Romance, lifespan and ascension

It feels weird as a human pc to date Aerie and it never comes up that she may live ten times longer than him, and especially that this never comes up in the context of whether to ascend or not. It feels as if the PC will be a bit mugged by staying mortal, he’ll be dead before she hits middle age. Likewise with Viconia, though different ending noted, and somewhat with Jaheira. If PC is an elf, staying mortal and with love interest seems to make much more sense. I appreciate that conversations about lifespan would have been hard to build in due to the number of variables but it seems such a major issue that I end up having to headcannon discussions about it where there is a huge difference. Is this just me? Do any mods address it?
I have always missed an option for a delayed ascension, and so that is basically what I try to headcanon into the story. Live out your life with your loved one, and then go rampage through the planes as a young God.
Are there methods in 2nd edition to increase the lifespan (with epic level mage or cleric)?
Well, if you both become liches . . . problem solved?
Well, to human being 5 or 10 years in a relationship ain't a lifetime but it happens to most people , and if it was someone you really loved it would mark us for the experience , in fact one might even have a child from such a relationship. In fantasy terms, to you it might be your whole life ,but an elf would love you for your lifetime and then , as should we all, move on .
I don't have those books.
I'm glad I don't have those books. Just the very description of it sounds weird.
In Salvatore's defense, WotC forced him to write in the Spellplague and kill off characters. He did the reincarnation thing as a backdoor to keep them around.
I agree.