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[v1.65] Emily, a Half-Elf* Archer for BG:EE + SoD and EET



  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Thanks for the reviews, Caedwyr! :smile:
  • mademan2mademan2 Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2021
    Im probably dumb but I cant find where she is supposed to be, is she in Friendly arm, or Nashkel?
    Never mind, found it on your website :)
  • TwiceTestedTwiceTested Member Posts: 18
    Got an error trying to install after an EET install but I don't know why it didn't work. I can't attached the debug file but I can sent it if that would help. The log says:

    Adding Crossmod between Aura and Emily.
    Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
    loading 1 tra file
    Appending to files ...
    Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
    Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
    WARNING: internal label [33] not found in processed DLG [BDKHALIJ]
    ERROR: COPY_TRANS BDKHALIJ state #33 out of range 0-0, SKIPPED
    ERROR: Cannot process COPY_TRANS (Failure("COPY_TRANS out of range"))
    ERROR: processing COPY_TRANS [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/Emily/dialogue/SoD/X32milyJ.d]: Failure("COPY_TRANS out of range")
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Emily NPC for BG1EE], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 169 files for [EMILY/EMILY.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled 169 files for [EMILY/EMILY.TP2] component 0.
    ERROR: Failure("COPY_TRANS out of range")
    Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-EMILY.DEBUG and look for support at:
    Using Language [English]
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    BDKhaliJ 33 = All those p-p-people, lost to the crusade. How could you allow this, <CHARNAME>?

    Given it says your range is 0-0, do you have Siege of Dragonspear installed? It sounds like BDkhaliJ is missing completely.

    There may be something going on with your dialogue strings.
  • TwiceTestedTwiceTested Member Posts: 18
    Well, I have EET installed, so it's the whole trilogy and I have played all of the separate before. Also, now that I'm playing, Emily showed up, she is the correct class (Arcane Archer/Mage) and has had banters with Imoen so far. Not sure if I'll find further errors and hope it doesn't hit a crash bug later.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Well, if she did get installed, everything is fine then.

    But that is what that error means if you see it in the future, that either the wrong internal label was used by the modder, or the user is missing a dialogue file.
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    Hi @Skitia, something strange happened in this romance playthrough of mine. So Emily and my male CHARNAME was having a nice relationship in SOD (X32MILYROMANCEACTIVE = 2), and we got to DS Castle after the Dead Man Pass parley, and was going to initiate the assault, when Emily initiated this conversation on what's life after, and that she wanted to return to Tethyr, and all that.

    I responded positively in everything, then she suddenly told me that I was mistaken about our relationship, and the romance just ended like that....I checked the variables and X32MILYROMANCEACTIVE went to 3 immediately after the conversation.

    Did I do something wrong, or was this intended all along?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited June 2021
    X32MILYROMANCEACTIVE = 2 and not X32MILYROMANCEACTIVE = 1 at that conversation would be weird. The only line that sets it to 2 is in that conversation you mentioned. I'm wondering if you meant 1. If it was would have gotten the "I don't like you that way line" because it checks for 1. I would just shift it to 1 and load before the conversation and all will be fixed.

    (Or if you can't, set X32MILYROMANCEACTIVE = 1, and then set Global("X32milyTalk","GLOBAL",10) and then initiate a conversation with Emily manually)

    Regardless, I'll put a walkthrough for the conversation in spoilers, you can recognize the lines that happened and conclude if it was set to 2 too early somehow and fixable by setting it to 1, or if you did something wrong. I did a very quick minor update to change one of the dialogue paths to be a successful romance as noted below, but the rest is as it is in your version.
    "I am curious, Protagonist. Any plans after this is over?"
    1: "Why do you ask?" - (Go To Talk5.Ask)
    2: "I've not thought that far ahead." - (Go To Talk5.Ask)
    3: "Traveling, probably." - (Go To Talk5.Ask)
    4: "Oh, I definitely have plans." - (Go To Talk5.Plans)
    5: "This isn't the time for a chat, Emily." (Romance will never succeed at this point)

    "Oh? What do they entail?"
    1: Traveling, definitely. Maybe finding another adventure. There's so much to see out there. (Go To Talk5.Ask)
    2: Settling in the biggest home that money can buy. Stunning view, and personal guards. The life of luxury." (Go To Talk5.Ask)
    3: "I was thinking of...following along with you." (Go To Talk5.Bravo)
    4: "Maybe being a mercenary. I enjoy this work." (Go To Talk5.Ask)

    "Well, as you might remember, when this is over I plan to head home, to Tethyr. It could be a mere matter of months before Father makes his decision, and I need to gather support."
    "I thought...maybe you would want to go with me. Unless you really want to stick with your plans and make your own way?"
    1: "I would love to" (Go to Talk5.Continue)
    2: I don't know. Let's talk about it afterwards." (Go to Talk5.Decision)
    3: "I'm not interested." (Romance will never succeed at this point)

    "Oh, I'm smiling like an idiot. You actually want to go with me? I planned on going home to Tethyr. There is father's heir decision, and gathering support for it to do."
    "Are you sure that's what you want?"
    1: "I would love to" (Go to Talk5.Continue)
    2: I don't know. Let's talk about it afterwards." (Go to Talk5.Decision)
    3: "I'm not interested." (Romance will never succeed at this point)

    "Oh, thank you! Oh, let me hug you! I never thought I'd forge such bonds so far away from home...and I like our relationship!"
    1: "Relationship. I like the sound of that." (Go To Talk5.Excited)
    2: "I enjoy our friendship too." + (Go To Talk5.I)
    3: "Okay, no need for the hugging! I'm not comfortable with that." (Go To Talk5.XHug)
    4: "All right, enough of that. We've got work to do." (Breaks Romance)

    "Sorry. I might have gotten a bit emotional."
    1: "It's okay. I care about you. I think more than just as a friend." + Talk5.E
    2: "That's okay. You're a good friend." (Romance will never succeed at this point)
    3: "All right, enough of that. We've got work to do." (Breaks Romance)

    "Oh, of course. It is a bit of decision. It's just I never thought I'd forge such bonds so far away from home...and I like our relationship!"
    1: "Relationship. I like the sound of that." (Go To Talk5.Excited)
    2: "I enjoy our friendship too." (Breaks Romance)
    3: "All right, enough talk. We've got work to do." (Breaks Romance)

    "I w- wait? You mean...Oh, how do I say this without making it awkward?"
    1: If Variable at 1 and Human, Go To Talk5.F
    2: If Variable at 1 and Not Human, Go To Talk5.G
    3: Else RomanceBreaks (You were probably female, evil, or have low reputation...or set a variable to 2 too early)

    "I...think you are wonderful. Really. But I come from a family with expectations of me. It's bad enough I'm not human and I have to hide the ears around them."
    "I'd love to be more, but my family, and the other nobles would judge you for your race and class, and the entire point for going home would probably be ruined by that judgment."
    1: "Does their opinion really outweigh how we feel? I didn't think such things mattered to you." (Go To Talk5.H)
    2: "I...I see. So this isn't possible?~" (Romance will never succeed at this point. Adjusted in update to go to Talk5.H)
    3: "I understand. Perhaps friendship is best." (RomanceBreaks)
    4: "I was joking. I didn't mean it seriously." (RomanceBreaks)

    "I...think you are wonderful. Really. But I come from a family with expectations of me. It's bad enough I'm not human and I have to hide the points of my ears around them."
    "I'd love to be more, but my family, and the other nobles would judge you for your class, and the entire point for going home would probably be ruined by that judgment."
    1: "Does their opinion really outweigh how we feel? I didn't think such things mattered to you." (Go To Talk5.H)
    2: "I...I see. So this isn't possible?" (Go To Talk5.H)
    3: "I understand. Perhaps friendship is best." (RomanceBreaks)
    4: "I was joking. I didn't mean it seriously." (RomanceBreaks)

    "I don't know. Should affection outweigh our duty? If there wasn't the aura of my brother doing terrible things with the power of being the chosen of my father, or if it was hopeless to contest, I wouldn't care."
    "I would hold you now, and just enjoy the moment. But I know there's goodness I can do if I don't throw it away. It's not fair but..."
    1: "At least consider it. Think it over." (Variable Gets Set to 2)
    2: "I'm a bit saddened. But if it must be this way, there's nothing I can do, even if I want you." (Variable Gets Set to 2)
    3: "I understand. Perhaps friendship is best." (RomanceBreaks)
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    edited June 2021
    Thanks @Skitia!

    Basically, I got to Talk 5.Continue, selected Option 1, and it just broke at Talk 5.Excited. I never got the rest of the talks, as Emily told me that I was mistaken about our relationship. The next conversation I had was when I entered Avernus.

    I did it manually, and managed to complete the romance properly this time! Damn, she just left like that??? Gotta slap her angelic bottom properly when I pick her up again in BG2EE......
    Post edited by Shirak on
  • teodar1teodar1 Member Posts: 17
    Hi, so is there bg2 and or tob content for Emiliy and Viexnay?
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2021
    Hi @Skitia, I started my first ever playthrough of Baldur's Gate EE and got this mod because I've heard such good things about it! I think I'm a bit bugged though as Emily's journal conversation isn't triggering. I read through this topic and there is a variable for BookTalk, but using the console can't find it and I don't see it listed in EEKeeper either. Of course, I might just be missing something obvious.

    I've had the journal for in-game months now, I'm in chapter 7, and we've had the fletching talk. My X3milytimer is at 2150367, x3milytalk is at 10, and x3milysixthtalk is at 1. The craft talk variable is at 2. Any help would be appreciated!

    Oh, and my journal says Emily's Tale quest is still open, and it wants me to go to the inn in the southeast since the other one didn't have many elves come through. But I already went there, had the conversation, and got the journal.
    Post edited by ArcaneMagic24 on
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited July 2021
    X3mily Talk needs to be at 11 for it to trigger the series of book talks afterwards. Since it is at 10, it is easily fixed by just initiating player dialogue with her, since it was supposed to fire anyway.
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    Skitia wrote: »
    X3mily Talk needs to be at 11 for it to trigger the series of book talks afterwards. Since it is at 10, it is easily fixed by just initiating player dialogue with her, since it was supposed to fire anyway.

    How do I initiate dialogue with her? Also, thank you for the quick response!
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2021


    My mind has been blown. Okay I need to talk to like...everyone. Will let you know if I still have problems. Thank you!

    Edit 1: It looks like it reset Emily's Tale progress, the quest changed to going back to looking at the first Inn. Not talking to her at all seems like it messed up the quest a bit, I hope it won't make a difference.

    Edit 2: X3milyTalk is now at 11. However, X3milytimer is at 2841908 and X3milyQuestStart changed from 1 to 2. I'm going to manually set both to 1 and see how it goes.

    Edit 3: Ok. I started from a fresh save with it at 10 before I did any modding. I set the QuestStart variable to 2 so she didn't bug the quest by setting it to go to the start. Then I kept talking to her and exhausted all conversation options. Finally, I had to go to Ulgoth's Beard and rest there for her book talk to finally trigger. I rested at inns and at random locations without triggering it, it just had to be at that town for some reason. She told me of the first part of the diary and how she'll keep reading it. I hope, finally, I'm back on track.

    Edit 4: Success. Got all the entries and finished the quest.
    Post edited by ArcaneMagic24 on
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    The book talk IIRC triggers requires a rest + some time to pass + an okay location (I think outdoors and not a dungeon) so that was probably why Ulgoth's worked. Glad you got it solved!
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    Skitia wrote: »
    The book talk IIRC triggers requires a rest + some time to pass + an okay location (I think outdoors and not a dungeon) so that was probably why Ulgoth's worked. Glad you got it solved!

    The thing is though, I rested at an inn multiple times then traveled to some other random outdoors maps (the ones between major locations) and rested there multiple times to try and trigger it. I would have thought multiple days would have met any time requirement, but maybe it was just a coincidence that my travel and rest at Ulgoth's worked.

    That said, I finished BG1 and am on SoD now. Other than some minor typos (which I wish I jotted down beforehand - didn't expect I'd ever be posting on here) it was fun having Emily with me for the whole campaign! I will post any typos I find during SoD if you still make occasional updates though.

    Here's the first - happens when Emily asks about if your bloodline is annoying. "I am. By tradition, the eldest son AM selected, and in some eyes, so long as my father accepts me, his silly need to hide details about myself doesn't matter." The word "am" should be "is".

    Also, maybe I'm just overthinking things (it is 3 in the morning), but Emily says son like it should be the eldest male child. If the gender of the child doesn't matter, it may be better to just say "the eldest child".
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Thanks for catching that (Both the is and son not being child.), I'll correct that in the next update.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited July 2021
    If we're fixing typos - should have Gate capitalized (and maybe it should be I'm not heading instead of the passive term).

    Question - how would you react if I'd try to clean up the voiceset of Emily's in a PR? There are popping and other technical issues in some of the lines and it takes away from the otherwise-solid performance of the voice actress.
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2021
    If we're fixing typos - should have Gate capitalized (and maybe it should be I'm not heading instead of the passive term).

    Question - how would you react if I'd try to clean up the voiceset of Emily's in a PR? There are popping and other technical issues in some of the lines and it takes away from the otherwise-solid performance of the voice actress.

    I noticed that too - especially with the "Is there something you need?" line, it pops in a bit loud.

    Next typo: One of the responses in the conversation where Emily says she expected more planar hunters:

    "I ca't promise anything. There is always the risk." Missing the n there in can't.

    One other question - does Emily follow the "one romance rule" of SoD? Or could you romance both her and a vanilla character?
    Post edited by ArcaneMagic24 on
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    If we're fixing typos - should have Gate capitalized (and maybe it should be I'm not heading instead of the passive term).

    Question - how would you react if I'd try to clean up the voiceset of Emily's in a PR? There are popping and other technical issues in some of the lines and it takes away from the otherwise-solid performance of the voice actress.


    That would be nice! That was one issue I noticed with all of my non-custom made audio (Which is all but one at the moment.). I'd like to give the rest original voice sets at some point that are tailor made to their personality.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    I've started filing PRs and during reviewing the state of the files, I've noticed something and I have a question.

    Have you considered throwing in absolute minimum lines to your mission NPCs? Due to the fact that all their CREs are emptied out regarding voices, they can die silently and such. I would suggest to just assign the minimum of the default PC soundsets to them as a polish (BGEE did this, Seniyad and whatever other dialogued bandit in the initial Dorn encounter also use the default PC soundsets for dying/damage/battlecry) and willing to help on that as well, but I didn't wanted to propose anything without asking. (Haven't looked at the BG2 mod yet or the other BG1 companion mods if they are also affected, probably yes, and sure I'll get to them as well.. sloooowly).
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    About to move on to BG2. The only remaining typo I found with Emily in Siege of Dragonspear - when you're in the last battle and convince a certain person to help you fight so they are redeemed, Emily says something like "he trusts you and so do I". The He at the beginning needs to be capitalized. Not sure if the issue exists if you're playing a female.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited July 2021
    Are your BG1EE mods also EET compatible? I know many BG1 mods not formally EET compatible will work on EET if installed pre-EET, but this question is whether they can be installed safely after EET.

    (I noticed that Emily is EET compatible. What about your other mods?)
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    They are compatible, I tested by installing EET myself first and then the mods afterwards.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Alleluia! Thankee!
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited July 2021
    The real question however - are they continuous (would their XP, skills and spells be transferred between BG/SoD/BG2)? AFAIK a good amount of compatible mods aren't.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited July 2021
    It is scripted to work that way, BG to SoD works for sure. I'm less sure of SoD to BG2, it's not scripted to remove any items, spells, or xp, but I have never played EET at that point to test the script designed for it.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited July 2021
    One bug in EET I've just noticed.

    During the BG1 section, when both Emily and Sirene are in the party, Emily brings up her SoD opinion on Sirene that she's better than Caelar. I'm not sure if that's intended.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    I'll take a look at that one, though to make sure it's mine and not Sirene, is Emily installed before or after Sirene? If after it's probably mine.
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