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Project Infinity - mod manager for Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, and EET



  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    jastey wrote: »
    ALIEN wrote: »
    Phase 3 - so PI can read and apply internal dependence (requirements/conflicts) between components of the same mod
    Phase 4 - so PI can read and apply external mod dependence (requirements/conflicts) between external mods

    (I know that you thinking about REQUIRE_PREDICATE for Phase 3/4 but currently there is no way for me to extract this information, more specifically, weidu can't do it and after so much time, I'm losing my faith that it will ever can do it.)

    It will be up modders to support it or not.
    How can modders support this in their mods? Is there a way I can do this/prepare for it now?

    @jastey @Raduziel

    First of all, sorry for not replaying earlier, it's not that I'm ignoring difficult questions.

    But I'm afraid that I don't have answer right now, mostly because I don't want to act in a hurry:
    - every time when I discussed new PI features for modders, like metadata/config etc PI had already implemented basic version of such feature and tested locally
    - I was able to define very clear and direct requirements (with cosmetic corrections regarding how to name things) for metadata/config without creating situation which would require new/altered data from modders after they already do the job, because I've changed my mind etc
    - there is ongoing discussion regarding weidu features:,29836.msg339830.html (look at the part about TP2/TP3 predicates) so if wisp will implement a new weidu feature which will simply list all of REQUIRE_COMPONENT / REQUIRE_PREDICATE / etc from tp2 file, you won't have to provide any extra data for phase 3!

    I'm still working on this. It seems to me that I thought about most things. But there is always a chance for mistake or a place for improvements later, when modders would see practical implementations of the dependence system (internal/external conflict/requirements, install order). The major challenge is that it's all connected: conflict/requirements/installorder ect and modders wold expect that such system would be very mature from the start, without require changes later. And also easy to understand, easy to maintain, easy for cooperation and without errors.

    So at this time, I don't feel comfortably about asking you to providing extra data for experimental PI feature (let's call it Dependencies API v1) which:

    a) would probably require changes to this data later
    b) the context of the data and how PI would interpret this can also change
    c) there is an chance that providing some part of the data (REQUIRE_*) would not be necessary in the future (unknown timeframe)

    since I could probably test everything on my own, using local mod versions and see how it's play inside real life environment. As soon as I will cook something, I will write more.

    BTW: Phase 1 and 2 are much easier to implement for me and I'm current evaluating how much 'stress' each of the phase would put at modder.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited April 2019
    Guldygar wrote: »
    Some mods don't come with a setup-modname.exe. Do I need to provide one or does PI take care of it?
    No, PI is doing this for you.
    Guldygar wrote: »
    Optional? What do I base my decision on? What do I gain and/or lose by using BWFixpack?
    You could potentially gain some fixes for old and nor active maintained mods. If you never heard about fixpack, you probably don't need it. If you want to try, download fixpack, take look at the folder names inside ''Big World Fixpack" directory and if it matches the ones from you mods, it might contain mod fix.

  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    @ALIEN Thanks for the info, sounds reasonable. Just wanted to make sure since I'm updating mods currently.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Not that I was able to understand about 85% of what was told so far, but count me in if you need anything.

    And take your time :)
  • GuldygarGuldygar Member Posts: 18
    @ALIEN Thanks. I'm off to the races!
  • GuldygarGuldygar Member Posts: 18
    I ran BWFixpack on my extracted mods with these results:

    >> rr/setup-rr.tps contains 'VERSION ~v4.92~' instead of expected 'VERSION ~v4.91~'!

    >> song_and_silence\setup-song_and_silence.tp2" contains 'VERSION ~v9~' instead of expected 'VERSION ~v6~'!

    >> processing fixes from Fixpack folder "BiG_World_Fixpack/stratagems"
    >> Appending to files ...

    I'm assuming/hoping that means these newer version of Rogue Rebalancing and Song and Silence don't need fixing by BWFixpack.

    More importantly, BWFixpack left the following folders and files in the mod folder:

    BiG World Fixpack.bat

    When I ran PI these .bat and .tp2 files, along with all the .tp2 files in the BiG_World_Fixpack folder, were added to the mod tree. That was confusing!

    It was easy enough to clean the folder out, but I guess you might want to filter those files out of the tree in a future release.
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    edited April 2019
    ^That happened to me as well with other important mods, and it created a confusing situation. Personally I would also like to see if we all can move pass a lot of the old relics that was always required by BWS if possible. Might require a lot of the authors of mods to make some updates but I think it would be well worth the trouble.

    Having the fixes migrate to the actual mod authors instead of separated in fixpacks would be logical and would be one less patch to deal with.

    I might be lacking foresight if this cannot work.

  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Guldygar Thanks for this feedback, I've excluded 'Big World Fixpac' folder as a temporary solution.

    @Kaliesto This is possible but it require lot of work which nobody have.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited April 2019
    • restore ability to resize main window
    • restore minimize and maximize buttons
    • greatly improved application startup time due to new logic

    • fixed regression for mods update function
    • updating mods will refresh it's treeview node
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • GuldygarGuldygar Member Posts: 18
    How do I save my mod/component selections? (Hopefully with an option to edit the save name.)

    Unfortunately, Microsoft thinks it owns my computer, and reboots it at random times of the night. So if I don't save what I'm in the middle of, I risk losing it.

    Also, what do I do with the first two items listed for each mod, the ".tp2 path" and "Language" entries?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited April 2019
    @ALIEN ,

    IIRC @argent77 made a mod that can pack your current mod selection into some sort of DLC - this way the user may install one thing instead of several and may save a configuration that pleases him/her (specially useful for mods like aTweaks and SCS).

    How is the synergy between these tools (if there's any)?


    Edit: found the tool's info
  • GwendolyneGwendolyne Member Posts: 461
    edited April 2019

    There seems to be a regression in last version:

    1) click on a mod that provides an ini metadata file.
    2) click on a another mod (with or without ini file).
    3) go back to the first mod (1): no more metadata displayed.

    However, nice job with the startup time. ;)
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Guldygar Simply set you installation sequence and copy it.

    Regarding windows updates: you can delay security patches for 7 days and other updates for 30 days. Next major Windows 10 version will install 'big' feature update only when you click 'install' (unless you will delay it for 3 next major updates)
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Raduziel DlcBuilder is just another weidu mod, you can install it like all other weidu mods. There no special synergy because there is not need for it.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited April 2019
    @Gwendolyne Yep, good catch, fixed for now but it will require another rewrite in the future.

    • fixed regression for mods metadata function
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    Guldygar wrote: »
    Also, what do I do with the first two items listed for each mod, the ".tp2 path" and "Language" entries?
    Nothing. Those items are to show tp2 file path and mod available languages. I can't disable 'checkboxes' on those nodes due to technology limitation.

  • anastielanastiel Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 246
    edited April 2019
    i have dude this project running in Ubuntu?
    Post edited by anastiel on
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @Raduziel DlcBuilder is just another weidu mod, you can install it like all other weidu mods. There no special synergy because there is not need for it.

    Let me clarify: I'm not talking about the mod per se, but the product of the mod.

    Are we talking about the same thing?

    I'm like a blind man walking in the middle of the traffic here.
  • GuldygarGuldygar Member Posts: 18
    edited April 2019
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @Guldygar Simply set you installation sequence and copy it.

    OK, that will let me save a record of my selections, but it won't reload them ... am I right? I'm looking for something like the BWS Import/Export selections feature.
    ALIEN wrote: »
    Regarding windows updates: you can delay security patches for 7 days and other updates for 30 days. Next major Windows 10 version will install 'big' feature update only when you click 'install' (unless you will delay it for 3 next major updates)

    I do have updates on delay, but that doesn't let me know <b>when</b> the update will run. I hear that the April/May 2019 feature update will finally give some warning first. Of course, I just got the October 2018 update last week, so who knows when I'll see the next one.

    >>Phase 1 - so players to be able to save selected components, in a reliable way

    Reading old posts, I see this is planned but not yet implemented. I'm looking forward to it!
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited April 2019
    @anastiel No at this time.

    @Guldygar You can simply paste you previously saved install sequence. But you have to be careful when mods receive updates.
    Nope, right now it won't work. Wait for next version.
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Raduziel The product of the mod is zip file which you suppose to send to another person and he should extract it into correct directory. I don't see how PI could help with that. But you post is not clear, try to be more specific of what you want etc.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited April 2019
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @Raduziel The product of the mod is zip file which you suppose to send to another person and he should extract it into correct directory. I don't see how PI could help with that. But you post is not clear, try to be more specific of what you want etc.

    Sorry, I've being tired.

    I'll try to clarify.

    This mod creates a zip that may be sent to another person or may be used to restore a mod configuration after reinstalling the game etc.

    My question was if this zip could be used by PI, but now that I've rest I see that the question itself makes no sense.

    Post edited by Raduziel on
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Raduziel Don't worry :smile:
  • GuldygarGuldygar Member Posts: 18
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @Guldygar You can simply paste you previously saved install sequence. But you have to be careful when mods receive updates.

    Let's see ... I can make some selections, click "Set-Installation Sequence" to get a list of my choices in the output pane, and copy the output to a text file. Later I can restart PI and paste my selections back into the output pane, but I can't move them back into the tree.

    So I think you're saying when I restart PI, I can just continue making selections, use "Set-Installation Sequence" to get a list of these new choices, and append it to the same text file. Then when I'm ready to install the mods, I start PI, paste the text file into an empty output pane, and proceed to sorting order. That works for me!
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Guldygar Well, thanks to you I just discovered yet another not working feature, will be fixed soon :wink:
  • GuldygarGuldygar Member Posts: 18
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @Guldygar Well, thanks to you I just discovered yet another not working feature, will be fixed soon :wink:

    I'm glad I could help!
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    • improved behavior of the 'Refresh mod list' button
    • duplicated IEMod main files are detected regardless of 'setup-' prefix
    • it's not longer possible to provide invalid game paths
    • clicking game icon will run game
    • minor corrections
  • GuldygarGuldygar Member Posts: 18
    ALIEN wrote: »
    • improved behavior of the 'Refresh mod list' button

    I just updated to 0.5.1 but I don't see a button labeled 'Refresh mod list'

    I see you added a 'Sorting Order' field which answers a question I had.

    What is the purpose of the 'Add-Selected Mods' button?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited April 2019
    Guldygar wrote: »
    I just updated to 0.5.1 but I don't see a button labeled 'Refresh mod list'
    The blue one :wink:
    Guldygar wrote: »
    What is the purpose of the 'Add-Selected Mods' button?
    - you paste install sequence into application
    - you want to add few mods at the end of it without using mod list and checking every checkbox again
    - at the mod list, you can select only those extra mods, then click 'Add-Selected Mods' button
    - selected mods will be added at the end of install sequence, instead of wiping everything
  • GuldygarGuldygar Member Posts: 18
    ALIEN wrote: »
    - you paste install sequence into application
    - you want to add few mods at the end of it without using mod list and checking every checkbox again
    - at the mod list, you can select only those extra mods, then click 'Add-Selected Mods' button
    - selected mods will be added at the end of install sequence, instead of wiping everything

    Ahh, nice. Then when installing mods, does PI install the extra mods automatically selecting every option? Or does it bring up a window/terminal so the user can manually select each option?
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