Easy way to kill Thaxll'ssillyia (no mods).

Looks like I found one fun and easy method (no mods) to kill the Shadow Dragon Thaxll'ssillyia by group, namely:
PS Also, you can kill the black dragon Nizidramanii'yt almost by the same way, but you need to protect yours heroic 'jelly' from acid (spell or green scrolls).
PPS I left a similar comment on the wiki - as in that article a lot of nonsense (namely about acid) is written.
* Mustard Jelly is immune to Level Drain, Blindness, Fear and piercing damage - all main attacks of the Thaxll'ssillyia. Use any healing potions to compensate a Wing Buffet damage.
**Before fight a LOW level (at 9-10 lvl) cleric may cast 'Magic Resistance' spell on a Shadow Dragon - its lowers both magic resistance of a dragon and numbers of usage of 'Lower Resistance' spell (to 1).
- one character must turns into Mustard Jelly * (using the 'Polymorph Self' spell or Cloak of the Sewers item) and attacks the dragon in melee range;
- arcane casters of a group must cast 'Lower Resistance' spell (2 to 3 times) on a dragon**;
- everyone in group, who can cast 'Magic Missile' - must casts it on a dragon. Ususally 10 casts of max level 'Magic Missiles' should be enough.
PS Also, you can kill the black dragon Nizidramanii'yt almost by the same way, but you need to protect yours heroic 'jelly' from acid (spell or green scrolls).
PPS I left a similar comment on the wiki - as in that article a lot of nonsense (namely about acid) is written.
* Mustard Jelly is immune to Level Drain, Blindness, Fear and piercing damage - all main attacks of the Thaxll'ssillyia. Use any healing potions to compensate a Wing Buffet damage.
**Before fight a LOW level (at 9-10 lvl) cleric may cast 'Magic Resistance' spell on a Shadow Dragon - its lowers both magic resistance of a dragon and numbers of usage of 'Lower Resistance' spell (to 1).
1) Get the shadow ward
2) Fill the places with traps
3) Rest
4) Repeat step 2.
5) Offend the dragon's mom to make him go hostile.
6) Profit.
Yes, its possible by that way, but my method is relatively 'honest' and more 'spectacular'
Edit: And may be implemented at earlier levels (NB! after all, you may place only 7 traps on one map/area).
Edit#2: Spelling errors
for some weird reason the new patch made it so when dragon's get blinded they cannot see past their own 2 feet and just stand there taking it, so if you want to win against the dread beasts all you need to do is:
cast lower resistance or pierce magic ( twice if you can )
cast greater malison ( for the extra kick in the pants )
and then cast the all mighty level 1 spell blindness ( better yet if its minor spell sequenced )
and if blindness connects, its game over for dragon san, they will literally just stand there and do nothing, while you pull your pants down and moon them, make silly faces at them, ect, ect...
All dragons have a rather strange melee weapon - it has a length of 3 (a usual two-handed weapon has a length of 2), may be due to size of the dragon sprite. On the one hand, this makes the dragon immune to damage of arcane red/blue shields and on the other hand, in the case of blindness it prevents him from attacking the player’s characters.
In any case, my method is more safer - it does not include any 'twists of luck' (saving throws)
But my method is a new word in dragonslaying buisness! I recommend this (especially for no-reloaders). Trouble-free method to fight the special one (maximum two) dragon! Ask at all Faerun pharmacies!
Use on health and do not take it all very seriously!
In general, girls and boys, I created this topic only as a 'curious thing'. Just think about it - a jelly (albeit mustard) tanking a shadow dragon! Its funny. However, it is even funnier when a rat acts as a tank, and Demogorgon (its avatar more precisely) acts as its victim.
Caution! You can easily die by laughing while looking at that 'Battle of Ages'
by the looks of it, it just has the MR, and can still be effected by any of those status ailments
I don’t understand what comrade Pan Nunnyabidness wrote about and what Anders Svensson and his colleagues corrected in 2.6 patch, but at the moment in the game (ver Mustard jelly (spell and cloak) is immune to everything listed in that bugreport (#35228). Checked by Nearinfinity programm and in-game (ver by me. But you may checked this by yourself.
Mustard jelly even without its MR (by multiple casts of 'Lower Resistance') immune to: stun, sleep, fear, poison, petrification, confusion, charm, paralysis, level drain and poison.
P.S. By the way: the breath of a shadow dragon FULLY IGNORE magical resistance.
Other shadow dragon example.
Good joke, I approve!
Confused is my baseline. Looking forward to trying out the mustard jelly tricks, the cloak of sewers silliness, and bashing heads with...Aerie, queen of cheese?
So I am sorry for misinformation, I'm not on purpose
I laughed straight to tears! Thanks guys, I always happy to communicate with people with a sense of humor!
Ah HA! I knew I'd seen it mentioned somewhere.