- First german speaking Roleplay PW exclusively for EE

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Hey everyone!
Some may know me as "Leaf", some don't. That's of course ok.
Today i want to introduce to you this upcoming roleplay persistant world, i have been working on for some time now.
The server is built around Neverwinter, more precisely in Phandalin some of you might know from the Advanture of teh D&D 5th Edition Starter set and is heavyly roleplay oriented.
We strive to be as close to the 5th Edition D&D ruleset in terms of gameplay and lore as possible and some would have consider it a "hardcore" Rp world, back in the days.
But that only occours towards to ruleset. So please don't be afraid!
The first and most important rule is: Have fun!
We try to play together, not against each other, even though sometimes our characters will...
That means fun is the most important aspect of all and thus beginners aswell as veterans are welcome alike. Wether you know the corebooks at heart or have never heard of how a dice roll works, you are welcome and will be able to play what and how you like.
We try to make everything possible and as long as it doesn't cause trouble, everything can be talked about what and how you want to play it.
The player, you, is meant to be the star here, meant to stay in the focus. It is your adventure, your story, your life.
Live it how you like, but be aware ... even the strogest Adventurer, the mighyest Paladin and the most feared Wizard can find a quick end if consequences are not considered wisely.
Server information:
Name: Ger) [RP]
Language: German
Game type: Roleplay heavy
Level range: 1-20 (5th Edition Ruleset)
Item: Low Magic world
Haks: NWSync (roughly 3,5GBs of carefully selected custom content, it will be downloaded automaticly on connecting to the server! Like a patcher)
Team: Leaf, Symmetric
No Characterstory has to be approved, you can play immediately whatever race or class you like. But please read our rules before, in order to avoid some issues.
One of the core features of this server is "High Quality". Every map is carefully crafted and considered. Roleplay and Roleplay support is a core aspect and thus DMs are stongly adviced to help, support and assist in every roleplay, or with every issue that occours.
This server is for the players, not for the DMs.
If i was able to make you curious, please don't hesitate to step by and look around.
I however would like to apologize in advance for every issue or problem that might occour or if things are not as fast as you deserve it.
And last but not least, some ingame Screenshots for you to show, more on our website:

Post edited by Talime on
Hey everyone!
The past few days have been very exciting. Some things that happened were positive, some unfortunately a bit negative, but that shouldn't be the topic here.
The topic is that the server is running relatively solid and the most important areas in which 90% of all the roleplay will probably happen in the future, are there and playable.
The script base is done and seems to somehow work, even though I don't know why and what I have done ...
Even though a lot of things, Scripts, Areas, Npcs, Items are still missing and get added in time, the server itself and the roleplay can at least start and the server can begin to hopefully grow.
I would however apologize in advance for all the inconveniences, issues, problems and errors that will probably occour at the moment.
I am working on getting everything fixe after time and so I'd like to thank all of you for your patience and endurence you show in regards of my limited technical knowledge and understanding.
On Saturday 16/02/2019 is the day, the server officially starts and roleplay can happen.
I however can't promise to be able to get an initial plot done and covered since I have a lot of preparations to do but i am extremely buisy right now with studying.
I try however to get something done for you to explain a few things and to introduce you into the world of PnP like Roleplay advantures.
So i hope that you will appear in quite a few numbers on saturday to see everything by yourself. To experience the areas, the server and the atmosphere with your own eyes which I hope I was able to deliver.
A server like this lives and breathes by the players playing there. You are the most important aspect. You write the stories and you live the adventure!
And so this is your server, this is your project, this is your world.
Fill this world with life, fill it with dangers.
But before everything: Fill this world with fun and joy.
See you all in Ashabafurt
Best whishes,
Since today will be the start of the server i have written a "small" guide for beginner players on how to join and how to create a character.
Since it is mainly aimed at german players for now, i didn't translate it to english.
Just wanted to leave a link here:
Best whishes,
A small but important update:
During the last few weeks I have been unable to work much on the server due to finals.
However! Oe important thing we have been able to do:
The reduction of the download size.
From now on a new player only needs to download a maximum of 3GB of data that is automaticly downloaded on logging in.
Not 7,7GB anymore as it has been before.
I hope that makes it easier for you to just step by.
Best whishes,
A few more screenshots for you from the new area. Exciting things are currently in the making, here is a sneak peak:
More things will come and interesting Systems are in tha making.
Best whishes,
I failed ...
What is it?
This, granted, a bit overdramatic title, is a working title for an upcoming PW - Project that is deeply in development.
It consists of the remains of the project and team.
Though we have yet not much to talk about and show, some of the previous screenshots about what you can expect to come up.
As with cormanthor before we thrive for high quality and design that has not yet been seen before.
It is considered to be a Persistent roleplay world based in the Forgotten Realms setting.
This time however with a different approach.
This thread will be updated with new information and development process from time to time. So feel free to follow if you like and keep yourself updated!
Project Lead:
- Leaf
- Symmetric
Can I help?
Yes you can, it is not yet fully determined wether or not this is going to be german only, or international.
So it is hard to ask for people with no german understanding to join.
However if you do and want to be part, please step by and talk to us!
We're allways looking for a helping hand or more!
I would love to play on the server, if I were able to understand what was going on and could communicate.
We talked about that possibility, but with NWSync we can't just simply offer 2 different TLK, so this option is not working unfortunately.
I also thought about using an API of a good translation engine, but even that is ... problematic.
Some might recognize it, some won't.
Why Phoenix?
Hey everyone!!
It has been a while since we were able to talk about this Project.
We planned and thought things through and are now deeply in development.
Though we're not ready yet to show any significant progress, I want to talk about the general direction and what the project is actually about.
Now after we closed Cormanthor for various reasons, we analyzied the scenery and what went wrong, where we head into false directions and what we could change.
We also reevaluated the situation, the playerbase and our aimed audience.
We came to the conclusion that the old playerbase of hardcore roleplayers, who don't look for anything else, is very thin. Stuff shifted and actually people want to play their characters, use their weapons and spells.
We heard that, we learned and we will provide that.
*Phoenix was meant metaphorical. We had to burn everything to ashed, to renew the project.*
We are going a different approach now, yet it still remains a roleplay centric environment.
So what does change:
Roleplay and Backstory:
- The Server will play in 5th Edition Neverwinter. After the city has been destroyed, Lord Nasher and his bloodline died and Lord Neverember took over and rebuilt the city. We will play in a yet partly destroyed city which however strives to become a cosmopolitical jewel in the Sword Coast region, probably even succeeding Deepwater?
- Roleplay will continue to be the main aspect of the world and Project. We continue to support it with Gamemasters and administrational help like providing housing and speical Items or political power.
- 5th Edition: While being rightfully controversial, it will give us the freedom of a yet unhappened future we can explore and craft. Older versions have the issue that the future is set in stone and events, like the Spellplague, will happen in a very short timeframe that will limit our storytelling possiblities.
The 5th Edition is playing in the year 1480+ which means 100 years after the cataclysmic events.
- And yes Dragonborn will be playeable!
General Design:
- More PvE and Action stuff: You will be able to hunt monsters, crawl dungeons and search fro treasures and rare materials.
- Crafting will be woven into the whole world with materials to be gatherd from everywhere and some very rare and important ones need a group of people and advetures to retrieve for them being protected by ancient monsters or vile bandits.
- Items will be more accessable and can be found everywhere. Being them magical herbs or Mushrooms thatslightly boost your physical abilities, or a powerfull spell forgotten in an ancient book.
- Monsters, Dungeons and Spawns will be plenty and they will become more and more dangerous the deeper you travel. We want you to be able to have fun and often fun also means to just obliterate a group of goblins with a fireball.
- High Quality areas, features and design is going to stay. As you can see on the provided screenshots we will continue to deliver this kind of quality.
What else:
- Due to the fact that we want to enable more action content, gathering and crafting. We decided to step back a bit from the D&D item philosophy and attribute selection.
We will rebalance stuff and change things to match the idea of **providing seamingless fun without restricting people**. We will therefor make sure balance allows you complete freedom and an easy accessable play through the world.
- D&D 5.0 Rules: This might be a future thing but we will try to bring a few things this edition made well and works great into existence in NWN. This goes hand in hand with some balance changes we're going to do.
- This is something that might happen but requires a lot of changes and content added by Beamdog. But things like new classes with real spellbooks and stuff like that are considered.
- "The new Renderer (TM)" will probably enable us to even further improve graphical output and atmsphere, so this is something we will deffinately explore as overall look and realistic design is a core feature of this pw.
- And many things more. A lot of Details this post is probably not the right to list.
It has been a while sine I updated this post but we have not been idle for that long. In fact we were busy and heavyly working on the project and the server.
The rebuilt has now come to a concusion which I herby want to announce.
We are very happy to tell you that from this day on till the upcoming weekend we're now officially in our "early access" period. That means that beta tests have succuessfully ended and a character wipe has occoured.
Every character that is created from this point on will stay through the launch of the server on this weekend.
Also from this point on the server is now officially in roleplay mode. Which means it is now expected to do roleplaying on this server.
During the next weeks we will continue to fix smaller issues and add missing stuff that we have not yet been able to finish properly. But most of the things are finished and we were eger to open the server up for you guys.
And were thrilled to see you there and play togather!
For more information please visit our website: or our discord server.
You can also find a more detailed thread in the german section:
But enough of the talking!
See you there and have a lot of fun!
Best whishes,
Symmetric and Leaf