's just BG, IWD, BGEE, and IWDEE. :)
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited March 2019
    CamDawg wrote: »
    A quick report--PI recognized Almateria's Restoration Project and its language selection, but did not list the actual components of the mod. Out of the 20-30ish mods in my mod folders, I think this was the only component issue. Otherwise, out of the box it worked on Win 10.
    It's a bug with weidu or the mod, reported,29831.msg339798.html
    CamDawg wrote: »
    My inner pedant implores me to point out that there are no such games as BG1, IWD1, BG1EE, or IWD1EE--there's just BG, IWD, BGEE, and IWDEE. :)

    The same inner pedant whisper to me that when somebody use BG, IWD, BGEE, IWDEE, we don't really know if he's intention was to define those games or if he forgot adding '2' :sunglasses:
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    I'm not obfuscating assembly on purpose, I simply compile code to exe, ProjectInfinity.exe.config was leftover and it was removed, game directory check is confirmed bug, will fix.

    Lastly, I have no idea about which `IEMod File.dat` or 'temp files' you are talking about, please be more precise.
  • LamiarLamiar Member Posts: 136
    ALIEN wrote: »
    Lastly, I have no idea about which `IEMod File.dat` or 'temp files' you are talking about, please be more precise.

    Ouch. Every time when i'm run `ProjectInfinity` if it see that it is something wrong with .iemod file association, it would invoke something like `regedit /s "%temp%\IEMod File.dat"`, who finally ask elevated privileges (regardless to that you doesn't need elevation, because you doesn't make any write into HKLM), and then leave this file in temporary directory. For me, personally, this is just annoying, but to be fair, there is very minor.

    And few good words: as for current state, e.g. as weidu-invoker tool with some degree of organizing - is pretty good. So I wish you to implement all planned features. :)
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    Lamiar wrote: »
    Ouch. Every time when i'm run `ProjectInfinity` if it see that it is something wrong with .iemod file association, it would invoke something like `regedit /s "%temp%\IEMod File.dat"`, who finally ask elevated privileges (regardless to that you doesn't need elevation, because you doesn't make any write into HKLM), and then leave this file in temporary directory. For me, personally, this is just annoying, but to be fair, there is very minor.
    File association procedure is executed only once. After association, PI should no longer require to be executed with admin rights(HKCU .. FileExts keys still require admin rights). If PI constantly asking about elevation, something is wrong. Please send me logs so I can try to identify problem.

    Temp-file should be removed for the next version.

  • LamiarLamiar Member Posts: 136
    edited March 2019
    ALIEN wrote: »
    File association procedure is executed only once. After association, PI should no longer require to be executed with admin rights(HKCU .. FileExts keys still require admin rights). If PI constantly asking about elevation, something is wrong. Please send me logs so I can try to identify problem.

    Temp-file should be removed for the next version.

    File association will be asked every time if you move ProjectInfinity.exe in another location, which happens some times if you has this tool copied in different places to not re-enter different path's (in ini).

    As for elevation: regedit's manifest is `<requestedExecutionLevel level="highestAvailable" uiAccess="false" />`, what means that it will always ask elevation for administrative users just on start (and will not ask for simple users). But, there is not so important.

    What is really terrible now is that there is no pause / retry / error indication.
    Say, just now, i'm put some premade install sequence with SCS... once all is installed i'm found that iwdification is not installed, because somewhy PI copied it as `setup-iwdification iwdfication.exe`, - so components doesn't get installed. And what i'm can do? Right - just begin from start with manual intrusion... ugh.

    ADD: For clearness, i'm install iwdfication right after spell_rev, but not as part of SCS.

    ADD: Also will be not a bad idea put in log in UI entry that installation completed. Just now you must deduct this. To be clear, all UI buttons during installation should be disabled. It has no sense even try to click on "Uninstall-Everything" during installation. :)
  • Saigon1983Saigon1983 Member Posts: 157
    Is there a way to translate this utility to russian? I could do it.
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  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited March 2019
    Saigon1983 wrote: »
    Is there a way to translate this utility to russian? I could do it.
    Previous experience with BWS show all flaws of unfinished translation so it's not planned. It's technically possible but I won't suport it because sometimes less is more.
    @ALIEN what is your current position on changing DESIGNATED numbers? I'm doing a big enough update of my mod that I kind of need to move two components around... it's easy enough to do in the .tp2 file but for automatic installers it might be better if I changed the DESIGNATED numbers to match the new install order... no? I don't have to change it; but I'm wondering if making the change would be good or bad for Project Infinity.

    (This would probably be the last time I ever change DESIGNATED numbers in any of my mods. This is more or less the final big update for MnG. But like I say, it can be avoided if it is still best to not do such a thing.)
    It was thought decision to make but I'm not relaying on DESIGNATED numbers, which cost extra features. So PI don't limit modder in any way when it comes to DESIGNATED numbers, every modder can do what he want with them. But at the same time, when the time is right and with all pieces in place, I will provide extra features for supporting:

    Phase 1 - so players to be able to save selected components, in a reliable way
    Phase 2 - so PI can read and apply desired install order for mod so players will no longer require to look for it
    Phase 3 - so PI can read and apply internal dependence (requirements/conflicts) between components of the same mod
    Phase 4 - so PI can read and apply external mod dependence (requirements/conflicts) between external mods

    (I know that you thinking about REQUIRE_PREDICATE for Phase 3/4 but currently there is no way for me to extract this information, more specifically, weidu can't do it and after so much time, I'm losing my faith that it will ever can do it.)

    It will be up modders to support it or not.
    Post edited by ALIEN on
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