Cleric/Thief kits

Going to do a trilogy run on insane difficulty, limiting myself to only reloading if I wipe. Wanting to play a Cleric thief multi and will EEkeeper one of these kits. Any pro tips for the character would be appreciated.
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- Cleric/Thief kits20 votes
- Swashbuckler35.00%
- Priest of Lathander45.00%
- Bounty Hunter20.00%
Post edited by Gladdius on
The swashie offers a lot of synergy imo, but not getting spec in scimitars will be annoying, but you can always just use a speed weapon offhand for an extra apr.
Though I gotta admit, I like the idea of this, it relies on a very long route of dualing to get UAI before you can dual to Cleric and then regain your swashies pips in Scimitars.
@Gladdius, just as an FYI, even by editing the thief kit to swashie in EEkeeper will not let you put points in dualwielding nor in slashing weapons like scimitars. If you want to use that you will have to manually edit the proficiency points every time you level up to simulate the proficiences of a swashie. The C/T base choices override the kit abilities in this case (meaning, the cleric's inability to use slashing weapons and to put more than 1 pip in weapon styles). This is when you multiclass, as per what you wrote in your post.
Boon of Lathander, however, will be available early, add APR and let's you use the standard C/T weapon choices. So my suggestion is to stick to blunt weapons, go for staff if you want to backstab or for maces/flails etc if you want to "flail away" in melee (ho ho ho). Dualwielding with a halforc and all the juice STR enhancing buffs from Cleric will let you negate much of the penalties from dualwielding without proper pips, though I would rather focus on two-handed and focus on quarterstaffs (and switch to a onehanded weapon and shield if/when needed).
Edit: Btw, another FYI - you don't get the HLA's from Swashie (WW) by adding the kit afterwards in Keeper and by going multiclass the ability buffs is "only" +3 (THAC0/damage) by the time you get HLA's ('cept AC). +3 is still good of course.
I'll just use the Priest kit and focus on quarterstaves. Strongest backstabs are a bonus.
And i can possibly even DW flails late.
Cheers mate.
I rolled a 91 (after like a few hundred rerolls) and got:
STR 18
CON 16
DEX 18
WIS 17
INT 11
CHA 12
thanks again everyone
16 CON: 10/10/12/16/11
18 CON: 10/9/12/16/10
With 18 CON you could also use a certain item which is cursed and reduce your CON by -2 without a penalty to HP. But it's not essential in anyway, so don't let this stop you from playing your character as it is.
This is because priestly limits on weapons (cleric or druid) override everything else, no matter what else you dual-class or multi-class it with. Thieves are often at their best with swords and daggers, but a cleric-thief can't use them. EVER. Not even after you get your thief abilities back (if you dual from swashbuckler). If you put proficiency points in them as a swashbuckler, they'll be completely wasted forever when you switch to cleric.
(Hence, also, the fact that Anomen (in BG 2) is short by a couple of weapon proficiencies: according to his backstory, when he was a pure warrior, he fought with the spearmen in the army, so his missing proficiencies are wasted on spears that he can no longer use, now that he has dual-classed to cleric.)
Meanwhile, you can't Backstab with a weapon that isn't suitable for a thief. A fighter-thief can't backstab with a two-handed sword, a cleric-thief can't do it with a mace or morning star... Which pretty much limits you to Clubs if you want to do sneak attacks, since they're pretty much the only 1-handed weapon that can be used by both classes and is suitable for Backstab attacks.
Meanwhile, a Cleric normally CAN wear good armour, and at least has enough HP and a good enough AC to run as a front-line meat shield and take the heat off your fighters, even though he can't fight as well in the front line as some, there's always Draw Upon Holy Might, Holy Power and at a pinch Spiritual Hammer... But, as a Thief, you can't wear the armour if you expect to be able to use your thief skills, and you're also handicapped by thief levels of hit dice alongside the cleric levels. Hence, Tiax and Glint (plain BG:EE and BGEE:SoD respectively) can both be pretty weak. Playing through SoD over the last few weeks, I decided to try out Glint, and one of the hardest things was to keep him alive.
I guess if you actually need to fight, it's clubs and slings, the best shield you can get hold of (at least clerics can use all shields, and shields don't interfere with thief abilities), and try to get hold of the Shadowmaster Armor or The Night's Gift when you can - or a set of elven chain, although that reduces your thief abilities a bit, at least you CAN use them in it - and be a caster-cleric from the back lines when it comes to fighting, except when backstabbing.
If anything, a Druid-Thief would be a nicer multi-class if it was legal (you'd be allowed scimitars to backstab with, at least, and could use darts as well as slings for ranged attacks), but it isn't allowed.
Oh, and hello all, being new and all.