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[v1.66] Vienxay, a Elven Shadowmage NPC for BG:EE + SoD and EET



  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited February 2021
    Do you know what the line is that she says? I'll need to find it, as I'm not sure what hero talk refers to.

    Edit: I think I found what you mean, as I see one of the variables is a mismatch. Uploaded a fix.

  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Skitia wrote: »
    Do you know what the line is that she says? I'll need to find it, as I'm not sure what hero talk refers to.

    it's the one where she is complaining about helping every peasant we see. and how it's delaying our goals whitch is i assume the high rep talk.

    and then she talks about how people will betray you and i ask why she has not back stabbed me.

    and this has looped since i hit i wanna say 17 rep.

    i also have the npcs complain about rep and never leave option on in the tweak pack. not sure if thats a factor.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited February 2021
    Okay, I got the right one, then.

    Incremented the version # to 1.62, if you download this version, it should fix the issue (Though it will occur one more time, probably, then close the loop)

    Alternatively, type in C:SetGlobal("X3VienRepTalk","GLOBAL",2) if you don't want to redownload anything.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    that fixed it. thank you.
  • SulfSulf Member Posts: 3
    This mod along with your other NPCs are great fun! I'm currently going through an EET run with Vienxay and Kale, and have finished everyone's BG1 quests except Helga (who I regretfully failed to install).

    Vienxay's flavor of arrogance is fun to behold, and though she's an evil character I've felt she shines best when surrounded by those of good to neutral inclinations she finds disagreeable. Her banter with Alora for example genuinely made me laugh.

    I do want to write my experiences with and opinions of everyone later when I'm done with both games, especially Kale's camaraderie with charname and the way he plays off others. I wasn't sure what to expect from him at first but that was quickly set straight.

    The reason I posted this here in Vienxay's thread though is to ask a question about a dialogue bug or two. I'm using the EE mod setup tool with a huge jumble of other mods, so I'm hesitant to report any bugs here if I find them as they could just be borne from having this tool do the heavy lifting. There are two though that I've found in Vienxay's and Emily's PIDs that refer to unrelated dialogue like so:


    ... alongside Emily's quest encounter requiring me to
    Ctrl+Y Rodwyn and talk to the NPC who is supposed to kill him(?) They do not become hostile or start a cutscene when spawned in. Talking to Rodwyn again goes through the dialogue once more, and spawns clones of his would-be murderers.

    I have other negligible bugs here and there in my install, so again I'm hesitant to really report anything as I don't want to waste your time.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited March 2021
    Lol at the wrong string references I did in the first screenshot, I've fixed those! Thanks for reporting it.
    For the second report, what happened that made you need to ctrl Y him? He dies via script IIRC depending on the quest outcome so doing that would break the quest (Not sure why they spawned in at all if he was dead. I'll need to know what broke before the ctrl Y. I have a playthrough at this quest point I can test this with, just need to know what conditions I need to mimic.
    Post edited by Skitia on
  • SulfSulf Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2021
    For the quest encounter:
    The Planar Hunter leader that spawns in behind Rodwyn after the cutscene does not kill him. Talking to the Planar Hunter Leader gives me dialogue as if Rodwyn dies, so at first I just did the battle like normal as they turn hostile.

    Talking to Rodwyn after the fact however gives me the initial dialogue and spawns them in again. I can keep talking to Rodwyn and spawn in as many enemies as I wish like so:


    My solution was to Ctrl-Y Rodwyn before talking to the Planar Hunter Leader as I suspected that's what was supposed to happen. Perhaps I'm simply impatient and just needed to wait, but after the cutscene everyone just stands around so I could only initiate myself as above.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Hrm, I'm guessing the cutscene doesn't fire, that has a Kill("X3Rodwyn") script in it. I'll have to see if that happens to me.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited March 2021
    I'm going to reupload the cutscene file *just* in case, but in my version he definitely is force-killed. Not having any luck replicating it.
  • SulfSulf Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2021
    I'm gonna assume it was something wrong with my install, there's definitely other unrelated things I'm seeing that are off like "no valid replies" in a few unrelated (inconsequential) dialogue with NPCs. Luckily I could count those on one hand. I'm currently progressing to BG2 and will give a heads up if I run into any show stoppers in that mod thread.
  • W_GorionsonW_Gorionson Member Posts: 15
    Sorry if this has been answered before, but I'm not finding her outside the Friendly Arms Inn in Chapter 1. Does she appear later or do I not see her because my main character is neutral good? Thanks!
  • W_GorionsonW_Gorionson Member Posts: 15
    Hi, I figured it out. I needed to go back to a save before I entered the Friendly Arms Inn area.
  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    I recently completed a playthrough of BG1 with my game book club and Viexnay as well as all of your mods were very well received.

    Recorder, Helga, Vienxay, Kale, Emily NPCs: Skitia's BG1 NPCs and very high in quality. No one took one of these NPCs with them for their final party, but I think everyone took at least some of Skitia's NPCs part of the way through the story. Except Emily. Two people took Emily and really liked her. Very much worth it even if you don't plan on taking them, for the little sidequests and texture to the world. These are going on every install of mine in the future.
  • mademan2mademan2 Member Posts: 54
    Sulf wrote: »
    This mod along with your other NPCs are great fun! I'm currently going through an EET run with Vienxay and Kale, and have finished everyone's BG1 quests except Helga (who I regretfully failed to install).

    Vienxay's flavor of arrogance is fun to behold, and though she's an evil character I've felt she shines best when surrounded by those of good to neutral inclinations she finds disagreeable. Her banter with Alora for example genuinely made me laugh.

    I do want to write my experiences with and opinions of everyone later when I'm done with both games, especially Kale's camaraderie with charname and the way he plays off others. I wasn't sure what to expect from him at first but that was quickly set straight.

    The reason I posted this here in Vienxay's thread though is to ask a question about a dialogue bug or two. I'm using the EE mod setup tool with a huge jumble of other mods, so I'm hesitant to report any bugs here if I find them as they could just be borne from having this tool do the heavy lifting. There are two though that I've found in Vienxay's and Emily's PIDs that refer to unrelated dialogue like so:


    ... alongside Emily's quest encounter requiring me to
    Ctrl+Y Rodwyn and talk to the NPC who is supposed to kill him(?) They do not become hostile or start a cutscene when spawned in. Talking to Rodwyn again goes through the dialogue once more, and spawns clones of his would-be murderers.

    I have other negligible bugs here and there in my install, so again I'm hesitant to really report anything as I don't want to waste your time.

    I have the same issue, many of the conversation options seem to be either wrongly placed or fire off different answer than they should. When I ask her if she could teach me something about stealth she says random sentences about her master for example and when talking about her family and how she is more like her mother my answers didnt align at all with what we were talking about.
    I also installed many of my mods through the EE mod setup.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    I fixed all of the above, but I'll check some of the conversations when I do another BG2 playthrough with Vienxay. I wouldn't be suprised that I missed some broken dialogue with how I navigated the branches versus how another player did when I did my past testing.
  • mademan2mademan2 Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2021
    Skitia wrote: »
    I fixed all of the above, but I'll check some of the conversations when I do another BG2 playthrough with Vienxay. I wouldn't be suprised that I missed some broken dialogue with how I navigated the branches versus how another player did when I did my past testing.

    You are the best. :)
  • IzendrilIzendril Member Posts: 9

    I can't manage to have this mod working with others (e.g. Shadow Magic or Might and Guile for examples).

    The tweaks and class changes from these mods are inconsistent or impossible. When I uninstall Vienxay, things go back to normal. I tried several install orders, and still the same.

    Any insight?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Not sure what you mean, is it an error message or some bug that is occurring when you have them installed? Off the top of my ahead, it could be a difference in fl#add_kit_ee or qd_multiclass that need to be replaced with latest (either mine is out of date or theirs), but I need more info.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Hi @Skitia , I've recently started a new BG and decided to try Vienxay, Helga and Kale (no Recorder or Emily because I needed room for Imoen and Dorn), and I'm really loving it. They're all well written and you've choseb great soundsets and theme tracks for them. Thank you for your contribution, I'm looking forward to moving on to BG2 along with them.

    My only suggestion would be more banters, I've seen Helga banter with Dorn, yet no banters with Imoen so far.

    I've got a question about your BG2 mod but it might be more pertinent to leave it at the appropriate topic, cheers!
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Helga has two Imoen Banters! Though I can make sure that they work for you. :)
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Oh, I'd like to report a Typo: When you ask Vienxay "what do you think about our companions",among the available options it is written Recorder instead of Helga, though if you click on it she does talk about Helga.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 729
    edited January 2022
    hi, I'm currently trying Vienxay with a main character Shadow Monk from Shadow Magic mod, Viconia, Shar-Teel, Kagain and Baeloth.

    One of the banters between Baeloth and Vienxay puzzles me a little.
    The Vienxay's line "There are not many of us..." seems to be a reply to Vienxay's line "Your power is not what I expected for an elf." Maybe it was meaned to be said by Baeloth instead of Vienxay ?
    Also, there seems to be some lines missing between the "What's stopping you ?" and "Your power..." lines.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Thanks, it's a string assignment error. I've just fixed it.

    Since it's minor, I'll just post the actual lines so you don't have to redownload it.
    (Both Vienxay lines.)
    @3 = ~I've no desire to listen to the complaining of <CHARNAME>. And your magic is undeniable useful for the party, for now.~
    @4 = ~When that ceases to be however, I may fulfill your wish.~

    Updated Vienxay to 1.63
    -Fixed string assignment error with Baeloth Banter.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 729
    Thank you. :smiley:

    It's sometimes difficult to manage a party with three elves thinking themselves so much better than anyone else. :D
  • ffrraacceekkffrraacceekk Member Posts: 2

    Quick question - I decided to play SoD as a female character this time and wanted to check something in global values. To my surprise, the romance with Vienxay seems to be active and match is set to 1 even though she is supposed to just romance male characters. Is this a bug perhaps? Or maybe the values change later in the game? Here is a screenshot:


  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited January 2022
    I changed it to allow both at some point, if there's somewhere that it says male only, that's me forgetting to update the text. I changed it when I made Emily's restricted to male only as I didn't want all of them to be super restrictive.
  • Wutan1988Wutan1988 Member Posts: 131
    Hiho :)

    I have two Question due to having an transitional Encounter changing Maps (which happens every time) my Reputation increases to 19 and shortly after Vienxay leaves the Group.

    1. To lower my Rep first, i told her to meet me at the Second Floor of the Friendly Arm but i can't find her there. Where is she supposed to be there? In the room east of Landrin by any chance maybe??? I have the feeling maybe one of my other NPC Mods (Verr'Sza) might have overwritten her spawn point there??

    2. Is there a Conversation Path to prevent her from leaving the Group when Reputation exceeds 18 during her Banter not to help every Commoner???
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited January 2022

    Sorry, the dialogue lies, she is over here. I'll update the placement and line in the next update to be a few inches away from where she originally spawns.

    She's not supposed to leave the group, but a bug means that if she dies she loses the "ignore reputation" immunity she has. I updated this just now so that Vienxay will have it preserved even through death, but it will probably not impact current Vienxay, so you'll have to be careful with the reputation stuff. Beyond a conversation complaining about high reputation well before 19, she'll stick around. But native core gamescripts kick out any companion when you get too high/low unless the ignore effect is on.
  • Wutan1988Wutan1988 Member Posts: 131
    Nice :)
    Thank you very much for your help and already updating it as well. You are very quick.
    I should have looked a bit more around :smiley:

    That's no problem cause i have the Bardic Reputation Adjustment Component installed. Yeah she died once when i came in Crossfire of some Hobgoblins and since i play a Minimal Reload i took her to the Temple to get her revived. Kind of torn if i should even do a Minimal Reload Run atm. cause i still have a lot of NPCs to test out and check out all the Romances.

    Thank you very much :)
  • Wutan1988Wutan1988 Member Posts: 131
    edited February 2022
    Hi Skitia,

    I had Baeloth in my Party and Vienxay fired of her Conversation about leaving the party immedietaly after Recruting him. One of the possible Answers appears multiple Times. I post a Screenshot.

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