Final fight with Seravok(sp?)

I have been wiped numerous times fighting the big S. Should I focus on just him and forget about the lackeys? When the fight starts something is cast on my characters. I don't know what it is but half my party is out I can't select them or do anything with them. Usually Khalid dies leaving Ajantis to tank him with very little backup. Alora stays available to snipe them but even she gets whacked. Even my main character gets screwed with where I can't launch spells. Is he silenced? Branwen is useless too as she is stopped and can't cast spells. Serevok and his buddies now have an easy task in defeating the party.
Thoughts, advice?
Thoughts, advice?
You can counteract Silence either by casting Vocalize or by making your saves (the aforementioned PoI and PoMS help with that).