Last Chance to Visit a Classic NWN:EE Server - Server Closing Announcement

It has been running almost 24x7 since 2007, it is one of the most smoothly scripted servers ever made, it is huge with 1337+ areas to explore, and it is closing in less than 30 days [donations failed to keep up with our modest monthly hosting costs, and so we are closing our server].
Direct Connect to our NWN:EE server at, or read all about it on our wiki
or our forum
Argentum Regio is a very D&D style server in a custom setting, and it will close on March 18th 2019. If you have never visited it is worth a look, the systems here dovetail and help bring to life all your favorite classes and races. If you have not visited in a while, come have one last run, save your PCs and say farewell to your old friends.
I am the founder of the server, and, along with Eriniel [our totally awesome Lead Scripter] have been enjoying the building of the server. I greatly enjoyed the scripting, design, writing and DMing that I've done here in the last 12 years (15 really as it was 'in dev' for a while before the debut in 2007). You are all welcome to come see what more than a decade's "labor of love" has created. If you are a first time visitor, be sure to run the tutorial area.
Be well. Game ON!
It has been running almost 24x7 since 2007, it is one of the most smoothly scripted servers ever made, it is huge with 1337+ areas to explore, and it is closing in less than 30 days [donations failed to keep up with our modest monthly hosting costs, and so we are closing our server].
Direct Connect to our NWN:EE server at, or read all about it on our wiki
or our forum
Argentum Regio is a very D&D style server in a custom setting, and it will close on March 18th 2019. If you have never visited it is worth a look, the systems here dovetail and help bring to life all your favorite classes and races. If you have not visited in a while, come have one last run, save your PCs and say farewell to your old friends.
I am the founder of the server, and, along with Eriniel [our totally awesome Lead Scripter] have been enjoying the building of the server. I greatly enjoyed the scripting, design, writing and DMing that I've done here in the last 12 years (15 really as it was 'in dev' for a while before the debut in 2007). You are all welcome to come see what more than a decade's "labor of love" has created. If you are a first time visitor, be sure to run the tutorial area.
Be well. Game ON!
If that doesn't work, Hetzner is a low-cost solution. Our game server and DB server come out to about $12 a month. You could probably get by with a single box which would only cost $6 roughly. They're more than capable of handling 20-30 players (gets a little shaky after that).
While I have some 'spare boxes' laying around, they all need repaired, and I have no money for parts. My bandwidth here at home is pretty much committed, I can't afford a super fast connection, and I do run my television and my 'kitty TV' off the internet, so I have not the bandwidth to spare. More I like that with the leased system, when anything goes wrong, it is fixed fast at no cost to me.
Every couple years I go back to the host and negotiate a better rate or more (useful) hardware, such as RAM. I'm really happy with my hosting arrangement. I'm not a terribly 'trusting soul' so I'd rather stick to professional hosting and will simply close the machine if the resources are not there to keep the lights on.
I really hope you'll find another solution...
Good news! We found a solution (for now) - a few donations and a new hosting deal with a fellow server operator and we've got a stable module for at least several months (long enough to try and build up the playerbase more). It is always a numbers game, you gotta get enough active players to maintain the level of play and the level of donations... when RL draws a few players away and you're close to 'that line' it gets rough.
THANKS to our players, and their kind donations, we're up for now and available for everyone to enjoy.
I hope to see you all on the server sometime soon, you should see what makes this place special (ask for a tour of the tutorial and let's talk games!).
Be well. Game ON!